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Labour under Starmer, and UK capitalism are heading for state bankruptcy!

THE capitalist press is currently trumpeting the latest news from Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves, that she is set to unveil a £19bn black hole...

Starmer pledges £3 billion a year to Ukraine paid for by...

TWO weeks ago the Labour government’s work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall called the two-child benefit cap ‘a stain on our society’, and this...

Palestinian groups sign ‘national unity’ agreement for a united fight for victory...

YESTERDAY officials from 14 Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Fatah, signed a ‘national unity’ agreement in the Chinese capital Beijing that ended any divisions...

Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The...

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Replace Starmer’s anti-worker Labour regime with a workers government and socialism!

THE TUC yesterday published a poll of over 3,000 voters which showed conclusively overwhelming support for workers rights and pay increases to match the...

The TUC Must Call A General Strike To Stop The Israeli...

ISRAELI occupation forces have committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the documented killing of...

Israel warns 250,000 Gazans that they must leave Gaza City at...

THE Israeli government has told ‘everyone’ in Gaza City, which has over 250,000 inhabitants, that they must leave the city at once so that...

Gaza – Israeli soldiers admit killing Palestinians without restrictions, out of...

THE Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Wednesday called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation into recent confessions by Israeli soldiers...

TUC must call a general strike to expropriate the bosses and...

MATT WRACK, the President of the TUC and the general secretary of the FBU, correctly said on election day, July 4th, that Labour’s post-election...

Netanyahu under siege as he imposes sanctions on Palestine!

THE Israeli cabinet has approved the ‘legalisation’ of five settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, and further sanctions on the Palestinian Authority for...

Labour movement rises up in Nigeria, Ghana and Zimbabwe

Timi Frank, the former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Nigeria, on Thursday, called on the leadership of the...

LARCO Industrial Workers Protest At Mass Sackings!

IN an unprecedented 12 hours long rally under a scorching sun and temperatures exceeding 45ºC, hundreds of LARCO industrial workers and miners, along with...

Organising Socialist Revolution Is The Only Way Out Of The...

THE decision by the Bank of England to keep interest rates at 5.25%, the highest level for 16 years, came as no surprise despite...

Labour’s ‘business friendly’ manifesto is declaration of war on the working...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer launched the party’s ‘business friendly’ election manifesto in Manchester yesterday morning with the promise that a Labour government would put...

Hamas Insists That Israel Must Agree To A Permanent Ceasefire!

Hamas says it has submitted its response to a US-backed plan for a ceasefire in Gaza, with a senior official telling the BBC that...

Britain must stop arming Israel and recognise Palestine!

‘BRITAIN must impose sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel and recognise the state of Palestine. We demand Israel gets out of Rafah, Gaza,...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

A desperate Israeli ruling class prepares to escalate the war into...

WHILE US president Joe Biden is desperately peddling a phoney ‘peace plan,’ in an effort to divert the massive tidal wave of anger sweeping...

Socialist Revolution is the only real answer to the capitalist crisis!

NEARLY one million people in Britain are just £10 away from falling into poverty according to the new analysis from the leading poverty charity,...

RCN declares ‘national emergency’ in the NHS over ‘corridor care’!

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) acting general secretary, Professor Nicola Ranger, opened the union’s annual conference yesterday declaring a ‘national emergency’ in the...

Palestinian liberation fighters condemn the White House’s continuing support for Israeli...

THE Palestinian resistance groups have condemned the recent statements made by the White House spokesman regarding the Rafah carnage, saying the remarks are just...

10,000 workers and youth besiege Downing Street demanding banning of all...

OVER 10,000 workers, students and youth attended a protest rally outside Downing Street on Tuesday night with banners, placards and Palestinian flags. They demanded the...

Ireland, Spain and Norway have opened floodgates in recognising the state...

THE unity of western governments over previous unconditional support for the state of Israel and its illegal occupation of Palestine was blown apart yesterday...

Britain must recognise the state of Palestine and the TUC...

THE co-ordinated action by the governments of Ireland, Norway and Spain to announce that next week they would formally recognise the state of Palestine...

ICC prosecutor ‘equates the victim with the executioner’ in proposing arrest...

YESTERDAY, Karim Khan KC, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), issued a statement proposing that arrest warrants be issued for Israeli...

Israeli War Cabinet Members Fight Each Other Over Failure To Defeat...

DEEP splits within the Israeli government erupted in public on Wednesday night with Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant demanding that prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

British workers must make the TUC call a general strike to...

THE United Nations has confirmed that more than 100,000 Palestinians have been forced to leave Rafah, amid intensified Israeli strikes on the southern city...

Trade unions must act now and call general strikes to kick...

THERE has been no let-up in the murderous bombardment of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, a tiny city on the border with Egypt...

Student uprising spreads from US to UK and Europe – It...

THE explosive eruption of students in America against the genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza, with the full support of the capitalist...

‘General strike for Palestine!’ – urges London May Day march

OVER 5,000 workers, trade unionists and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on May Day yesterday. ‘General strike for Palestine’, chanted the Workers...

May Day Greetings 2024 – Victory To Palestine! Bring Down...

STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD The News Line Editorial Board sends its warmest May Day greetings to the working class,  youth and the...

Palestinians warn that UK troops on the ground in Gaza under...

PALESTINIANS have warned Britain and other Western countries backing the US, against deploying troops on the ground in the besieged Gaza Strip under the...

200,000 March For Victory To Palestine

A HUGE 200,000-strong march of workers, students and youth went from Parliament Square to Hyde Park on Saturday, the 13th National demonstration for Palestine...

Follow the lead of US workers and youth! Force the TUC...

FROM Los Angeles to New York, Austin to Boston, Chicago to Atlanta, American students and faculty members at major US universities have risen up...

Students across the US rise up against genocidal war in Gaza...

STUDENTS across America have risen up against the barbaric genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza and in support of Palestine in a...

Sunak Wants A War With Russia And A Class War Against...

THE British ruling class has decided that there is only one way out of the historic crisis of British capitalism, and that is to...

TUC must call a general strike to bring down the Tories...

FACED with an £18 billion debt mountain, the privatised Thames Water company yesterday set out its survival plans that involve increasing bills to £627...

The workers of the world must now come to the aid...

‘OUR right to self-determination is inalienable. It is not tied to a timeframe’, Riyad Mansour, Palestine’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Thursday said...

Hunt vows to slash benefits to drive sick back to work...

THIS week, Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt jetted off to Washington to attend the spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the stated...

Tens of thousands of Greek workers march against privatisation!

TENS OF thousands of workers and students participated in mass and militant rallies and marches throughout Greece on Wednesday, during a 24-hour national strike...

UN Security Council is to vote today on the State of...

THE UN Security Council is to vote on Palestine’s UN membership application draft today, prepared by Algeria, recommending the state of Palestine’s admission as...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

The UN must accept Palestinian statehood – Defeat the US-UK governments’...

MEMBERS of the UN Security Council have failed to reach a consensus on the Palestinian bid to become a full member state of the...

Biden’s ‘ironclad’ support for Israel as imperialism prepares for all-out war...

AT a press conference on Wednesday evening, US president Joe Biden announced that American imperialism was prepared for an all-out war in the Middle...

TUC MUST demand recognition of the State of Palestine and call...

SPEAKING in Madrid yesterday, the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that the recognition of a Palestinian state is ‘in Europe’s geopolitical interests’. The Spanish...