Tag: unison
Lift the ban from the Gaza Under-19 team!
THE banning of the Under-19 Gaza football team from coming to play in Britain after they had been invited to play against Chester...
CWU STRIKES SUSPENDED! – secret talks till September 4th
FOLLOWING a meeting held yesterday between Royal Mail and the CWU, a Joint Statement was agreed that means detailed discussions will take place on...
CWU CALLS NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION! – All out on Tuesday August 21
The Communica-tion Workers Union (CWU) has announ-ced a national demonstration in London in support of postal workers on Tuesday, 21 August 2007. A CWU spokeswoman...
Chuck Out The New NHS Pay Offer – It’s Divisive, Still...
UNISON yesterday told its members that the barely improved health employers offer which has been approved by the Brown government is ‘the best that...
NHS PAY OFFER – Looks to divide and rule
‘I will be recommending members reject the new pay offer,’ UNISON Oxfordshire health branch chairman Mark Ladbrooke told News Line yesterday. He was commenting on...
Tuc Appeals To The Government For Jobs, Wages And Basic Rights
The TUC preliminary agenda covers the mounting concerns of workers over jobs, wages and conditions, public services and basic rights. The agenda opens...
THE trade unions must take joint action with the postal workers to defend their members’ jobs and basic rights. They must go forward to bring...
UNIONS MUST TAKE BROWN ON – says News Line-All Trades Unions...
All the public sector trade unions must unite for action to bring down the Brown government and replace it with a workers government and...
PATIENT CARE AT RISK – from private treatment centres
Senior doctors yesterday renewed a warning that private treatment centres are putting patient care at risk and destabilising the NHS. The British Medical Association (BMA)...
‘All Out Strike Action’ Call
CWU London Regional Secretary John Denton told News Line yesterday, minutes before the 24 hour strike action began: ‘Our members are determined to see...
Form Public Sector Alliance to defeat the Brown government
THE Brown government is showing clearly and conclusively that it stands with the bosses, the bankers, and the employers against the workers and their...
Reject Plan To Close Hospitals!
Health minister Ara Darzi’s plans ‘are a massive attack on hospital care in London’, warned consultant surgeon Anna Athow yesterday. Darzi is conducting...
‘Last Ditch Talks’ Over NHS Pay
Health unions yesterday warned the government that if it fails to improve on its pay-cutting offer they will proceed with strike ballots. UNISON said: ‘New...
A fighting Public Sector Alliance to defend wages and jobs
THE Communication Workers Union yesterday announced its latest plans for strike action after the first national strike for a decade last week, which was...
WE WILL WIN! say CWU leaders Billy Hayes and Dave Ward
‘THIS has been the best-supported strike I’ve ever seen,’ CWU General Secretary Billy Hayes told striking postal workers on the picket line at Mandela...
STRIKE IS SOLID! – ‘We need the rest of the public...
YESTERDAY’s 24 hour strike of CWU postal workers was 100 per cent, and massively powerful. Everywhere pickets told News Line that what they wanted...
Build councils of action to support the postal workers
‘THIS has been the best-supported strike I’ve ever seen,’ CWU General Secretary, Billy Hayes told striking postal workers in Peckham yesterday. This was after the...
Industrial Action Call At The Bma
A CALL for ‘appropriate industrial action to stop the redundancy of its members’ was made to BMA representatives at the BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting...
School Strike Solidarity
ELEVEN school dinner ladies and men from Haggerston school in Hackney, east London, went on strike yesterday against poverty pay. They were joined by over...
UNISON ‘ready to strike’ while Brown is bringing bosses into his...
‘I SEND this message to Gordon Brown. We are prepared to fight. We are prepared to strike. And we are going to win,’ General...
‘WE ARE READY TO STRIKE!’ – UNISON’s Prentis warns Brown
‘I send this message to Gordon Brown. We are prepared to fight. We are prepared to strike. And we are going to win,’ General...
UNISON delegates determined to organise coordinated industrial action
DELEGATES at the UNISON National Delegate Conference in Brighton on Thursday forced a debate on Friday on coordinated action over soon-to-be prime minister Brown’s...
DON’T GAG CONFERENCE! – UNISON delegates demand debate on coordinated strike...
UNISON’s national delegate conference yesterday opened with a row over the refusal of the Standing Orders Committee to allow a debate on emergency motions...
‘We will work with Brown’–Prentis
‘We demand fairness and justice for our members – and we are prepared to fight and, if necessary strike, to get it,’ UNISON general...
Brown champions more police powers and public sector pay cuts
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown told police chiefs yesterday that he will do ‘everything to give you the resources’ and ‘we will not shirk from giving...
DEFEND LECTURERS JOBS – mass picket of Hackney Community College
students are being invited to join striking workers in a mass picket at Hackney Community College in east London today, to stop 25 lecturers...
Free Palestine – End The Occupation
OVER 20,000 youth, trade unionists and solidarity activists marched through central London on Saturday demanding ‘End the occupation – free Palestine!’ on the...
100% SUPPORT FOR AN OCCUPATION – to save Chase Farm Hospital
OVER 100 workers, youth, pensioners and NHS staff from inside the hospital participated in the North East London Council of Action picket to...
OVER 100 workers, youth, pensioners and NHS staff from inside the hospital participated in the North East London Council of Action picket to...
Unison Motion To Boycott Israel
MOVES towards a trade union boycott of Israel are gaining momentum, with UNISON announcing this week that it is to debate a boycott at...
Campaign For A Trade Union Boycott Of Israel Growing Fast
THE Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat al-Jadidah on 2 June praised the decision of the UCU trade union to discuss in every one of...
Unison Leaders Vote For Another Blairite Government
FOR the whole period that Labour Left MP John McDonnell was seeking to get the backing of the 40 plus MPs that would have...
£1.90 AN HOUR ON CELTIC FERRIES – major unions lead protest
LEADERS and officials of Britain and Ireland’s transport unions will today expose the poverty-pay shame of a ferry company operating in UK and Irish...
industrial action is inevitable if the government insists on paying the NHS pay award in stages, UNISON warned yesterday. ‘If there is no change of...
Unison Leaders Seek To Gag Conference Over How To ‘Save Our...
THE AGENDA for UNISON’s 14th National Delegate Conference in Brighton from 19-22 June only palely reflects the exploding anger and determination of public sector...
Unions & party members kept out of Labour leadership election
TWO of the largest trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party, unions that pay millions into its funds, said they were ‘looking to the...
BUILD REVOLUTIONARY LEADERSHIP – forward to a workers’ government
TWO HUNDRED trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference in Bethnal Green, east London, yesterday. Moving the main resolution, ‘After...
Emergency Clinic Replaced With ‘Information Service’!
OVER 60 health workers, service users and local residents demonstrated against the closure of the Maudsley Hospital Emergency Clinic outside the renowned mental health...
WE DEMAND CITIZENSHIP, NO-ONE IS ILLEGAL – say thousands of migrant...
Migrant workers and refugees were joined by trade unionists, community groups and others fighting exploitation and deportations, in a demonstration of more than 25,000...
AMNESTY! –We are all citizens says march of over 25,000 migrants...
OVER 25,000 people took to the streets to demand citizenship for migrant workers and refugees fleeing persecution to seek asylum in Britain, in a...
UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...
Trade union bureaucrats put two fingers up to May Day
TRUE to form, the voice of the trade union bureaucracy, the Stalinist Morning Star counted tens of thousands of marchers on the TUC’s May...
Barnsley Nurses To Strike
GMB trade union members at Barnsley Hospital have voted to take strike action in a dispute following the introduction of Agenda for Change. The members...
ESOL CLASSES ARE A BASIC RIGHT! – call for mass registration...
TWO thousand people took part in three marches that converged on Hackney Town Hall on Saturday, demanding free English language courses for everyone. The marches...
All Out On May 1!
PRIME Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown have declared war on the public services and their staff, with closures, cuts, redundancies and pay...