
Daily editorials from the newspaper

RCN declares ‘national emergency’ in the NHS over ‘corridor care’!

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) acting general secretary, Professor Nicola Ranger, opened the union’s annual conference yesterday declaring a ‘national emergency’ in the...

Israeli Murder Machine Continues Operations Despite Phony ‘Peace Plan!’

ISRAELI occupation forces committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the documented killing of at...

Egypt warns Israel while Palestinians urge global Intifada!

EGYPT has warned it’s ready to respond militarily after Israeli troops seized a sensitive corridor of land along its border with the Gaza Strip. According...

Diane Abbott ‘culled’ by Starmer and the Labour Party right wing!

LONG-standing Labour MP Diane Abbott accused the right wing Labour leadership, led by Keir Starmer, of carrying out a ‘cull of left wingers’ in...

Palestinian liberation fighters condemn the White House’s continuing support for Israeli barbarism!

THE Palestinian resistance groups have condemned the recent statements made by the White House spokesman regarding the Rafah carnage, saying the remarks are just...

Ireland, Spain and Norway have opened floodgates in recognising the state of Palestine –...

THE unity of western governments over previous unconditional support for the state of Israel and its illegal occupation of Palestine was blown apart yesterday...

Israel bombs ‘safe’ Rafah camp with Palestinians ‘burnt alive’ in melting tents

ON SUNDAY night, Israeli planes launched a devastating attack on a tent camp in the Tel Al Sultan neighbourhood in western Rafah which is...

Sunak Seeks To Militarise Working Class Youth As Well As Banning All Strikes!

TORY PM Sunak yesterday sought to win back big business by stating that after the forthcoming general election has been won on July 4th,...

Only socialist revolutions can bring the ruling classes of the world to trial for...

THE International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must halt its military offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza. This ruling came after South Africa...

Britain must recognise the state of Palestine and the TUC must take general...

THE co-ordinated action by the governments of Ireland, Norway and Spain to announce that next week they would formally recognise the state of Palestine...

Capitalism Is In Its Greatest Ever Crisis – Forward To The General Strike And...

THE SAME British capitalism that has been egging on the Ukraine to start World War III by attacking Russia is now shivering with fear...

Biden insists on Israel’s right to commit genocide in Gaza while Tories insist arrest...

US president Joe Biden has defended American imperialism’s Israeli ally and denounced the decision of the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, to...

ICC prosecutor ‘equates the victim with the executioner’ in proposing arrest warrants for Israeli...

YESTERDAY, Karim Khan KC, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), issued a statement proposing that arrest warrants be issued for Israeli...

Israel is in its death agony – the US, UK and EU trade unions...

THE ISRAELI war cabinet minister Gantz has threatened to resign and completely split the ruling Israeli group unless Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sets out...

Workers of the world must follow the lead of the students and take general...

THE Geneva-based rights group, Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med) says Israel is ‘intentionally’ demolishing schools and medical facilities, including those run by the UN agency...

Israeli War Cabinet Members Fight Each Other Over Failure To Defeat Palestinian Resistance!

DEEP splits within the Israeli government erupted in public on Wednesday night with Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant demanding that prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

450,000 Palestinians forced to leave Rafah! Trade unions must call general strikes to prevent...

THE United Nations says more than half a million Palestinians have now been displaced in war-torn Gaza, as Israel intensifies its air and ground...

US Secretary of State Blinken rushes to Kiev as Ukraine faces defeat by Russia

US secretary of State Antony Blinken made a surprise unannounced visit to Ukraine yesterday morning, as the war to weaken Russia suffers yet another...

Zionists ramp up attack on Rafah as fierce fighting breaks out in the north...

THE ISRAELI regime intensified its genocidal attack on the southern city of Rafah, which sits on the border with Egypt, over the weekend. Yesterday, Israeli...

Starmer Recruiting Right Wing Tories To Run Any Labour Gov!

THE Labour Party is defending, welcoming right wing Tory defector Natalie Elphicke into the party despite anger from many backbench MPs and workers at...

British workers must make the TUC call a general strike to bring in the...

THE United Nations has confirmed that more than 100,000 Palestinians have been forced to leave Rafah, amid intensified Israeli strikes on the southern city...

Trade unions must act now and call general strikes to kick out Tories and...

THERE has been no let-up in the murderous bombardment of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, a tiny city on the border with Egypt...

Workers And Students Must Organise General Strikes To Smash Tories & Support Gaza!

NEARLY three dozen Palestinian civilians, including women and children, have already been murdered by Israeli military forces bombing various neighbourhoods in Rafah in the...

Israel invades Rafah and blocks all aid to Gaza – working class must call...

ON MONDAY evening, the political bureau of Hamas announced that it had approved a ceasefire deal in Gaza. This surprise move prompted the BBC’s International...

US, UK and EU trade unions must take general strike action to defeat Israel’s...

THE Israeli regime started its threatened ground invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah with an intense bombardment of the city on Sunday...

Netanyahu bans Al Jazeera operations in Israel and the occupied territories on the eve...

THE Netanyahu government has decided to close Al Jazeera’s channel in Israel and to ban it from the occupied Palestinian territories. The Cabinet vote yesterday...

Trade Unions Must Call General Strikes To Bring Down The Ruling Classes That Are...

SPEAKING at a press conference in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on Thursday, Abdallah al-Dardari, UN assistant secretary-general and director of the UN Development Programme...

Student uprising spreads from US to UK and Europe – It is the spark...

THE explosive eruption of students in America against the genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza, with the full support of the capitalist...

US Riot Police Storm The Universities – Time For Workers Everywhere To Take General...

HUNDREDS of police officers in riot gear have arrested pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University, after the university authorities requested that they ‘clear all individuals’...

Palestinians warn that UK troops on the ground in Gaza under pretext of supporting...

PALESTINIANS have warned Britain and other Western countries backing the US, against deploying troops on the ground in the besieged Gaza Strip under the...

The Workers Of The World do Support Palestine – Now Is The Time...

TENS of thousands marched through central London on Saturday reiterating their calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for the UK to stop arming...

Follow the lead of US workers and youth! Force the TUC to call a...

FROM Los Angeles to New York, Austin to Boston, Chicago to Atlanta, American students and faculty members at major US universities have risen up...

Students across the US rise up against genocidal war in Gaza showing the way...

STUDENTS across America have risen up against the barbaric genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza and in support of Palestine in a...

Sunak Wants A War With Russia And A Class War Against The Working Class...

THE British ruling class has decided that there is only one way out of the historic crisis of British capitalism, and that is to...

International inquiry finds no basis for Israeli claims against UNRWA that gave US and...

IN JANUARY, the Israeli regime unleashed a propaganda campaign against UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East,...

TUC must call a general strike to bring down the Tories and nationalise Thames...

FACED with an £18 billion debt mountain, the privatised Thames Water company yesterday set out its survival plans that involve increasing bills to £627...

Workers Must Defend The Palestinian People By Bringing Down The US And UK Governments!

THE head of the politburo of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has issued a stern warning against any Israeli military operation on the southern...

The workers of the world must now come to the aid of the Palestinian...

‘OUR right to self-determination is inalienable. It is not tied to a timeframe’, Riyad Mansour, Palestine’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Thursday said...

Hunt vows to slash benefits to drive sick back to work and pledges UK...

THIS week, Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt jetted off to Washington to attend the spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the stated...

UN Security Council is to vote today on the State of Palestine’s admission...

THE UN Security Council is to vote on Palestine’s UN membership application draft today, prepared by Algeria, recommending the state of Palestine’s admission as...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and disabled be driven...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

Iranian retaliation strike on Israel a direct challenge to imperialist domination

IRAN’S retaliatory strike against Israel, launched on Saturday, has provoked an outpouring of hypocrisy from the imperialist nations and their tame media outlets. How dare...

As Zionist Mobs Launch Attacks On Palestinians Hamas Calls To Establish The Palestinian State

YESTERDAY, Zionist mobs were attacking Palestinians all over the occupied territories seeking to seize their homes and land and drive them off it. Israeli occupation...

The UN must accept Palestinian statehood – Defeat the US-UK governments’ opposition!

MEMBERS of the UN Security Council have failed to reach a consensus on the Palestinian bid to become a full member state of the...

Biden’s ‘ironclad’ support for Israel as imperialism prepares for all-out war in Middle East

AT a press conference on Wednesday evening, US president Joe Biden announced that American imperialism was prepared for an all-out war in the Middle...