Tag: tory party
CEASEFIRE! – or face Middle East war says Saudi King Abdullah
Yesterday fighting in the Lebanon was continuing in Bint Jebayl with Israeli tanks and troops in the town. However, the Israeli Army admitted it...
Don’t privatise the Aylesbury estate
‘DEFEND Council Housing! Kick Blair out!’ shouted more than 100 tenants, youth and trade unionists as they marched through the Aylesbury Estate in south...
Restore the free NHS! Halt privatisation & kick out the profiteers!
THE House of Commons Select Committee on Health published a report yesterday that set out to legitimise charging for healthcare within the National Health...
Smash Brown’s budget cuts, and wage freeze policy
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown told the House of Commons last Thursday that he will reduce the Whitehall budget by up to 20 per cent in...
Blair To Get The Four O’Clock Knock
THE arrest and questioning of Lord Levy, the man who got millions in donations for Labour’s election campaigns, and the fact that...
Out With Prescott And Blair – Forward To A Workers’ Government
LAST month, Prime Minister Blair announced that John Prescott would not be resigning as Deputy Prime Minister, and that, in fact, he would go...
Combat Troops For Afghanistan
Britain is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan ‘as a matter of urgency’ Defence Secretary Des Browne told MPs yesterday. In a statement to the...
AFGHAN PANIC – calls for back-up will be met says Downing...
DEFENCE Minister Watson was forced to make a statement in answer to an urgent question in the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, after the...
Clarke Tells Blair It’s Time To Go
TONY BLAIR may not be able to recover his authority and leadership after recent damaging events, former Blair Home Secretary, Clarke has said. Charles...
Defend the National Health Service! Stop Privatisation Bring down the...
By Anna Athow, Consultant Surgeon ‘WE HAVE reached crunch point, where the process of transition from one system to another is taking place.’ So said...
NO NHS CUTS! – says UNISON Conference
THE UNISON National Delegate Conference voted unanimously yesterday to oppose cuts to the National Health Service and against privatisation by the Labour government. The main...
Johnson moves to put the skids under Prescott
THE Blairite cabinet, faced with the working class rejecting Blair, his war on Iraq, his onslaught on the Welfare State, and with popular revulsion...
Public sector union UNISON yesterday condemned the government’s extension of Patient Choice as a policy that will lead to the closure of good local...
Blair – Bush’s Servant To The Bitter End
THE knives were out for disgraced Deputy Prime Minister Prescott yesterday. He is the man who was important to the Prime Minister because he...
French And British Workers Unite To Fight Ryton Closure
Over 400 French and British workers lobbying the Peugeot shareholders’ Annual General Meeting in Paris on Wednesday declared they are determined to fight the...
Tories Vote To Keep Blair In Office!
IN Tuesday night’s vote in the House of Commons on the Blair government’s Education Bill, 67 Labour MPs voted against, wiping out the government’s...
New Labour full of sleaze, hatred for claimants and arrogance
THE real anti-working class face of the Blair, Labour government is becoming clearer and clearer every day, as the crisis of capitalism deepens. ...
Renationalise the rail privateers
THE private railway system has, so far, seen many tens of billions of public money thrown at it to make sure that the private...
Putin Warns Usa Of Dangers In Attacking Iran
IN his ‘Address to the Nation’ last Wednesday, the Russian leader, President Vladimir Putin, was forced to deal with the fact that Nato is...
Iraq – Time For Britain To Cut And Run
SATURDAY’S engagement in Basra was a serious one for British imperialism. One Lynx helicopter was lost, shot down by a Strella missile and five British...
Lessons of 1926 are vital for today!
THIS year there is great interest in the 80th anniversary of the general strike of 1926. It is not hard to work out why....
Gate Gourmet Workers Confront Tony Woodley
‘VICTORY to Gate Gourmet workers! TGWU sack Tony Woodley!’ shouted angry locked-out Gate Gourmet workers as they confronted TGWU leader Woodley before the...
OVER 25,000 refugees, workers and youth marched through the centre of Paris on Saturday, demanding, ‘Withdraw the CESEDA’! and ‘Immigrants are not disposable like...
MAY DAY 2006 is historic. It is taking place in a period of an enormous crisis of world capitalism and rapidly developing world revolution. This crisis...
Fight Barking NHS Jobs Massacre!
THE UNISON public sector union yesterday reaffirmed it will back strike action to defend NHS jobs. It was responding to the news that the huge...
‘WE’RE SUFFERING BUT WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers
THE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers May Day campaign team got great support from fellow Transport and General Workers Union members in west London bus...
‘MARCH WITH US ON MAY DAY!’ – Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘WE want people to march with us on May Day,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Parmjit Baines said yesterday. She was on a campaign team that...
Blair will ‘run criminals out of the country’
IT was Mussolini who said that he would drive the Mafia out of Italy and send it packing to the United States. Mussolini went...
2,500 march in Berne to support Gate Gourmet workers
OVER 2,500 people marched in support of the locked out Gate Gourmet workers last Saturday in the Swiss capital of Berne. The march was...
The Easter Rising a powerful blow against ‘the power of the...
OUR theses were written before the outbreak of this rebellion, which must be the touchstone of our theoretical views. The views of the opponents...
Stop the pensions betrayal!
THE membership, branch leaderships and regional leaderships of the local government trade unions must stop the betrayal of their final salary pensions by union...
Unions Pensions Surrender
LOCAL government trade union leaders yesterday called off this month’s planned pensions strikes and accepted Deputy PM Prescott’s abolition of the Rule of 85...
1.5 Million Take Strike Action
YESTERDAY’s massive one-day strike stopped whole regions of the UK, but is only the start of the campaign, local government workers warned. Striking local government...
SECOND CLASS CITIZENS! – elderly being mistreated
Public services often fail to consider the special needs of older people, who are being treated like ‘second class citizens’, Age Concern said yesterday. It...
THE CRS and gendarmerie have remained on the streets of Paris since the uprising sparked by the violent state attack on demonstrators at Place...
‘Great support for march’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are getting great support for their march through Hounslow on Saturday. Saturday’s march assembles at 1.00pm (see advert on this...
PAY CUTS & JOB CUTS! – Civil servants and nurses condemn...
Chancellor Gordon Brown delivered his 10th Budget yesterday featuring more tax cuts for the rich and pay cuts for the working class. Opening his speech...
Herts FBU Warns Of Savage Cuts
Confidential documents passed to Hertfordshire’s Fire Brigades Union (FBU) show that confidential proposals have earmarked SEVEN more fire stations for either closure or downgrading,...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned against any ‘quick fix’ plan to keep asthma and heart patients out of hospital ‘just to...
IT is Thursday afternoon in Paris and TENS of thousands of school and student youth have converged on the Place d’Italie. They are marching towards...
1.5 Million To Strike On March 28
One and a half million of the country’s most essential public sector workers will go on strike on 28 March to protest at unfair...
Ealing Trade Unions Back Gate Gourmet March
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers leafletted at Ealing Hospital in west London yesterday and won more support for their demonstration through Hounslow...
Angry Lecturers Take Strike Action
‘We are expecting a good turnout on the picket lines at universities and colleges of higher education across the country today,’ lecturers’ union Natfhe...
Union solicitors urging members to sign deal
‘WE are asking all trade unions and all trade unionists to join our march and rally in Hounslow on Saturday 25th of March,’ Sharanjit...
Pflp Condemns Occupation ‘Onslaught’
THE Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, last Sunday issued a statement headlined ‘PFLP condemns occupation onslaught against our people in Nablus and...