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Tag: banks

Labour under Starmer, and UK capitalism are heading for state bankruptcy!

THE capitalist press is currently trumpeting the latest news from Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves, that she is set to unveil a £19bn black hole...

Seven Labour MPs Have The Whip Suspended After Voting To Scrap...

SEVEN Labour MPs have had the whip suspended for six months after voting against the Labour government on an amendment to scrap the two-child...

‘Western countries preparing for direct conflict with Russia’ – warns Serbian...

WESTERN countries are actively preparing for a direct conflict with Russia, says Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic told the Pink TV channel: ‘The West would...

Don’t withhold the Palestinian revenues urge Nordic nations!

THE Nordic nations have voiced serious concerns over the withholding of Palestinian clearance revenues, further straining the already difficult fiscal situation of the Palestinian...

Disarm imperialism through the victory of the world socialist revolution!

LAST week the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published a whole series of blogs on its website warning that the entire US banking...

Organising Socialist Revolution Is The Only Way Out Of The...

THE decision by the Bank of England to keep interest rates at 5.25%, the highest level for 16 years, came as no surprise despite...

Myanmar’s trade unions facing a brutal regime

MYANMAR’s trade unions are facing brutal retaliation in the fight for democracy, says Khaing Zar Aung, the President of the Industrial Workers Union of Myanmar. Democratic...

Labour’s ‘business friendly’ manifesto is declaration of war on the working...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer launched the party’s ‘business friendly’ election manifesto in Manchester yesterday morning with the promise that a Labour government would put...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

Socialist Revolution is the only real answer to the capitalist crisis!

NEARLY one million people in Britain are just £10 away from falling into poverty according to the new analysis from the leading poverty charity,...

RCN declares ‘national emergency’ in the NHS over ‘corridor care’!

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) acting general secretary, Professor Nicola Ranger, opened the union’s annual conference yesterday declaring a ‘national emergency’ in the...

Ex-President Zuma barred from standing for SA Parliament

South Africa’s highest court has barred former President Jacob Zuma from running for parliament in next week’s general election. The Constitutional Court ruled on Monday...

Assange wins High Court ruling

THE HIGH Court in London yesterday ruled in favour of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s right to appeal against the UK court ruling approving his...

Some of the biggest US banks have underwritten billions of dollars...

Some of the United States’ biggest banks have underwritten billions of dollars in Israel bonds, including a substantial amount of $8 billion (£6.4 billion) in March...

TUC must call a general strike to bring down the Tories...

FACED with an £18 billion debt mountain, the privatised Thames Water company yesterday set out its survival plans that involve increasing bills to £627...

Hunt vows to slash benefits to drive sick back to work...

THIS week, Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt jetted off to Washington to attend the spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the stated...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

British capitalism is preparing for war with Russia – its war...

AS IS now well known, the British ruling class is forever beating the war drums against Russia, and is desperately encouraging the Ukrainian regime...

Modi’s government freezes main opposition party’s funds before elections

The Congress party, India’s principal opposition force, has levelled serious accusations against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration, alleging that the government has deliberately undermined...

Workers must fight massive increases in the cost of living with...

THE United Kingdom has seen the biggest rise in ‘absolute poverty’ in 30 years, according to new data published by the Department for Work...

Socialist revolution only answer to capitalist debt crisis

Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves was making her pitch yesterday to the bankers and business bosses that any future Labour government would be a...

IMF warns US banking crisis threatens stability of world capitalism!

THE IMF (International Monetary Fund) has issued another stark warning that world capitalism is at serious risk of an international financial crisis caused by...

British Capitalism’s Bankrupt, Budget Shows It’s Time To Expropriate Bosses!

TORY CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt has unveiled the contents of this year’s Budget in the House of Commons. It is the last scheduled Budget before...

Unions must call a general strike to support Gaza and put...

THE Bureau of the UN General Assembly’s Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People reaffirmed last Wednesday night its...

Nottingham City goes bust while HSBC makes £24bn!

THE government has appointed commissioners to help run Nottingham City Council after the authority declared itself effectively bankrupt. The Labour-run authority issued a section 114...

Time For A Ceasefire In Palestine And For Socialist Revolutions In...

CONDEMNATIONS have poured in from countries world-wide after the United States once again vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that demanded an immediate...

We salute the struggle of the Palestinian people – General Strike...

The News Line Rally of 200 people took place at the Hargrave Hall, in north London on Saturday. Chairman, Tony McEvoy, said the struggle for...

Bank of England demands wage cuts to keep businesses and the...

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) released figures yesterday on the average pay across the UK, which they claimed saw an increase of 6.2%...

The working people of the world must NOW take action to...

THE Palestinian presidency on Wednesday expressed its great thanks and appreciation for the strong and clear Saudi position expressed in the Saudi statement issued...

Labour will let bankers’ bonuses soar and make the working class...

LABOUR’S shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves yesterday pledged any future Labour government to be the bankers’ best friend, ready and willing to facilitate awarding massive...

Sunak calls for ‘British homes for British workers’ in a backward...

THE Guardian newspaper yesterday revealed that the Tory government is preparing to launch a consultation in the coming weeks on implementing a ‘British homes...

Tata Steel UK’S claim of losing £1.5 million a day to...

Last Friday, Tata Steel UK confirmed its devastating plans to axe 2,800 jobs with the closure of two blast furnaces at its Port Talbot...

£30 billion wiped off UK stock market overnight as capitalism plunges...

ON Wednesday, the FTSE 100 had its biggest fall since August last year with almost 30 billion pounds wiped off the value of the...

World Economic Forum declares capitalist ‘global order’ destabilised by imperialist war...

THE WORLD Economic Forum (WEF) opened its meeting at the Swiss resort of Davos this week under the storm clouds of an economic and...

UK carriers are ready to be deployed against the Houthis. UK...

THE UK’s aircraft carriers are ready to be deployed to fight the Houthis, and to threaten war with the Iranian revolution, was the message...

UK Trade Unions Must Avenge The Murder Of Hamas Leader Al-Arouri!

A COMPREHENSIVE strike is taking place throughout the governorates of the West Bank, denouncing the assassination of Hamas senior official, Saleh Al-Arouri, and the...

TUC must call a General Strike to defend NHS

JUNIOR doctors start six days of strike action today, the longest strike by doctors in the history of the NHS, over their demand for...

30,000 Businesses Will Go Bust In 2024!

ECONOMISTS at the multi-national financial advice service PwC have issued a stark warning that nearly 30,000 businesses in the UK will collapse under the...

All Trade Unions Must Join The Battle To Defend The NHS...

THE battle has now been joined to defend the NHS, which the Tory government is determined to destroy, to return the UK to the...

Global strike condemned Israel’s genocidal warfare on the Gaza Strip

A GLOBAL strike prevailed in several Arab and Muslim cities around the world on Monday in condemnation of the Israeli genocidal war on the...

Wells Fargo employees ballot for union recognition

In a remarkable series of events, Wells Fargo employees from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Bethel, Alaska, are spearheading the bank’s first-ever union elections. This historic...

The TUC must answer Hunt’s declaration of a vicious war on...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement has been derided for its claims to represent a way out of the economic crisis strangling British capitalism,...

New right-wing party to replace Tories being organised as spectre of...

AS THE Tory Party continues to disintegrate by the hour, demands from the ruling class for a new right-wing party to emerge from the...

Sunak speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet pledges UK support to imperialist...

FRESH from sacking Suella Braverman as Home Secretary in the morning, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak turned up on Monday evening to deliver a speech...

‘End this war and implement a ceasefire or you will be...

IRAN’S defence minister has warned that the United States will suffer a heavy blow if it fails to stop Israel’s savage war against the...