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Tag: tory party

Labour under Starmer, and UK capitalism are heading for state bankruptcy!

THE capitalist press is currently trumpeting the latest news from Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves, that she is set to unveil a £19bn black hole...

Starmer pledges £3 billion a year to Ukraine paid for by...

TWO weeks ago the Labour government’s work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall called the two-child benefit cap ‘a stain on our society’, and this...

Seven Labour MPs Have The Whip Suspended After Voting To Scrap...

SEVEN Labour MPs have had the whip suspended for six months after voting against the Labour government on an amendment to scrap the two-child...

‘I refuse to accept that I live in a country where...

‘I REFUSE to accept that I live in a country that accepts that child poverty is normal,’ Apsana Begum, suspended Labour MP for Tower...

Palestinian groups sign ‘national unity’ agreement for a united fight for victory...

YESTERDAY officials from 14 Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Fatah, signed a ‘national unity’ agreement in the Chinese capital Beijing that ended any divisions...

Labour MPs must fight for a socialist solution to the crisis...

WITH the UK’s Labour government set to face challenges from the left to the King’s Speech today, the Fire Brigades Union has urged MPs...

Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The...

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Starmer’s Labour Brings Forward Anti-Working Class King’s Speech

THE STARMER Labour government brought forward an anti-working class King’s Speech in Parliament yesterday morning. It announced 40 pieces of legislation, starting with a Budget...

Labour Foreign Secretary embraces Netanyahu while Palestinians are massacred in Gaza!

LAST Saturday, at least 88 Palestinians were killed and over 289 injured by Israeli bomb strikes on the displaced peoples camp in Khan Younis,...

Replace Starmer’s anti-worker Labour regime with a workers government and socialism!

THE TUC yesterday published a poll of over 3,000 voters which showed conclusively overwhelming support for workers rights and pay increases to match the...

Gaza – Israeli soldiers admit killing Palestinians without restrictions, out of...

THE Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Wednesday called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation into recent confessions by Israeli soldiers...

Starmer Betrays The Working Class By Planning A Massive Rise In...

LABOUR PRIME MINISTER Keir Starmer has almost immediately betrayed the massive working class electorate that voted him into office as Prime Minister. His first action...

TUC must call a general strike to expropriate the bosses and...

MATT WRACK, the President of the TUC and the general secretary of the FBU, correctly said on election day, July 4th, that Labour’s post-election...

No Return To Private Healthcare – It’s Capitalism That Is Broken...

THE NEW Health Secretary Wes Streeting’s first recorded words in office as Labour’s Health Secretary were to condemn the National Health Service, telling the...

‘We want no more weasel words – we want immediate recognition...

On the fifteenth National march for Palestine over one hundred thousand workers and youth took to the streets in central London in support of...

Starmer’s Labour regime must be replaced by a workers’ government

Sir Keir Starmer is set to become the UK’s first Labour prime minister since 2010 after his party’s landslide general election victory. Labour is...

US in political crisis as Biden faces growing calls to quit!

A ‘PERVASIVE sense of fear and uncertainty’ hangs over the US Democratic party as 81-year-old president Joe Biden faces increasingly strident calls for him...

Vote WRP Today To Carry Forward The Fight For Socialism!

NEWS LINE urges all of our readers and all workers and youth who are living in the five constituencies that the WRP is standing...

The FBU calls for urgent action by next government to prepare...

THE FBU (Fire Brigades Union) has called for ‘urgent action’ from the next government to prepare the UK for rising temperatures following last week’s...

5 Days Of Strike Action By The Junior Doctors!

JUNIOR doctors in England yesterday embarked on a five-day strike, marking the 11th walkout in their prolonged pay dispute. Members of the British Medical Association...

The NHS requires an extra £38bn annually!

THE NHS requires an additional £38bn annually by the end of the next parliament to address the care backlog and reduce prolonged treatment delays,...

Organising Socialist Revolution Is The Only Way Out Of The...

THE decision by the Bank of England to keep interest rates at 5.25%, the highest level for 16 years, came as no surprise despite...

Head of Oxfam GB damns UK as ‘morally incoherent’ over arming...

THE head of Oxfam GB, Halima Begum, has damned the UK government for supplying arms to Israel while simultaneously providing humanitarian aid to Gaza...

4,000 workers & youth mark 7th anniversary of the Grenfell Tower...

OVER 4,000 workers youth and local residents came to Ladbroke Grove in west London on Friday to mark the 7th anniversary of the Grenfell...

Labour’s ‘business friendly’ manifesto is declaration of war on the working...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer launched the party’s ‘business friendly’ election manifesto in Manchester yesterday morning with the promise that a Labour government would put...

Hamas Insists That Israel Must Agree To A Permanent Ceasefire!

Hamas says it has submitted its response to a US-backed plan for a ceasefire in Gaza, with a senior official telling the BBC that...

US is on the run as Hamas remain undefeated! Forward to...

ON Monday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted a US-drafted resolution endorsing a Gaza ceasefire proposal that aims to end Israel’s eight-month...

Sunak attacks the sick, the disabled, refugees & youth

LAUNCHING the Tory Party manifesto yesterday, Rishi Sunak attacked the sick and disabled, refugees and youth, boosted wealthy landlords, and banged the war drums...

Vote WRP on 4th July – Forward to socialism – not...

THE General Election on July 4th will feature a shattered Tory Party that has already been wrecked by the developing capitalist crisis, and is...

Britain must stop arming Israel and recognise Palestine!

‘BRITAIN must impose sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel and recognise the state of Palestine. We demand Israel gets out of Rafah, Gaza,...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

A desperate Israeli ruling class prepares to escalate the war into...

WHILE US president Joe Biden is desperately peddling a phoney ‘peace plan,’ in an effort to divert the massive tidal wave of anger sweeping...

Socialist Revolution is the only real answer to the capitalist crisis!

NEARLY one million people in Britain are just £10 away from falling into poverty according to the new analysis from the leading poverty charity,...

RCN declares ‘national emergency’ in the NHS over ‘corridor care’!

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) acting general secretary, Professor Nicola Ranger, opened the union’s annual conference yesterday declaring a ‘national emergency’ in the...

Diane Abbott ‘culled’ by Starmer and the Labour Party right wing!

LONG-standing Labour MP Diane Abbott accused the right wing Labour leadership, led by Keir Starmer, of carrying out a ‘cull of left wingers’ in...

Palestinian liberation fighters condemn the White House’s continuing support for Israeli...

THE Palestinian resistance groups have condemned the recent statements made by the White House spokesman regarding the Rafah carnage, saying the remarks are just...

10,000 workers and youth besiege Downing Street demanding banning of all...

OVER 10,000 workers, students and youth attended a protest rally outside Downing Street on Tuesday night with banners, placards and Palestinian flags. They demanded the...

Ireland, Spain and Norway have opened floodgates in recognising the state...

THE unity of western governments over previous unconditional support for the state of Israel and its illegal occupation of Palestine was blown apart yesterday...

END THATCHERITE EXPERIMENT – scrap all anti-union laws says FBU

IT’S TIME to end the Thatcherite experiment and scrap all the anti-union laws, the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) demanded after PM Sunak called the...

Sunak Seeks To Militarise Working Class Youth As Well As...

TORY PM Sunak yesterday sought to win back big business by stating that after the forthcoming general election has been won on July 4th,...

Capitalism Is In Its Greatest Ever Crisis – Forward To The...

THE SAME British capitalism that has been egging on the Ukraine to start World War III by attacking Russia is now shivering with fear...

Biden insists on Israel’s right to commit genocide in Gaza while...

US president Joe Biden has defended American imperialism’s Israeli ally and denounced the decision of the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, to...

ICC prosecutor ‘equates the victim with the executioner’ in proposing arrest...

YESTERDAY, Karim Khan KC, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), issued a statement proposing that arrest warrants be issued for Israeli...

South Bank Uni strike vote expected this week! – no confidence...

Staff at London South Bank University have no confidence in the vice-chancellor and senior leadership team, the University and College Union (UCU) has announced,...

‘Stop breaking law or we will stop work’ PCS general secretary...

At the start of the rally in Whitehall 14-year-old Abdul Rahman spoke in front of dozens of children waving Palestinian flags and holding big...