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Nurses marching in defence of the NHS demanding the restoration of bursaries

‘Lift Cap On Pay And Bring Back Student Funding’

THE LEADER of the Royal College of Nursing yesterday poured scorn on Tory government claims to be increasing the NHS workforce by 10,000 nurses...
Advance Notification: 100 Years Of Russian Revolution Rally

Advance Notification: 100 Years Of Russian Revolution Rally

Sunday November 12, 2-8pm The Camden Centre, Bidborough Street,WC1H 9AU Rally • Films • theatre • art exhibition
Horton Hospital campaigners demonstrate in London against the closure of the hospital’s maternity department


NEARLY half of England’s maternity units were forced to close to new mothers at some point during 2016 because of severe funding cuts, the...
Over 40 black cabs descended on Hove Town Hall yesterday – they are demanding the end of the ‘Wild West’ app-driver companies

Black cabs challenge Uber

‘WE WILL not have a Wild West situation,’ for drivers, Steve Garelick, GMB branch secretary for professional drivers for London, said yesterday. He spoke to...

WATERLOO DEBACLE – no compensation for delayed passengers

RAIL union RMT yesterday slammed the government and private rail companies after it emerged that passengers facing delays and cancellations – because of the...
BECTU picket line at the Hackney Picturehouse on Saturday

London Picturehouses strike solid!

NOT a single film was on show at the Hackney Picturehouse on Saturday as the cinema workers escalated their strike action for a living...
Demonstrators insist that those responsible for the Grenfell Tower inferno and its aftermath should face jail sentences

‘Those responsible must be jailed’ say Grenfell survivors

‘WE HAVE been strong and we are not prepared to be walked over and we do want answers,’ Grenfell survivor Jaquie Hayes said yesterday. She...

Shoddy Safety Measures

TOWER block tenants on Camden Council’s Chalcots estate in north London are angry at the ‘shoddy’ safety measures carried out since they were ordered...
Serco and BA mixed fleet cabin crew lobby the Serco shareholders meeting at JP Morgan at 8.00am yesterday

‘WE ARE NOW IN A LOW PAY EMERGENCY’ – Unite strikers determined to win!

THREE sets of strikers fighting low pay came together at the Bank of England yesterday lunchtime. The morning began at 8am outside JP Morgan new...

1,652 empty properties in North Kensington – only 12 Grenfell Tower families rehoused

THE LABOUR Party yesterday called the revelation that 1,652 properties in North Kensington are unoccupied ‘simply unacceptable’. A local resident and community activist told News...
Serco strikers at Bart’s NHS Trust on the picket line at the London Hospital

Serco strikers want national demo!

‘THERE needs to be a national demonstration. British Airways, the Bank of England, and Serco workers, we are all on strike because we have...
Lively picket of Serco strikers outside the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, yesterday

Solid Support For Serco Strike

PATIENTS, nurses, doctors and other hospital staff stopped to support the striking Serco workers on their picket line outside the Royal London Hospital in...
Bank of England workers began their first strike for fifty years yesterday morning

Bank of England begin 3-day strike

STAFF at the Bank of England kicked off their three-day strike yesterday with a big picket and demonstration addressed by Labour shadow chancellor John...
Lively picket of Serco strikers marked the beginning of the second week of their two-week strike over pay, workload and job cuts

Serco strikers in high spirits

THE SERCO workers marked the beginning of the second week of their two-week strike yesterday with a lively picket line outside the Royal London...

US jets bomb Syria hospital

WARPLANES of the US-led international coalition shelled a hospital and perpetrated a new massacre in Syria on Saturday, claiming the lives of six civilians...

‘COLOSSAL BA PROFITS!’ – while mixed fleet cabin crew fight for a living wage

‘COLOSSAL profits confirm British Airways can easily afford to end the obscenity of cabin crew poverty,’ Unite said yesterday responding to BA’s announcement yesterday...
Serco strikers on the picket line are demanding that Unite call a national demonstration in support of the strike and bring other Serco workers out to win the dispute

‘Unite needs to call a nationwide demo’ – Serco strikers

‘OUR members are standing firm and determined to win,’ striking Royal London Hospital Unite rep Ebrima Sonko told News Line yesterday on the morning...
Trade unionists from Dresden and Berlin visited the Serco picket line at the London Hospital yesterday and told the workers that privatisation and hospital closures were huge issues in Germany

‘We Will Win This Battle’ Say Serco Strikers

THERE was a very lively picket at the Royal London Hospital of Serco workers yesterday, on the third day of their current 14-day strike. They...

‘SECRET NHS CUTS WILL CAUSE UPROAR’ – says the BMA doctors union

DOCTORS have warned that new plans for savage NHS cuts are ‘shrouded in secrecy’ and will ‘cause uproar’, the BMA says in a...
Serco strikers fighting for a 30p an hour increase, on the picket line at the London Hospital yesterday morning

‘LOW PAY – NO WAY!’ say striking Serco workers

‘LOW PAY – NO WAY!’ shouted Unite Serco strikers on a lively picket line outside the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel yesterday morning. Cleaners, catering workers,...

TRIBUNAL FEES RULED ILLEGAL – Unison court victory

EMPLOYMENT tribunal fees will be scrapped after Unison won a landmark court victory against a government policy yesterday morning that was found to be...

86,000 vacant nhs posts! –between January & March 2017

MORE than 86,000 NHS posts were vacant between January 2017 and March 2017, figures for the NHS in England suggest. Today’s NHS Vacancy Statistics England...
On the first day of their two-week strike action Serco workers said they are determined to win the struggle

Serco Workers Begin 2 Week Strike

HUNDREDS of ancillary workers employed by Serco at Bart’s Health NHS Trust began a two-week strike from 6am yesterday to 6am August 8th in...

A&E diverts cause death

A SCHEME to divert patients away from A&E resulted in a patient’s death, prompting NHS officials to launch a national review of the ‘front-door...
Last Wednesday demonstrators, some of whom entered the Kensington & Chelsea council meeting demanded criminal charges against those responsible for the Grenfell Tower inferno

Grenfell Tower inferno – Twin Towers experts helping police

EXPERTS who helped recover remains after the September 11th 2001 terror attack on the Twin Towers in New York, are now helping police investigating...

‘PROSECUTE BOSSES’–TUC – who pay apprentices less than the legal minimum

EIGHTEEN per cent of young people on slave labour apprenticeship schemes are illegally being paid less than the minimum wage, according to the government’s...
Crowds assemble outside the Kensington Council meeting where Grenfell Tower survivors told the councillors to resign

‘RESIGN AT ONCE!’ – Grenfell Tower survivors tell Kensington Council

TORY council leader Elizabeth Campbell was called a ‘murderer’ and told to immediately resign by survivors of the Grenfell Tower tragedy after they pushed...
Disability Cuts Kill! was the message as a number of disabled workers lobbied the House of Commons yesterday. They condemned all the cuts in social care

Social Care In Crisis!

DRAMATIC cuts to district nursing have left older people without care at home and turning to A&E, an independent report has found. Research by Christie...
Marchers demand arrests and corporate murder charges over the Grenfell Tower inferno that killed large numbers of men, women and children

Grenfell Mass Protest Tonight

ONLY a fraction of the donated £20 million has reached the survivors and families of the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy which claimed...
Striking ambulance workers at Greenwich depot in south east London – patients lives will be endangered if ambulances are replaced by Skype

999 calls diverted – ‘Gambling with patients lives!’

‘AMBULANCE workers skills are being downgraded by schemes which suggest that a video call can be a substitute for an emergency service arriving at...
Low paid Serco workers are having to battle like hell for a 30p pay rise

PUBLIC SECTOR IS ‘OVERPAID’ – Hammond tells Tory Cabinet

CHANCELLOR Philip Hammond yesterday refused to deny that he said at last Tuesday’s Tory Cabinet meeting that public sector workers are ‘overpaid’. Hammond was repeatedly...
SERCO strikers on the picket line at Whipps Cross Hospital

‘WE WANT TO BE EMPLOYED BY NHS!’ say 700 SERCO East London strikers

TODAY more than 700 SERCO cleaners, security guards, catering staff and porters, who are in the middle of a week-long strike across four hospitals,...

‘Fair Pay Overdue’ Say Rcm Midwives!

THE Royal College of Midwives (RCM) yesterday launched its ‘Fair Pay Overdue’ campaign, demanding an end to the public sector pay cap and a...
A group of very determined BA Mixed Fleet cabin crew strikers at the House of Commons yesterday afternoon


OVER 150 striking British Airways Mixed Fleet cabin crew held a photo-call outside Parliament yesterday, where they were joined by a number of Labour...


‘CUTS like this signify a huge step backwards for public health, and will have a damaging impact on people’s health and wellbeing, inevitably costing...
Junior doctors leader JEEVES WIJESURIYA (2nd left) joins SERCO strikers yesterday on the picket line at the Royal London Hospital

‘We are determined to win a pay rise!’ say SERCO strikers

‘WE ARE determined to have a pay rise,’ Unite shop steward Melissa Manso declared at a lively morning picket line outside the Royal London...
Two hundred Serco workers at Bart’s NHS Trust outside the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel last week – they begin their week-long strike today

Hospital workers – week strike begins

A WEEK-LONG strike across four London hospitals begins this morning as hundreds of low paid cleaners, porters and security guards working for private company...
Southern picket at Victoria yesterday morning supported by Disabled People Against Cuts demanding safety and accessibility on all trains. Photo: RMT

3 Train Strikes

TRAIN workers at three Rail companies across the country, Northern, Southern and Merseyrail were on strike simultaneously yesterday. Northern rail staff were on the last...
Students on the march – looking to Labour to write off all student debt

Labour wants to write off all student debt!

SHADOW education secretary, Angela Rayner, said yesterday that the Labour Party’s ‘ambition’ is to write off all student debt at a cost of £100bn. But...
Syrian President Assad breaks his fast during Ramadan with Syrian troops

Trump-Putin To Discuss Crisis In Syria

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have met for the first time, shaking hands at the start of a G20 summit in...
School children from the London Borough of Wandsworth at a demonstration on Tooting Common fighting Tory education cuts

KIDS GOING INTO SCHOOL HUNGRY! – Parents, children & teachers lobby Downing Street

THE STATE education system in this country and the health service in this country are valued very highly by the vast majority of people...
Striking Serco workers outside The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel yesterday on the second day of their 48-hour strike

Serco Workers Are Determined To Win!

‘WE WANT a 3% pay rise. SERCO are making us work more for no extra money,’ Unite hospital worker Florence Kwao said yesterday on...
Striking SERCO workers at Barts NHS Trust at a rally at the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel yesterday

‘WE WANT A PAY RISE’ say 200 Barts SERCO strikers

‘WE WANT a pay rise!’ said over 200 striking Bart’s NHS Trust ancillary workers employed by privateer SERCO at the trust’s four London hospitals. The...
Protesters on Saturday’s “Tories Out’ march demand ‘Justice for Grenfell’

Flammable cladding No sprinklers! In tower blocks across UK

CLADDING on 181 tower blocks in 51 areas of the country have now failed fire safety tests. Meanwhile it also emerged yesterday that there are...

More Leaving Than Joining Nursing

RESPONDING to the latest Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) figures showing more nurses leaving than joining the profession, Janet Davies, Chief Executive and General...