MARCH FOR JUSTICE – called by TUC for May 1
‘Speakers from around the world will join the May Day March for Workplace Justice,’ said the TUC yesterday. Top trade unionists from South Africa...
Action Ballot At Asda Wal-Mart
THERE will be ballots for industrial action at ASDA Wal-Mart, after talks with senior managers in the shops on Wednesday 8th, and depots on...
Picket Line Victory
GATE GOURMET locked-out workers won a victory yesterday, when they successfully carried out their picket at the Gate Gourmet plant front gate, despite a...
Police threat to arrest Gate Gourmet pickets
GATE GOURMET locked-out workers were made to dismantle their picket tent and move from the Gate Gourmet factory gates by Heathrow Airport police yesterday. ‘I...
BA’S 2 YEAR PLAN – for £450m savings and up to 6,000 sackings
THE new two-year business plan for British Airways was unveiled yesterday and includes provision for reducing costs by £450 million and restoring 10 per...
Locked-out workers picket Gate Gourmet
Gate Gourmet locked out workers picketed the Heathrow caterer’s factory gate yesterday. This was after Heathrow Airport police, accompanied by a British Airports Authority manager,...
Fight NHS Sackings
‘We will do everything we can to avoid redundancies’, said UNISON south west regional organiser Chris Dayus yesterday, after the Royal...
Police Halt Beacon Hill Picket
HEATHROW Airport police dismantled the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers’ picket tent on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout yesterday, threatening the workers’ TGWU Branch...
‘NO RETREAT’ say striking lecturers
LECTURERS at 140 universities and colleges of higher education across the UK took national strike action yesterday, vowing: ‘We will not back down on...
Angry Lecturers Take Strike Action
‘We are expecting a good turnout on the picket lines at universities and colleges of higher education across the country today,’ lecturers’ union Natfhe...
Police try to stop the Beacon Hill locked-out workers picket
HEATHROW Airport police tried to remove the Gate Gourmet picket from the Beacon Roundabout outside the airport yesterday. Three locked-out workers were picketing in their...
LECTURERS STRIKE – NATFHE and AUT to stop tomorrow
Universities and higher education colleges across the country will be brought to a halt tomorrow as a historic joint AUT/NATFHE pay strike hits home. Thousands...
‘We Are Fighting For Reinstatement’
WHILST maintaining their daily picket near Heathrow Airport Terminal 4, Gate Gourmet locked-out workers are campaigning for their march through Hounslow on Saturday March...
SALE OF JOBS AND CONDITIONS – CWU signs deal with Royal Mail
Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) leaders have signed a pay for jobs and ‘efficiency’ deal with Royal Mail. They are attempting to sell it to members...
‘our March Must Be A Big Success’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all trade unionists to join them on their march through Hounslow on Saturday the 25th of March. Speaking...
‘We Need Our Hardship Pay’
‘THE TGWU leaders are doing everything they can to try to make us give up the fight and sign the Compromise Agreement but we...
HOSPITAL CLOSURES! –will result from payment by results system says BMA
‘Flaws in the Payment by Results (PbR) system mean that whole hospital departments could be unfairly closed down as “inefficient”,’ warns the British Medical...
HOME OFFICE ACCUSED! – of alerting Berlusconi over Mills extradition
‘Will the present inquiry by the Cabinet Secretary examine whether or not the Home Office acted improperly in relation to an extradition request for...
Union solicitors urging members to sign deal
‘WE are asking all trade unions and all trade unionists to join our march and rally in Hounslow on Saturday 25th of March,’ Sharanjit...
Hounslow march on March 25th
‘OUR march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th of March is very important, not just for us but for all trade union members.’ Locked-out Gate Gourmet...
Asda Strike Ballot
THE GMB trade union Central Executive Council (CEC) yesterday gave the go-ahead for an official national strike ballot of members employed by Wal-Mart owned...
GATE GOURMET locked out workers were back on the hill yesterday after their successful mass picket on Sunday. Lakhinder Saran said: ‘Our mass picket was...
Jowell Under Attack!
The Tories are demanding the Cabinet Office state whether or not Culture Minister Tessa Jowell has breached the ministerial code of conduct over her...
MASS PICKET – a huge success say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
AROUND 150 locked-out Gate Gourmet workers and their supporters – including members of the PCS, CWU, UNISON and Amicus trade unions – staged a...
Israel Steps Up Terror Raids
The Israel military yesterday continued its terror attacks on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This followed a declaration by Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud...
Greenford Bus Workers To Join Mass Picket
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are holding their monthly mass picket at the Beacon Roundabout, Beacon Road, near Heathrow Airport, Terminal Four from 11am to...
SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO! – but Blair rejects MP’s committee demands
The Blair government yesterday came under fire from MPs and human rights organisation Amnesty International over the so-called ‘war on terror’. In its annual human...
‘Join Our Mass Picket This Sunday’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all their supporters to join them at their monthly mass picket on the hill at the Beacon...
Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers Lobby Tuc
In London Gate Gourmet locked out workers lobbied the TUC. Here they are discussing with MARY BOUSTED the leader of the ATL teaching union...
In London and Dusseldorf – ‘WE FIGHT ON UNTIL VICTORY’
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers from Heathrow received a warm welcome at Dusseldorf Airport yesterday morning when they were met by Gate Gourmet strikers...
‘WE’RE LOBBYING TUC TODAY’ say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘WE want to know if the TUC agrees with what the T&G has done to us,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Sharanjit Grewal said...
‘SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH!’ – Nurses reject Brown’s 2% pay offer
Angry nurses are ready to refuse to do unpaid overtime if they don’t get a pay rise of at least three per cent, the...
Gate Gourmet mass picket Sunday
‘WE are all very strong and standing firm in the wind and all weathers on our picket line on the hill and won’t give...
‘WE CAN’T GET JUSTICE!’ – Jean de Menezes’ cousin
‘The whole thing is a mess,’ Alex Pereira, the cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes told News Line yesterday. He was responding to reports that...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers are campaigning for their monthly mass picket next Sunday from 11am to 1pm at the Beacon roundabout, Beacon Road, near...
PNA ‘A TERRORIST ENTITY’ says Israeli Premier
THE Israeli cabinet announced yesterday that it has decided to impose a range of punitive sanctions against the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The sanctions...
From New Labour Spin To Union Busting
GMB trade union members demonstrated yesterday against the union-busting propaganda for Asda Wal-Mart being supplied by public relations company Portland PR, which was set...
‘WE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS’ – Gate Gormet locked-out workers tell AGM
‘IF we sign the compromise deal we cut off our hands – the company sacked us in five minutes and the union signed the...
‘Try Them Or Free Them’
THE United States must bring all prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay to an independent trial or release them, the United Nations has said...
Gate Gourmet taking fight into the unions
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are taking their fight for reinstatement into the trade union movement and visiting Transport and General Workers Union and other...
Haiti Rises Up!
PRESIDENTIAL candidate, Rene Preval, has condemned the ‘gigantic fraud’ during last week’s elections in Haiti, where an insurrection is taking place by his poverty-stricken...
‘We are going to win this fight’
‘The union is not paying us hardship money, we can’t get Jobseekers Allowance and we can’t get another job. What does the union think...
‘RESTORE OUR HARDSHIP PAYMENTS’ – demand Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
Gate Gourmet locked out workers are calling on all trade unionists to act in their support. The TGWU members are fighting for reinstatement on their...
Close Down Torture Camp!
The United States government is torturing inmates at its Guantanamo Bay concentration camp on the tip of Cuba, and it should be shut down. That...
‘OUT WITH THE ID BILL!’ says Liberty
‘THERE’S all hell breaking loose inside parliament right now about this identity cards scheme. The government is facing a hat-trick of defeats and they’re...