Alarming teacher shortage
‘AN ALARMING teacher recruitment crisis is gripping England’s schools,’ teachers union NUT warned yesterday, adding that ‘no amount of “golden handshakes” will resolve the...
Junior doctors strike suspended
AT THE eleventh hour, talks between the BMA on behalf of the junior doctors and the government at ACAS reached the following decision: ‘Following talks...
Corbyn announces ‘free vote’ on Syria
LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn announced yesterday that he will give Labour MPs a ‘free vote’ on the crucial issue of whether the UK joins...
BOMBING Raqqa will see a large number of civilians killed, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn warned yesterday. He was asked by Andrew Marr: ‘What do...
Tory Bullying Scandal
LEADING Tory Grant Shapps on Saturday quit as international development minister amid claims he failed to act on allegations of bullying. Claims have engulfed the...
Ealing mass picket supports junior doctors
‘DEFEND Ealing Hospital! Support the junior doctors! Kick the government out!’ shouted the fifty-strong mass picket of Ealing Hospital to defend its vital...
STUDENT NURSES ANGRY – at Tory-imposed tuition fee debt
STUDENT nurses and midwives are furious that under new proposals to scrap bursaries, they could potentially be burdened with £65,000 worth of debt for...
PRIME Minister Cameron yesterday claimed it is ‘in our national interest’ for the UK to launch air strikes on Syria. He made a statement to...
Osborne privatisation drive – but forced to retreat over tax credits
CHANCELLOR Osborne announced a U-turn on the abolition of tax credits in his Autumn Statement yesterday, while massively extending Tory privatisation and cuts elsewhere. Nursing...
Join Our Picket Lines Urge Junior Doctors!
MORE than 100 demonstrators were outside 10 Downing Street on Tuesday night to protest against Osborne’s Autumn Statement of £20bn more cuts...
We shall never tolerate such crimes–Putin
‘WE will never tolerate such crimes,’ Russian President Putin declared yesterday, after Turkish fighter planes shot down a Russian Su-24 on the Syrian border. Putin...
Osborne plans £20bn more cuts
SEVERE Tory spending cuts are putting the future of local government, children’s services, health care and care for the elderly at risk of collapse,...
Cameron Beats War Drums
PRIME Minister Cameron is to set out his strategy on Syria and tackling the Islamic State group in the region before MPs this week. He...
‘REVOLUTION IS THE ANSWER’ – Leff tells News Line Anniversary
JONTY Leff the Assistant General Secretary of the WRP told the News Line Rally yesterday that ‘Today at this 46th anniversary rally we celebrate...
Police Spies – Met’s Unreserved Apology!
THE Metropolitan Police has made an ‘unreserved apology’ and paid an undisclosed amount in compensation to seven women who were tricked into long-term relationships...
Victory to Junior Doctors! – 98% vote for strike action
JUNIOR doctors yesterday overwhelmingly voted in favour of taking strike action to defeat the government’s intent to impose a new junior doctor contract in...
‘PAIN-INDUCING TECHNIQUES’ –used against young offenders
A REPORT on ‘behaviour management and restraint of children in custody’ reveals that ‘pain-inducing techniques’ are in frequent use in young offender...
Cameron wants parliament to decide air strikes on Syria
Cameron wants parliament to decide air strikes on Syria Cameron lost the parliamentary vote to bomb Syria in 2013 and has so far refused to...
Two New Books Out Now
Imperialism – the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin and Genesis of Capital by Marx have just been reprinted. These new editions cost just...
West Midlands firefighters strike looms – over 300 jobs threatened
FIREFIGHTERS in the West Midlands have warned they could be forced to take industrial action over plans to cut 300 firefighting posts, leaving the...
SAS deployed on UK streets
HEAVILY ARMED special SAS forces were ordered onto the streets of the UK, yesterday and told to ‘shoot on sight’ suspected terrorists as the...
Powers Bill to be rushed in! –as Labour shifts ground over Syria attack
THE British state yesterday stepped up security measures in the wake of Friday night’s terror attacks in Paris. Cameron held a Cobra emergency committee meeting...
Netanyahu warrant
A JUDGE in Spain has issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seven other former and current Israeli officials over...
Doctors prepare to strike – as Tories drive doctors out the NHS
AS junior doctors are preparing for strike action for three days next month, there is mounting fury at the Tory government’s attacks on...
3 Days Of Junior Doctors Strike Action
THE BMA has today confirmed the dates and details of possible industrial action by junior doctors, following a decision by BMA Council, the body...
Civil Service Mayhem
PLANS reported yesterday morning to close all but a handful of HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC’s) 160 remaining UK offices would be ‘devastating’ and...
‘Generalised strike action!’ – urges bakers union leader
‘THIS anti-union legislation has to be answered by unified, generalised strike action from the entire trade union movement.’ Bakers Union leader Ronnie Draper was responding...
Rock-solid college strike!
‘THIS is a national one-day pay strike. We haven’t had a pay rise for six years – which represents a 17 per cent pay...
Strike against 30% cuts
‘WE HAVE to take strike action where and when we can and as much as we can,’ Sharon Hutchinson, northwest regional organiser and equalities...
Corbyn reprimands Chief of Staff
LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn yesterday called for disciplinary action to be taken against Britain’s top military commander, General Sir Nicholas Houghton, over political interference. Corbyn...
Community hospitals are shut – patients sent to private care homes
THE meeting of the Great Yarmouth and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group (Health East) last Friday was met by angry protesters organised by Lowestoft Against...
Carillion workers in Qatar sleep 10 in a room
WORKERS for Carillion in Qatar sleep ten to a room in lodging reminiscent of tenement slums in Victorian London and nothing has changed despite...
Youth In Poverty!
THE government’s new national minimum wage (NMW) rates risk leaving young people even further behind, the TUC warned yesterday. The new rates only apply to...
‘We’re going to strike!’ –real doctors are not fooled by spin doctors
JUNIOR doctors told News Line yesterday that they were definitely voting for strike action and are very confident of winning the ballot which begins...
‘All-out strike to make education free’
‘STUDENTS and lecturers must go out on strike, in fact, I am for an all-out strike, to ensure education is free,’ said Dalia Giuaballa,...
Calais Action Volunteers Ready To Go!
VOLUNTEERS from Calais Action yesterday loaded a truck to take aid for refugees to the Greek island of Samos. Calais Action founder Libby Freeman...
Cameron Slapdown Over Syria!
‘WE recommend that the government does not bring to the House a motion seeking the extension of British military action to Syria,’ the Foreign...
Scrap Trade Union Bill – 5,000 trade unionists descend on Parliament
‘A GENERAL strike is the only way to defeat the Tory Trade Union Bill,’ Colin Knowles, Unison conveyor said yesterday. He spoke to News Line...
‘SCRAP TRIDENT’ says Scottish Labour
THE Scottish Labour Party conference yesterday voted overwhelmingly against the renewal of the UK’s Trident nuclear missile system. After a heated debate, delegates voted by...
Mass Picket–Keep Ealing Hospital Open!
‘SAVE our hospital! Defend the NHS!’ shouted up to 50 local residents and health workers who braved the pouring rain to join a...
Aamer Freed!
AFTER 13 long years languishing in Guantánamo Bay concentration camp without trial or charge, Shaker Aamer is finally free! A plane carrying Shaker Aamer touched...
Mass support for doctors!
OVER 4,000 junior doctors and their supporters staged a three-hour mass rally outside the City Art Gallery in the centre of Leeds on Wednesday...
People dying because of staff cuts
THE number of people who have died, been assaulted or injured themselves in prison has risen to its highest level for a decade, figures...
US ground forces for Syria
THE US has indicated that it intends the imminent deployment of troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria, without holding a vote in...