Tag: syria
End all immigration control!
THE death of a 40-year-old woman at Yarl’s Wood on Sunday has once again thrown the spotlight on the privately-run immigration removal centre. According to...
Israeli Troops Are Using Live Rounds Against Youth
ISRAELI troops who shot dead a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank last week, used live bullets against innocent youth without warning, an...
Israel’s exploitation of Palestinian water resources condemned
ON UN World Water Day last Saturday the Palestinian Mission UK recirculated a previously published brief by the PLO-Negotations Affairs Department entitled ‘Israel’s Exploitation...
RECENT Israeli actions against the Palestinian people indicate that Israel has given priority to settlement expansion and the demands of settlers over peace and...
Nato Issues A Warning To Russia!
NATO’S military commander in Europe has issued a warning to Russia about the build-up of its forces on Ukraine’s border. Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Gen...
IN A speech last Wednesday to the Fatah Revolutionary Council, Palestinian President Abbas declared: ‘I want to achieve something for my country and I...
NATO’s arms being exported from Libya to terrorists everywhere
THE NATO armed intervention that supported the Islamist revolt in Libya succeeded in murdering Colonel Gadaffi and smashed up the most advanced and prosperous...
NATO war criminals used depleted uranium weaponry in Libya!
JAMAHIRIYA NEWS has reported on NATO war crimes in Libya including deformities in new born babies due to the use by NATO of...
Pogromist Johnson Speaks Up For The Security Services
BORIS JOHNSON writes in Monday’s Daily Telegraph, in the wake of the Rigby trial, ‘the most important question now is how we prevent other...
Imperialism planning new crimes in Syria
The UN mission in Libya has just voiced its ‘deep concern’ over the daily and murderous violence in Libya, where innocent people are now...
US ‘Defence Cutbacks’ are a cynical fraud!
WHEN the gullible read the headline paragraph, that US Defence Secretary, Chuck Hagel, has unveiled plans to ‘shrink’ the US Army to its smallest...
US and EU backed armed mobs run riot in the Ukraine!
THE imperialist backed Ukrainian right-wing, including self-declared fascist movements, have brazenly made a call to arms, and to prove the point on Tuesday shot...
Well Done – The Syrian Delegation In Geneva!
ALL workers must support the stand of the Syrian delegation at the Geneva 2 Conference. This stand was that there had to be a full...
Stability in the Middle East depends on Egypt, says Putin
MOSCOW – Russia is carefully following events in Egypt, Russian Defence Minister Army Gen Sergey Shoygu said, opening a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart,...
Syria Puts Fighting Terrorism Onto The Geneva Agenda!
SYRIA’S official delegation has managed to put counter-terrorism on the agenda as stated by the Geneva Communiqué during a joint session concluded on Wednesday...
People of Aleppo march to support Syrian army
PEOPLE of Aleppo on Tuesday marched through the streets of the city to show their support to the Syrian Arab Army which confronts terrorism...
Syrians March To Support Their Delegation In Geneva!
HUNDREDS of Syrians gathered on Friday morning in front of the UN’s Headquarters in Geneva to express their support for their country, Syria, its...
Ukrainian Stalinists giving way to EU-backed regime-change attempt
THE Ukrainian Prime Minister, Mykola Azarov, of the Stalinist Party of the Regions resigned on Tuesday in an attempt to draw the EU-backed right-wing...
Afghan Refugees Claim Their Boat Was Rammed By Greek Coastguard!
THREE Afghan refugees who survived last Monday’s wreckage of their boat off the Greek island of Farmakonisi in the eastern Aegean, emphatically and repeatedly...
Ukrainian Opposition Only Interested In Regime Change
THE offer of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to ‘opposition leaders’ to take the premiership and other key positions in his elected government has...
Libya disintegrates as robbers ‘privatise’ its wealth
IT IS now obvious that the NATO-inspired and organised ‘revolution’ to overthrow the Gadaffi regime in Libya has resulted in a complete catastrophe for...
Drownings–Greece Accused!
THE shocking truth is slowly emerging of last Monday’s ‘several’ drownings of refugees off the Aegean island of Farmakonisi, close to the Turkish coast. The...
Syrian Deputy Premier, Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, opened the Geneva 2 conference in Montreux on Wednesday by insisting on delivering the whole...
The Crisis In The Ukraine
THE imperialist-backed attempted coup to oust the Ukrainian government and replace it with a pro-imperialist regime, has now taken the open form of a...
‘All non-Syrian fighters must leave Syria says Assad
SYRIA’S President Bashar al-Assad, speaking in Damascus on Monday, said: ‘The Geneva Conference should produce clear results with regard to the fight against terrorism...
‘Syrians Alone Have The Right To Choose The Government’
‘SEATED amongst us today in this room, are representatives of countries that have the blood of Syrians on their hands, countries that have exported...
Down with the Geneva 2 conference – victory to Assad’s...
RUSSIA’S Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that UN chief Ban Ki-moon’s decision to cancel Iran’s invitation to the ‘peace talks’ on Syria,...
Forward To Workers Power In Egypt
EGYPTIAN voters have approved a new constitution by 98.1 per cent, in a turn out of 36.8 per cent of those eligible to vote....
Get rid of capitalism in 2014! New Year’s Statement by the...
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its New Year’s greetings for the year 2014 to all our readers and to the workers and youth...
US Rushes Drones And Hellfire Missiles To Iraq
THE US has sent 75 Hellfire air-to-ground missiles to Iraq, with many more on the way. They are to be used to try to...
Palestinian hunger strikers home raided!
ISRAELI authorities raided the house of Samer Issawi, a Palestinian prisoner who engaged in one of the longest hunger strikes in history, on Sunday. Authorities...
Torture, flogging and killings! AT ISLAMIC SECRET PRISONS SAYS AMNESTY
TORTURE, flogging, and summary killings are rife in secret prisons run by the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), an armed group that...
Imperialist Crisis Deepens In The Middle East!
PALESTINIANS are demanding that the US-sponsored ‘peace talks’ with Israel are called off after Israeli troops murdered three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank,...
Reconstitute The Ussr!
UKRAINE’S decision to suspend a deal on closer EU ties and sign a Russian aid agreement instead has helped avoid bankruptcy, Prime Minister Mykola...
PRESIDENT Mahmud Abbas has rejected US proposals for Israel to keep troops in a future Palestinian state along its border with Jordan, a Palestinian...
UK has not offered to take in a single Syrian refugee!
THE fact that the UK ruling coalition is involved up to its neck in organising the war in Syria, and is also keeping it...
Cameron preparing more police state measures
ON Wednesday, a cabinet level task force set up by Cameron last June to consider proposals for new laws aimed at combating ‘extremism’ published...
Prevent new ‘Catastrophe’ for Negev Bedouins!
THOUSANDS of protesters participated in large demonstrations in Haifa, Jerusalem and in the Negev on Saturday against the Israeli Prawer Plan to drive the...
Geneva Conference Must Not Impose ‘Transitional Regime’ On Syria
THE Syrian people and their supporters worldwide must be on the alert to see that the victories the Syrian masses and their army have...
Iran Is Not The Villain Of The ‘Nuclear Threat’
PRESIDENT Obama made it crystal clear in his 11.45pm Saturday night address, over the just-signed six-month interim nuclear agreement with Iran, that he is...
SUCCESSFUL NEWS LINE ANNIVERSARY Rally marks 44 years of the paper...
‘WE ARE celebrating 44 years of the daily Trotskyist paper that fights for a revolutionary leadership that does not bend, capitulate or collapse at...
‘Bring Down The Tories!’
OVER 200 workers and youth marched to the 44th News Line anniversary rally yesterday afternoon with flags flying and slogans calling for the Tory-led...
Syrian Army Making Considerable Gains
SYRIAN army forces have made considerable gains in their battle against foreign-backed militants around the capital, Damascus, retaking a key ‘rebel’-held town. The government forces...
Syrian Army Has Pro-US ‘Rebels’ On The Run
THE SYRIAN army is now having great successes against the pro-US and Islamic forces that have been seeking to destroy Syria and divide it...
Arafat was poisoned but his struggle lives on!
THE results from the first forensic tests to be carried out on the remains of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat have confirmed the universally held...