Tag: tory party
2,000 MARCH TO SAVE WHIPPS CROSS – marchers support calls for...
Over 2,000 workers and youth last Saturday marched through Leyton and Walthamstow, north east London, against the closure of Whipps Cross Hospital. The march was...
STRIKING PCS members in Harrow, north-west London, staged pickets at the Land Registry, the local Jobcentre, Harrow Magistrates and Harrow Crown Court from early...
‘WE absolutely call for pfi to be abandoned, it is a failed system which is costing the nhs billions,’ a UNISON spokeswoman told ...
The Death Agony Of The Blair Government
THE Blair government is now under attack from all sides, after its Prime Minister turned yellow and refused to attend the House of Commons...
Stop the privatisation of the Public Services
TRADE unionists from across the public sector spoke out on Tuesday, demanding action from the TUC to stop the privatisation of the NHS and...
State Death Squads In The UK
Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan’s investigation began more than three years ago when Belfast welder Raymond McCord claimed that his son, also called Raymond, had...
Billionaire steps in to bail out the Labour Party
LAKSHMI Mittal, the Indian-born billionaire has donated £2m to the Labour Party, it was revealed yesterday. The fifth richest man in the world, who owns...
FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART ONE
THE ‘re-configuration’ of 60 District General Hospitals (DGHs) means a huge reduction in National Health Service (NHS) hospital capacity. This will result in the loss...
Brown and Blair – two sides of the same coin
WITH Blair’s political reputation destroyed by the Iraq war, and the massive resistance to his attack on the Welfare State, and with the media...
Labour Cabinet Minister Fears For Her Seat
THE Labour government’s policy to cut, close, reconfigure, and privatise the NHS has caught up with a number of senior government ministers, including leading...
Bring down Blair; bring in a workers’ government
THE crisis of the Blair government has intensified to the point where the government is now more deeply split and divided than ever, while...
‘whipps X Will Not Close!’
OVER 70 hospital staff, patients, supporters and trade unionists held a rally outside the threatened Whipps Cross District General Hospital in Walthamstow, north London...
Over three hundred angry Camden trade unionists and residents lobbied the Town Hall last Wednesday night over suddenly announced plans to cut services. The Tory-Liberal...
Brown Targets The Working Class For Special Measures
BROWN’S proud boast yesterday in his pre-budget speech was that ‘In no other decade has Britain’s personal wealth – up 60 per cent –...
Racist laws must be smashed!
The uprising at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow has badly shaken the crisis-ridden, reactionary Blair government. It began last Tuesday night and continued into Wednesday,...
Dollar collapse puts bankers into a spin
THE dollar has continued to collapse against the other major capitalist currencies leaving the pound at its highest price against the dollar since Britain...
UP TO THEIR NECKS IN DEBT! – Labour and Tories have...
The Labour Party yesterday admitted it faces ‘acute cash flow problems’. It was responding to the publication of Electoral Commission figures showing that the main...
Iraq a ‘disaster’; NATO can’t win in Afghanistan – Blair and...
FOLLOWING last Friday’s published remarks of Labour Minister Margaret Hodge, one of Blair’s closest political friends, describing the Prime Minister as practising ‘moral imperialism’,...
Hodge Spreads Subversion In The Fabian Society
THE Labour government is visibly collapsing day by day, with even ministers expressing opposition and saying that they had doubts about Blair’s foreign ...
Worthing NHS Cuts Opposed!
Two Worthing Hospital intensive care consultants have produced their own ‘Fit for whose Future?’ report, opposing plans to axe the hospital’s emergency services. Dr Richard...
‘We have to take action at Whipps Cross Hospital against cuts and closure,’ consultant surgeon Mrs Anna Athow told a packed public meeting in...
Blairites back-off and concede to Brown
OH how the mighty have fallen. It was not so long ago that Blairites were queuing up to challenge Gordon Brown for the premiership....
‘The whole trade union movement must take action to defend...
MANY thousands of NHS staff, from cleaners to doctors, from all over the country, were joined by members of the public fighting hospital closures...
While NHS workers demand action, Prentis and Barber stay on their...
YESTERDAY thousands of NHS workers took part in the ‘NHS Together’ Lobby of Parliament to demand an end to NHS privatisation. The lobbying...
KEEP ALL DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS OPEN! – unions must take strike...
NO TO PRIVATISATION! SAVE OUR DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS! BLAIR AND BROWN OUT! THE Blair government is gunning for District General Hospitals – David Nicholson, the Chief Executive...
THE STERN REVIEW: Trust me, I’m a banker!
ON WEDNESDAY Sir Nicholas Stern presented his Review of the Economics of Climate Change, commissioned by Chancellor Gordon Brown. Stern is the Chief Economist...
Phillips draws back after opening Pandora’s Box
TREVOR Phillips yesterday warned that Britain was becoming polarised and that the controversy over women wearing veils would lead to worse riots than were...
Union leaders must call action now over NHS pay or resign!
THERE is not the slightest doubt that the Labour government has declared all-out war on all NHS staff with its decision to impose a...
RE-OPEN EPSOM A&E – demands GMB trade union
‘GMB are calling on the government and the minister of health to reinstate the A&E services to Epsom,’ Paul Maloney, Senior Officer of the GMB...
Occupy NHS Logistics on October 1 – trade unions must take...
WEDNESDAY’S twin votes at the Labour Party conference against NHS privatisation emphasised for all to see just how great is the isolation of the...
All trade unionists must take action to defend the NHS
UP TO 5,000 health workers, trade unionists and local residents determined to save their jobs, hospitals and NHS services from massive cuts marched through...
Tuc Delegates Reject Blair
THE RMT railworkers union delegation demonstrated and walked out in protest at the presence of Tony Blair at the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. They...
Unions Must Put The Labour Party House In Order
THE main trade union leaders are determined that the crisis of the Labour government should be kept out of the TUC Congress in Brighton. They...
PCS NATIONAL STRIKE THREAT – ‘You can’t tell Brown and Blair...
‘THE government could face a national strike by civil servants in a matter of weeks,’ PCS leader Mark Serwotka told a pre-TUC Congress press...
Blair Refuses To Name The Date
TONY Blair yesterday took advantage of the refusal of his political rivals, such as his policy co-thinker Gordon Brown and the trade unions, to...
Greenford Cwu To Join Gate Gourmet Lobby Of Tuc
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers got good support yesterday as they campaigned for their lobby of the TUC annual conference in Brighton next Monday morning...
Weak British imperialism heading for a major fall
THE chickens are coming home to roost for British imperialism, as the mounting casualty figures in both Afghanistan and Iraq show. It is a long...
‘New Leader – Old Agenda’
IN a motion for next month’s Trades Union Congress, UNISON correctly says the use of private firms in public services is ‘harmful, wasteful, and...
Unions Must Dump Blair, Brown And Beckett
THE decision of up to 40 members of Foreign Secretary Beckett’s local Labour Party branch, Derby South, to quit the party, concretely proves that...
Workers of the world unite in the struggle for socialism
OVER 600,000 workers have come to work in the UK from the eight nations which joined the European Union in 2004, said Home Office...
Tories and Labour unite to bar Bulgars and Romanians
THE Tory Party yesterday called for restrictions on immigrant workers from Bulgaria and Romania when these countries shortly join the EU. The Tory Party immigration...
Renationalise the electricity and gas monopolies!
POWERGEN, the energy monopoly, is putting up the prices of its gas and electricity services by 18.4 per cent and 9.7 per cent, next...
Blair’s ‘legacy’– Student debts set to soar!
THIS week, as college and school students receive their A level examination results and consider going to university, the latest survey by the NatWest...
Police chiefs demand ‘summary powers’
THE Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) is demanding that their forces be given powers to dispense ‘instant police justice’. This is revealed in...
Scrap the market in the NHS!
IPSWICH Hospital, in Suffolk, has been deprived of £2.5m because it provided much-needed care for its patients too quickly. This was discovered by accountants...