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Tag: pensions

Starmer pledges £3 billion a year to Ukraine paid for by...

TWO weeks ago the Labour government’s work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall called the two-child benefit cap ‘a stain on our society’, and this...

Starmer’s Labour Brings Forward Anti-Working Class King’s Speech

THE STARMER Labour government brought forward an anti-working class King’s Speech in Parliament yesterday morning. It announced 40 pieces of legislation, starting with a Budget...

French unions hold mass rally in Paris tomorrow

SOPHIE Binet, general secretary of the CGT French trade union federation, has called for people to join the rallies on July 18 in front...

French crisis directly poses issue of the working class taking power!

On Sunday, France went to the polls in the first round of parliamentary elections, with the far-right, neo-fascist National Rally (RN) of Marine Le...

The FBU calls for urgent action by next government to prepare...

THE FBU (Fire Brigades Union) has called for ‘urgent action’ from the next government to prepare the UK for rising temperatures following last week’s...

The Trade Unions Must Take General Strike Action To Stop Israel’s...

AN international human rights organisation says Israel is pressing ahead with a ‘systematic policy of targeting civilians’ in the Gaza Strip, including bombardment of...

Disarm imperialism through the victory of the world socialist revolution!

LAST week the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published a whole series of blogs on its website warning that the entire US banking...

O’connor Calls For Sanctions On Israel To Stop The Genocide

THE IRISH Trade Union Congress Executive Council member and INTO Deputy General Secretary Deirdre O’Connor delivered a speech on behalf of the workers of...

Socialist Revolution is the only real answer to the capitalist crisis!

NEARLY one million people in Britain are just £10 away from falling into poverty according to the new analysis from the leading poverty charity,...

Hundreds of students walk out of Harvard University commencement ceremony after...

Hundreds of students have walked out of Harvard University’s commencement ceremony after the school barred over a dozen pro-Palestinian seniors from receiving their degrees...

South Bank Uni strike vote expected this week! – no confidence...

Staff at London South Bank University have no confidence in the vice-chancellor and senior leadership team, the University and College Union (UCU) has announced,...

Macron Government Is Mobilising Against Railworkers!

THE MACRON government is mobilising against the Gradual Cessation of Activity Agreement signed at the SNCF because it will allow French railway workers to...

Strike Action Sweeping Heathrow

HUNDREDS of Border Force workers at Heathrow Airport began four days of strike action yesterday against Tory attacks on their working conditions. The more than...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

TUC must be forced to call a general strike to smash...

LAST Friday it was announced that Border Force staff at Heathrow Airport had voted overwhelmingly for strike action in a dispute over changes to...

Imperialist powers are preparing for war with Russia by sending in...

ELEVEN people have been detained after an attack by Islamists at a Moscow concert hall that killed 137, the head of Russia’s Federal Security...

Workers must fight massive increases in the cost of living with...

THE United Kingdom has seen the biggest rise in ‘absolute poverty’ in 30 years, according to new data published by the Department for Work...

‘Claps don’t pay the bills!’ – insist striking junior doctors

‘CLAPS don’t pay the bills!’ chanted over 100 junior doctors outside St Thomas’ Hospital in central London opposite the Houses of Parliament yesterday morning,...

IAM Aerospace workers in the US demand a 40% pay rise...

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union (IAM) leaders at Boeing the aircraft manufacturers are demanding a 40 per cent pay rise over...

CGT to march in Paris against far right immigration law

ON JANUARY 21, ‘let’s march for freedom, equality, fraternity,’ the French trade union federation CGT is urging. It said: ‘201 personalities are calling to march...

Wells Fargo employees ballot for union recognition

In a remarkable series of events, Wells Fargo employees from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Bethel, Alaska, are spearheading the bank’s first-ever union elections. This historic...

Hunt turns his fire on the sick the disabled and the...

TORY Chancellor Hunt turned his fire on the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill and the unemployed in his vicious, vindictive anti-working class Autumn...

French workers demand a Gaza ceasefire!

WORKERS and youth throughout France are demonstrating today for a ceasefire in Gaza, following a call by the CGT trade union federation. A union statement...

FBU rally condemns 13 years of austerity and launches ‘Firefighters Manifesto’

OVER seven hundred firefighters and control staff assembled in Westminster on Wednesday to launch a new ‘Firefighters’ Manifesto’. As the country recovers from flooding, and...

South African workers march to defend healthcare benefits

National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) members marched to the offices of Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) in Bloemfontein on Monday,...

6,800 UAW members at the SHAP Michigan join Stand Up Strike!

ON MONDAY morning, October 23, 6,800 UAW members at Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (SHAP), Michigan, joined the Stand Up Strike, shutting down production at...

Starbucks unionisation war hotting up – 360 US stores now unionised!

THE AMERICAN National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) ruled on Friday that the Starbucks coffee chain had unlawfully threatened to withhold benefits if employees in...

220 marches across France against government austerity

AT THE CALL of the trade unions, more than 220 demonstrations were organised across France on Friday, October 13, to say no to austerity...

Inflation here to stay and global banking system faces collapse

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday produced its latest report on the state of the world capitalist financial system, in which it warned that...

Capitalism facing ‘impending global disaster’ – time to put it out...

THE Tory Party annual conference ended on Wednesday with Sunak announcing he was cancelling the Northern leg of HS2 rail network – something that...

US Autos massive strike action escalates

BY REZA JAVADI IN mid-September, in an unprecedented move, approximately 13,000 employees from three major American automakers launched an unprecedented strike, pointing to both the...

Visa-free travel between US and Israel – ADC movement files lawsuit...

THE BIDEN administration has formally included Israel in the US Visa Waiver Programme. This decision has ignited a heated debate surrounding issues of discrimination, American...

Capitalism kills – UK death rate increased by Tory austerity war...

ON MONDAY, the BMJ health journal published the results of its research into the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and the austerity policies ruthlessly...

Over 1,000 march for ‘Right to Food’ in Haringey

Haringey Right to Food, organised a Hunger March through Tottenham on Saturday, 23 September. A large crowd gathered outside the Spurs Football Stadium from 12...

Universities strike ballot opens today!

STRIKE ballots will open at 143 universities across the UK from today in a long-running dispute over pay and conditions. The University and College Union...

TUC calls for Israeli boycott but sets no date for action

TUC Congress delegates in Liverpool on Tuesday voted for composite motion C22: ‘Right to boycott’ from the National Education Union. Moving the motion, Louise Regan,...

Bank calls for public spending to be slashed to protect profits!

THE capitalist class of Britain and Europe have been served with a warning that unless they act quickly to slash all public spending they...

Jordanian MPs call for expulsion of Israeli ambassador – in response...

Dozens of Jordanian members of parliament have called for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador in response to the forced stripping of five Palestinian...

The TUC calls to tax the rich – refuses to call...

On the eve of its Congress, the TUC has called on the government to equalise capital gains tax with income tax which could raise...

UAW at US ‘big three’ motor companies set to strike...

The United Auto workers union (UAW) says that its 146,000 members at the so called ‘big three’ motor companies – General Motors, Ford and...

‘Our policy for the TUC is to call a general strike’...

‘OUR policy at the TUC is to call a general strike,’ RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch told News Line on the picket line at...

Sri Lankan government bringing in a ‘slave labour bill’

TRADE unions worldwide have condemned the latest attack on workers in Sri Lanka. Different Global Union Federations (GUF), including the Building and Wood Workers’ International...

Anti-union laws being introduced throughout Europe

TRADE union rights are facing escalating challenges throughout Europe, warns the European Public Service Union (EPSU). In France, a number of trade union activists are...

UAW geared up for strike at ‘Big Three’ US car giants

THE United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) is gearing up for strike action at the ‘Big Three’ US automakers General...

Parents demand judge-led inquiry

TORY Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yesterday dodged the question as to whether the inquiry he announced into baby deaths at the Countess of Chester...