Truss Is Shattered While Johnson Is Posing As The Man To Save UK Capitalism!


LIZ Truss, who not so long ago posed on the Polish border on a British tank expressing her hostility to Russia, before becoming more Ukrainian than the Ukrainians in her determination to arm and supply the Ukrainian fascists, is now politically no more.

She was the would-be ‘Iron Lady’ returned, who was encouraged by the UK right wing and newspapers, like the Daily Telegraph, to stop at nothing and to start the ball rolling by liberating the richest people from the highest rate of taxes, leaving the poor to pay the bill, while bringing in the ‘Transport Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill’.

It’s job is to end the right to strike in the transport industries by imposing huge fines on the rail trade unions, before the legislation is extended to cover all trade union actions.

Her supporters in the ruling class swore that she would not surrender, and would even win. They urged her on!

All that happened was that the international banks organised a run on the pound, and the Bank of England had to step in to save it, and warn her to back down.

She was gone in days, while the message was given to British capitalism that it was now just another banana republic and would have to kow-tow to international capital.

There are now new manoeuvres taking place to form a new government with Johnson and Sunak leading the show.

This can only be a regime of crisis whose mission will be to try to create the conditions for British capitalism to survive by crushing the working class and its trade unions.

Workers however are not stupid and can see and feel what is coming fast, poverty, hunger and a standard of living not seen since the hungry 1930s, along with very rough treatment at the hands of the capitalist state, that now has a police force in the Metropolitan Police that is as corrupt and violent as the police force in any banana republic.

In fact workers in the UK are getting their political education quick and fast.

They are to be made to pay for the death agony of capitalism, with their jobs, wages and their standard of living smashed, with their trade unions brought under state control, and bankrupted if they step out of line.

The WRP and the Young Socialists are not calling for a general election now, since the Tories can legally refuse to have one for the next two years. It will take a general strike to bring about an early general election!

We say that the trade unions must organise to force the TUC to call a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers government that will dismantle the Met and the other corrupted police forces, break up the capitalist state repressive apparatus, and nationalise the banks and the major industries under workers’ control, to bring in a planned socialist economy, to satisfy people’s needs, not to make gigantic profits for the few.

We say that the TUC must be made to call the general strike now!

Otherwise the British ruling class will develop its already corrupted police forces into the kind of regimes that the working class has had to put up with in Haiti and Myanmar.

We call for a general strike now and not to wait for a general election in two years time. We need the TUC to call it now to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers government a planned economy and socialism.

Truss may have gone but she left behind the Transport Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill that makes trade unions liable to huge fines for loss of profits caused by transport strikes, and makes any worker instructed by the bosses to work during a strike liable to immediate dismissal if he or she refuses.

At the annual congress of the TUC this week trade union leaders have spent their time desperately trying to avoid the issue of a general strike, trying at all costs to divert workers with talk of co-ordinated strikes that stay within Tory anti-union laws.

Now under the new Tory bill all strikes will be illegal, and every striker will be sacked on the spot while every union will be fined for loss of profits and bankrupted out of existence. Workers must demand that since Truss has gone there has never been a better time to kick out the entire Tory government and go forward to a workers government and socialism.