‘We’re tired of annual pay cuts!’

London marchers made clear their contempt for the government’s 1% ‘pay offer’
London marchers made clear their contempt for the government’s 1% ‘pay offer’

TWO million public sector workers took one-day strike action yesterday, against pay cuts and government attacks on pensions.

There were rallies, and protests all round the country, with picket lines outside Town Halls, schools, and fire stations set up by trade unionists determined to defeat the Tory attacks.

In London, more than 20,000 striking workers marched from BBC Broadcasting House near Oxford Circus to a rally in Trafalgar Square.

On the march, Dave Shek, North West London FBU Secretary who works at Northholt Fire Station told News Line: ‘We’ve been taking pay cuts every year, while the politicians have been giving themselves 11%. It’s farcical that they think they can get away with it.

‘I am 100% behind the Young Socialists march on the TUC to demand an-all out General Strike to kick this government out.

‘Hopefully, today will spur other unions to get involved and come out with us, because the way we are being treated is disgraceful. All the public services are being cut to shreds. Now they are privatising the NHS. They should hang their heads in shame because the NHS is the best thing we have ever achieved.’

At the rally in Trafalgar Square, Philippa Hardy, NUT Senior Vice President, said: ‘We are not prepared to accept the attacks from this government.

‘Teachers have had a 15% pay cut over the past few years, yet our working hours have increased to over 60 hours a week, too much of which is spent on bureaucracy. Every class must have a qualified teacher. We know we have the support of the people we serve.’

Linda Pollox, Regional Secretary, Greater London Unison, said: ‘We’ve got picket lines on every borough council across London. Our members have not had a pay rise under this government. They are 20% worse off since this government came to power.

‘We’ve had cuts in pay, also cuts in funding for the work we do. Our service group executive is meeting next week to decide on balloting our health members, and if they vote in favour they will be out with us in September or October’.

Fiona Farmer, Unite National Officer for Public Services said: ‘This government doesn’t recognise local government workers or value them.

‘Three years of a pay freeze and 1% last year. That’s a 20% cut. It’s not acceptable and we are not having it. Our members are on the breadline. They are relying on benefits. Enough is enough!

‘We’ve all heard the Tory rhetoric about prohibiting the right to strike, ballot thresholds etc. Well, Maude (Tory Cabinet Secretary) was elected on 38%.’

Matt Wrack, FBU General Secretary said: ‘This is a magnificent strike. We should do it again and we should do it again soon.’

Keith Williams, Senior Officer GMB, said: ‘The Tories are trying to take us back to the work house.

‘The so-called offer of 1%, is an insult to the integrity of our members. Our members are struggling day-in and day-out, to protect the services that they are providing.

‘Our members are not chattels to be moved around and handed over to privateers. We will not accept more austerity.’

The final speaker Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary said: ‘This is one of 50 rallies around the country. Today is not about separate disputes. It is a damned disgrace that teachers are having to work 60 hours per week.

‘To our firefighters, the attacks on your pensions are disgusting. Also we fully support our local government and school support colleagues. End Pay Cuts!

‘Chuka Umunna, Labour Shadow Minister for Business said on Sunday, he would not support today’s strike. That is a disgrace. Two years ago we had two million out on strike, but we let it fizzle out.

‘We must not let that happen again. Today is just the beginning. Something is starting that is going to get bigger and bigger. We know we have to do more. All the unions here today, must go back and get ready for bigger action in the very near future.’