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Tag: south africa

Build Fourth International Throughout Africa

THE victory of the strike of the Lonmim miners will inspire not just the workers of South Africa and Africa as a whole, but...

South African Strike Wave Spreads

THE strikes that have halted work at seven of South Africa’s gold and platinum mines have spread to the chrome sector. It emerged yesterday that...

South African miners defiant

A GROUP of 106 South African mineworkers, arrested following the police shooting at UK-based Lonmin’s Marikana mine, were released yesterday by the ...

Miners Defy Police & March To Lonmin Mine

THREE THOUSAND striking platinum miners marched to the Marikana Lonmin mine and forced the massed ranks of the riot police to retreat yesterday at...

SA miners strike spreads –as murder charges provisionally dropped

SOUTH AFRICAN prosecutors yesterday ‘provisionally’ dropped murder charges against 270 miners, 34 of whose colleagues were shot dead by police last month. Many of the...

Miners charged with murder – ANC stands with the bosses!

THE SOUTH AFRICAN ANC government and its state apparatus have taken a very clear class stand, alongside international capital, with their decision to charge...

Platinum miners – murder charges

PLATINUM miners arrested at South Africa’s Marikana mine were yesterday charged with the murder of 34 colleagues shot by police. The police shootings sparked...

‘Lives sacrificed in the uncaring pursuit of profit’

CONTROVERSIAL India-based mining company Vedanta was again the subject of an angry protest in London yesterday. London Mining Network, Amnesty International, Survival International and other...

Platinum Miners Strike Spreads

MINERS at Eastern Platinum (Eastplats) in South Africa came out on strike yesterday, alongside the striking Marikana miners, in a sign that the strike...

Anc Leopard Will Not Change Its Spots!

TOP members of South Africa’s ruling ANC party met yesterday to discuss the political crisis that has emerged in the wake of the ANC’s...

More platinum miners join strike action!

MORE South African platinum miners came out on strike yesterday at the Royal Bafokeng Platinum mine outside Rustenburg, in the North West. They gathered...

‘We will never forget and we will never let those responsible...

A 400 strong packed meeting at Lambeth Town Hall on Tuesday night commemorated the fourth anniversary of the death of Sean Rigg in Brixton...

Lonmin forced to withdraw their sack threat!

UK-OWNED platinum mining giant Lonmin (the world’s third largest platinum producer) has been forced by the strength and defiance of the miners, supported by...

Striking SA miners defy sack threat

STRIKING platinum miners at Lonmin’s Marikana mine in South Africa defied the company’s sack threats yesterday and refused to return to work. The 3,000 striking...

Malema blames ANC leaders for massacre

EXPELLED ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema last Saturday blamed the ANC leaders for the massacre of 34 miners and the...

Nationalise Lonmin – forward with South African socialist revolution

The massacre of 34 striking miners at the hands of the ANC government’s police last Thursday marked a decisive point in the development of...

SA miners continue with strike action! –ANC & Zuma are condemned

SOUTH African platinum miners were yesterday continuing their strike, and their wives are occupying the entrance to the British-owned Lonmin Marikana mine. Lonmin has given...

Sa Police Massacre Platinum Miners

SOUTH AFRICAN workers have been shocked by the ANC government’s police force shooting dead over 30 miners at the Lonmin UK-owned platinum mine. Fifty...

Following Veto US Pledges To Act Outside The Security Council

RUSSIA and China on Thursday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that threatened sanctions against Syria and President Bashar al-Assad if he...

UK Did Torture Kenyans!

THE British government accepts that colonial forces in Kenya tortured and abused detainees during the Mau Mau rebellion, the High Court has heard. Three elderly...

IndustriALL demonstrates at mine owners Glencore HQ

IN RESPONSE to mine owners Glencore and Xstrata’s arrogant refusal to meet with a delegation of IndustriALL global union affiliates to discuss labour issues...

Swazi Nurses & Teachers Taking Action!

IT seems an official nurses’ strike is looming in Swaziland after the union called a special urgent meeting scheduled for today. The meeting is...

Tensions emerge between the ANC and the unions

COSATU president Sdumo Dlamini has publicly endorsed the re-election of ANC president Jacob Zuma, thus exposing the tensions existing within the trade union federation. Dlamini,...

Wrp May Day Rally Salutes Palestinian Hunger Strikers And World...

‘A socialist revolution in this country will open up the whole of the world,’ Frank Sweeney, the General Secretary of the Workers Revolutionary Party,...

Thousands March To Defend Rio Tinto Alcan Jobs!

THOUSANDS of people marched through the streets of Alma in Lac Saint-Jean in Quebec province on Saturday to demand an end to the...

STOP DETENTION OF CHILD IMMIGRANTS! – Worldwide campaign launched

By Simon Parker, End Child Detention Now Co-ordinator End Child Detention Now campaigners have welcomed the launch of the International Detention Coalition’s Global report...

Clinton Accuses Bashir Of Undermining South Sudan!

AFTER having pushed to separate oil rich South Sudan from the North, the US is now preparing for military action against the north, accusing...

100 Million Nigerians live on less than $1 a day –...

THE numbers of Nigerians living in poverty, in the midst of vast oil riches, has risen to nearly 61 per cent. Poverty has risen sharply...


‘We are preparing for a huge battle,’ said the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) at the weekend. In an extensive statement, SAMWU said: ‘Our...

Russia resisting regime change in Syria!

RUSSIA said yesterday that it strongly disagreed with changes to its draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria made by the western imperialist powers. ‘Unfortunately,...

RESTORE THE FUEL SUBSIDY – 500 workers and students picket Nigerian...

Last Friday over five hundred Nigerian students and workers picketed their London embassy, furious at the Nigerian government’s removal of a fuel subsidy. The fuel...

COSATU organising general strike action against labour broking

‘We are concluding the year with greater levels of unity and cohesion in our ranks, which will help us confront the daunting challenges of...

Numsa Pledges To Fight ‘jobs Bloodbath’

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) held a highly successful Central Committee meeting (CC) from Sunday the 11th to Wednesday the...

US urges Russia to back UN Security Council over Syria

THE United States on Tuesday urged Russia to back UN Security Council action on Syria, after UN officials said the death toll in the...

‘Corruption Is The Programme Of The Elite To Steal From The...

‘We do not like corruption, because corruption is a programme of the elite in society to steal from the poor,’ said COSATU General Secretary,...


The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) will be going out on strike on the 6th December 2011 against Metrorail and the declining...

Metrorail strike against neglect and overcrowding

COSATU has announced it is to strike on 1st December 2011 for better train service in Western Cape. In a statement the Confederation of South...

Students And Sparks March Against Tuition Fees And Wage Cuts

Over 10,000 students and a number of trade unionists took part in a protest through central London yesterday against £9,000 fees, education cuts and...

Vavi Addresses Russell Tribunal On Palestine

Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) made the following address to the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, District...

Forward To Jerusalem!

THE Palestinian foreign minister said on Thursday that eight Security Council members are guaranteed to vote in favour of the Palestinian bid for full...

Palestinians battle for Security Council votes!

PALESTINIAN envoys are battling for UN Security Council votes to back their effort to win full UN membership, while the United States is...

No Surrender Says Sirte

THE Libyan government’s Information Minister Moussa Ibrahim has scornfully rejected a ‘rebel’ ultimatum to surrender or face an all-out military assault on the city...

‘Re-colonisation of Africa will never be allowed’ – says ANC Youth...

NATO has blatantly overstepped its UN resolution mandate in Libya by engaging in offensive military support to the Libyan rebels beyond the UN mandate,...

Nato ‘rats’ Reject Ceasefire

Doctors in Tripoli said yesterday that they were ‘overwhelmed’ with casualties as the fighting in Libya continued to rage yesterday, with NATO continuing...

South African textile workers fight poverty and exploitation

A march of 3,000 clothing workers organised by the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU) brought the town of Newcastle to a...