German coup attempt, a warning to UK workers as the Tories ready the military to break strikes!


TWENTY-FIVE people have been arrested in raids across Germany on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government.

The group of fascists and far right military figures planned to mimic Hitler by storming the parliament building, the Reichstag, and seizing power.

The ringleaders have now been arrested across 11 German states. An estimated 50 men and women are alleged to have been part of the group, said to have plotted to overthrow the republic and replace it with a new state called the Second Reich.

Three thousand officers took part in 130 raids across much of the country, with two people arrested in Austria and Italy. Those detained were due to be questioned later in the day.

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann tweeted that a major anti-terror operation was taking place and a suspected ‘armed attack on constitutional bodies was planned’. The federal prosecutor’s office said the group had been plotting a violent coup since November 2021 and members of its central ‘Rat’ (council) had since held regular meetings.

They had already established plans to rule Germany with departments covering health, justice and foreign affairs, the prosecutor said. Members understood they could only realise their goals by ‘military means and violence against state representatives’ which included carrying out killings.

The latest plot is also said to have involved a former far-right AfD member of the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, who was lined up to be installed as the group’s justice minister.

There were plans for a military arm and active and former members of the military were a significant part of the coup plot, reports said. They included ex-elite soldiers from special units. The aim of the military arm was to eliminate democratic bodies at local level, prosecutors said. One of those under investigation is a member of the Special Commando Forces, and police searched his home and his room at the Graf-Zeppelin military base in Calw, south-west of Stuttgart.

In a continent now gripped by massive inflation and heavily involved in the Ukraine war to try and remove President Putin, there is already a pro-Mussolini regime in Italy, while in the UK workers are being told that they should be proud to shoulder a massive inflation and going cold in the winter in an effort to try and remove the Russian leader, and take back Russia.

In fact in the UK ruling class there is now a massive lack of confidence in the Tory government’s policies and its ability to force the working class to starve and freeze for the benefit of the British ruling class.

Yesterday’s Daily Telegraph declared in its centre pages: ‘Why would the young and the ambitious want to stay in Tory Socialist Britain.’ The Telegraph considers that the Tories cannot do the job and are socialists.

In fact health and defence officials are drawing up a contingency strategy for military intervention as ambulance drivers and paramedics prepare to join nurses on the picket lines in the coming months, and hundreds of thousands of TUC workers fight desperately for a living wage.

This strategy would utilise the military to aid the civil authorities protocol (Maca) to keep key services in the NHS running during major walkouts, and to break rail and bus disputes.

Maca was used during the coronavirus pandemic to help struggling health staff with vaccines, testing and the delivery of protective equipment, but today it will be used for the military to break strikes for the bankers and bosses.

The bosses and their capitalist state apparatus know that the working class will not give up its right to strike to let inflation destroy the working class.

The army will be used as strike breakers, and there will be police raids on ‘subversive’ pro-strike movements.

The working class will not allow its Welfare State to be assaulted and destroyed by the Tories with the support of the corrupt capitalist state police forces.

There is only one policy for this situation.

The moment that the first troops break a strike, or a picket line, the whole working class must stop in a general strike to bring down the Tories, smash the corrupt capitalist state to go forward to workers’ power and a planned socialist economy to satisfy all of the needs of the working class and youth!