‘All Out Strike Action’ Call

There was a strong and lively picket line on the last day of strike action on June 29th at Finsbury Park
There was a strong and lively picket line on the last day of strike action on June 29th at Finsbury Park

CWU London Regional Secretary John Denton told News Line yesterday, minutes before the 24 hour strike action began: ‘Our members are determined to see this through until they get a decent negotiated settlement.

‘Our members want Royal Mail to come into negotiations – the sooner the better for our members, the service and customers.

‘We want to negotiate a pay increase and we want to negotiate change.

‘What we don’t want is change imposed on us just to make cuts in jobs, pay and conditions to save money.’

Communication Workers Union (CWU) South Central No1 branch HP section chairman Rob Bolton added: ‘We need an all-out strike to defeat Royal Mail’s attacks.

He was speaking on the eve of the 24-hour national strike by 130,000 postal workers at Royal Mail.

Bolton added: ‘Royal Mail have made it clear they will not compromise.

‘They have the complete support of the Brown government.

‘We need to build a Public Sector Alliance that unites all sections of workers in defence of jobs and wages.

‘Our union leaders should call a national demonstration and invite other trade unions to take part.

‘Our members have shown their determination to fight, what we need is a leadership that will not compromise and show the rest of the public sector the way forward.’

Liverpool CWU branch chair Phil Callaghan said: ‘We are taking firm action.

‘There was a meeting between Royal Mail and the union last night but it came to nothing.

‘The strike is going ahead. Members are for taking further industrial action over the conditions imposed on the pay claim.

‘We have huge backing from other unions and the general public.’

CWU South West regional secretary Kevin Beazer told News Line: ‘Our members will be out from 7pm for 24 hours.

‘The feeling is very good. we are expecting the same level of turnout, if not more, than the last strike – which had 95 per cent plus support.

‘Members are adamant to fight the cuts in their terms and conditions, pensions and jobs.

‘They are very solid. The last strike was the biggest supported strike we’ve seen.

‘There is an (CWU) Executive meeting next Tuesday and if Royal Mail won’t enter negotiations by then, the action will escalate.

‘We’ve been talking to other unions such as the PCS, UNISON and the NUT about possible coordinated action.

‘We are all in the same boat as far as pay cuts and cuts in terms and conditions.

‘If the government are going to sit on their hands we would certainly consider a public sector alliance.

‘We are certainly not going to sit by and watch a Labour government destroy our terms and conditions and destroy public services without getting involved.’

In Middlesex, a Harrow and District CWU, branch spokesman told News Line: ‘The strike is going ahead tonight without any doubt.

‘The business is still standing their ground and will not talk with the union.

‘We’re united here. It’s looking like it will probably be a long dispute.

‘The business want to break the union.

‘That will never happen. Our members are solid.

‘We will take the action that’s needed to be taken.

‘We’re taking a stand, we won’t back down.’