
Daily editorials from the newspaper

TUC MUST demand recognition of the State of Palestine and call for an international...

SPEAKING in Madrid yesterday, the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that the recognition of a Palestinian state is ‘in Europe’s geopolitical interests’. The Spanish...

Top US banker warns of global capitalist crisis that ‘could eclipse anything since World...

JAMIE DIMON, boss of JP Morgan, the largest,bank in America, has issued a stark warning that the US is facing its worst crisis since...

Germany in court over complicity in Zionist genocide – now is time for working...

YESTERDAY, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) started a hearing on a case brought by Nicaragua against Germany, which puts the German government in...

Israel withdraws its 98th Commando division from Gaza as Cairo talks are due...

SIX months into Israel’s criminal war on Gaza, Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters have been engaged in intense combat around the city of Khan...

The Telegraph urges that ‘destroying Hamas’ is very much in this country’s interests &...

THE United Nations Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution calling for a halt to all arms sales to Israel, and for the regime...

Judges and lawyers demand end to UK arms to Israel. It’s time the TUC...

OVER 600 UK lawyers, academics and retired senior judges, including three former supreme court justices, have written to Rishi Sunak warning that the UK...

The Trade Unions Must Take General Strike Action To Bring Down Tories!

THE UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories says the Israeli military has ‘intentionally killed’ the aid...

Unions must call general strikes to support Gaza and end imperialist war drive

ON MONDAY, Israeli warplanes bombed the Iranian consulate, which is situated next to the embassy building in the Syrian capital Damascus, killing seven Iranian...

General strike to bring down Tories to end arming Israeli genocide

YESTERDAY, Israeli troops pulled out of Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, after two weeks of brutal attacks that left behind a...

UK and US trade unions must take general strike action to smash Israel’s genocide...

PALESTINIAN trade unions have issued a call on US labour to take concrete action against Israel’s genocidal attempt to smash the Palestinian people. In a...

TUC must heed the call from Palestinian trade unions and call a general strike...

THE UN agency for Palestinian refugees yesterday issued the latest dire warning that time is running out for any chance of averting a catastrophic...

British capitalism is preparing for war with Russia – its war drive must be...

AS IS now well known, the British ruling class is forever beating the war drums against Russia, and is desperately encouraging the Ukrainian regime...

Working class must call general strikes to force implementation of UN resolution on Gaza...

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) members on Monday finally passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the genocidal war being waged...

TUC must be forced to call a general strike to smash anti-union laws!

LAST Friday it was announced that Border Force staff at Heathrow Airport had voted overwhelmingly for strike action in a dispute over changes to...

Imperialist powers are preparing for war with Russia by sending in the Islamists!

ELEVEN people have been detained after an attack by Islamists at a Moscow concert hall that killed 137, the head of Russia’s Federal Security...

Workers must fight massive increases in the cost of living with a general strike...

THE United Kingdom has seen the biggest rise in ‘absolute poverty’ in 30 years, according to new data published by the Department for Work...

NHS England boss openly calls for the privateers to wind up the NHS!

AN analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on the funding crisis that is driving the NHS to the brink of collapse revealed...

Canada Bans Arms Sales To Israel – UK And US Workers Must Force Their...

A CANADIAN government official said that Canada will stop exporting weapons to Israel due to the continued international criticism of its ongoing war on...

Socialist revolution only answer to capitalist debt crisis

Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves was making her pitch yesterday to the bankers and business bosses that any future Labour government would be a...

13,000 children killed in Gaza, while former Israeli general warns the Zionist regime has...

ISRAEL has killed over 13,000 children in Gaza since the start of its genocidal war according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF Executive...

Latvia Urges UK To Introduce Conscription To Fight Russian Workers!

A SPLIT and divided Tory Party is facing electoral wipeout as the number of infighting Tory factions grow and lash out at each other,...

Biden administration in crisis over Israeli failure to defeat Hamas

CHUCK SCHUMER, the Democratic Senate majority leader, described as the highest ranking Jewish official in the United States and top ally of president Joe...

Gove’s new ‘extremism definition’ prepares way for crackdown on all opposition to Israeli genocide

COMMUNITIES secretary Michael Gove in Parliament yesterday made a short statement introducing the Tories new definition of extremism which now encompasses ‘non-violent extremism’. Almost all...

Tory donor scandal reveals not just the racism but the massive profits leeched from...

When The Guardian newspaper on Monday reported the racist comments made by Frank Hester, the owner and sole shareholder of the Pheonix Partnership (TPP),...

CIA annual Threat Assessment Report reveals panic over failure to defeat Hamas

ON MONDAY, the US intelligence agency, the CIA, published its annual Threat Assessment Report for 2024 which warned that America faces an ‘increasingly fragile world...

IMF warns US banking crisis threatens stability of world capitalism!

THE IMF (International Monetary Fund) has issued another stark warning that world capitalism is at serious risk of an international financial crisis caused by...

Tory new definition of terrorism in a crackdown on all opposition to Zionist...

MICHAEL Gove, the Tory Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, is due this week to unveil plans to ban individuals and...

London Is Now A No-Go Area According To The Met Police!

IN advance of today’s mass demonstrations in support of Palestine, the Tories have launched a campaign to crack down on all opposition to the...

US And Israel Are Buying Time To Prolong The War Says Hamas Leader

A SENIOR official of the Hamas resistance group says the US and Israel are pursuing a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in a...

British Capitalism’s Bankrupt, Budget Shows It’s Time To Expropriate Bosses!

TORY CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt has unveiled the contents of this year’s Budget in the House of Commons. It is the last scheduled Budget before...

Video intercept proves UK troops are operating in Ukraine as NATO risks nuclear war...

THE RELEASE last Friday of a video call between senior German military leaders has caused a massive row within the NATO countries with its...

Tories considering proposal to ban MPs from ‘engaging’ with opponents of Israeli genocide

FOLLOWING the ‘shock’ victory of George Galloway in last Thursday’s Rochdale by-election, Tory Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hastily rushed to the podium outside 10...

Sunak, Hunt declare war on the UK working class and the masses of Palestine!

THE British ruling class, for all of its threats against the working class, the youth and the masses of Palestine, is on the run! Its...

Unions must call a general strike to support Gaza and put an end to...

THE Bureau of the UN General Assembly’s Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People reaffirmed last Wednesday night its...

Sunak demands police crack down on all opposition to Zionist genocide.

TORY Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has summoned the country’s police chiefs to tell them they must use all the existing and wide-ranging police powers...

Macron Beats The War Drums As Capitalist Crisis Deepens!

A FINANCIAL TIMES report says a senior European defence official has acknowledged that ‘Western special forces’ are unofficially present in Ukraine, despite US-led NATO’s...

Hunt warned by bankers that tax cuts must be funded through savage austerity cuts...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is preparing to deliver a Spring budget on Wednesday 6th March which he has signalled will concentrate on tax cuts...

TUC must call a general strike to defend the NHS

WITH the latest five days of strike action by junior doctors due to end tomorrow, the British Medical Association (BMA) has already set in...

The West must stand with Israel and Ukraine, trumpets the about-to-be sold off Telegraph!

IT is only natural that The Daily Telegraph stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Zionist military child-killers who have drowned the Gaza Strip with blood and...

UK political crisis explodes as Parliament refuses to support immediate ceasefire!

THE House of Commons tied itself up into knots on Wednesday as MPs from both Labour and Tory parties struggled to maintain their support...

UK political crisis emerges over demands for ceasefire in Gaza!

THE House of Commons dived headlong into a political crisis as MPs from both Labour and Tory parties struggled to maintain their support for...

Time For A Ceasefire In Palestine And For Socialist Revolutions In The UK, US...

CONDEMNATIONS have poured in from countries world-wide after the United States once again vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that demanded an immediate...

Horizon scandal piles more pressure on Tories as they face accusations of demanding compensation...

The Horizon IT scandal of the hounding of over 900 completely innocent Post Office managers by the Post Office leading to multiple prosecutions for...

ICJ Hearing on Israeli occupation of Palestine opens – working class must demand general...

Yesterday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) opened its historic hearings into the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967. The ICJ, the United Nation’s...

Scottish Labour Call For A Gaza Ceasefire Must Be Supported By All Trade Unions...

FORMER Mossad official, Rami Igra, has said all Palestinians in Gaza over the age of 4 deserve to face Israel’s collective punishment policy of...