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Tag: south africa

Numsa Has Won A Victory For Ford Workers In South Africa!

NUMSA has won a victory for Ford workers in South Africa after the union was able to fight off over 500 jobs cuts, and...

Powerful international reaction to ICJ ruling that Israeli occupation is illegal!

International reaction has poured in since last Friday’s ruling by the top United Nations court that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory...

SAFTU is appalled ‘by the continued bungling’ of the National Student...

The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) released a statement on Monday saying it is ‘appalled by the continued bungling’ of the National...

White House is worried that Netanyahu will use US Congress speech...

THE WHITE House is reportedly worried that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu could use his upcoming speech to the US Congress to publicly criticise...

SA trade unions condemn the sacking of 700 workers by Mercedes...

The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) joined the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (NUMSA) on Friday to condemn Mercedes-Benz South Africa’s...

Thousands demonstrate in Santiago for Palestine!

Thousands of people demonstrated on Sunday in the Chilean capital Santiago for the protection of children in Palestine and in support of the inhabitants...

NUMSA considering legal action against MAHLE Bher after striking worker shot...

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) (which is affiliated to the IndustriALL Global Union) is considering taking legal action against employers...

Britain must stop arming Israel and recognise Palestine!

‘BRITAIN must impose sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel and recognise the state of Palestine. We demand Israel gets out of Rafah, Gaza,...

ANC has been warned ‘Don’t make pact with Democratic Alliance’

IT HAS been predicted the African National Congress (ANC) will have a tough time persuading its alliance partners to get into a pact with the...

China-Arab states condemn Israel’s aggression against Palestine!

A joint statement issued at the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing has condemned the ongoing Israeli aggression against...

10,000 workers and youth besiege Downing Street demanding banning of all...

OVER 10,000 workers, students and youth attended a protest rally outside Downing Street on Tuesday night with banners, placards and Palestinian flags. They demanded the...

South African union NUMSA wins right to organise workers, while bosses...

National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, NUMSA, and mining company, SASM, have vowed to fight it out in court as the company intends...

Only socialist revolutions can bring the ruling classes of the world...

THE International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must halt its military offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza. This ruling came after South Africa...

Ex-President Zuma barred from standing for SA Parliament

South Africa’s highest court has barred former President Jacob Zuma from running for parliament in next week’s general election. The Constitutional Court ruled on Monday...

‘Stop breaking law or we will stop work’ PCS general secretary...

At the start of the rally in Whitehall 14-year-old Abdul Rahman spoke in front of dozens of children waving Palestinian flags and holding big...

Workers of the world must follow the lead of the students...

THE Geneva-based rights group, Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med) says Israel is ‘intentionally’ demolishing schools and medical facilities, including those run by the UN agency...

Emergency demonstration in support of Palestine held in Whitehall opposite Downing...

AN EMERGENCY demonstration in support of Palestine against the Israeli military operation in Rafah was held in Whitehall opposite Downing Street on Tuesday night. More...

South African NUM has threatened mass strikes over planned sackings!

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in South Africa has threatened mass strikes against the mining sector over planned sackings. Several mining companies have issued...

‘UK must stop funding the Israeli terrorist state’ – Hyde Park...

The first speaker at the rally in Hyde Park was Lujain Abdullah from the Palestinian Forum in Britain, who said: ‘It’s the 29th week...


THE Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on the 200th day of the Israeli genocide in Gaza on Tuesday the Israeli military is planning...

Gaza Freedom Flotilla to set sail!

A FLOTILLA of ships, carrying some 5,000 tons of food, drinking water, and medical aid, is expected to depart from Turkey in the coming...

From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free!

First speaker at the rally in Parliament Square was Louise Regan, the chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who said: ‘Since October, Palestinians have...

‘NetHunter’ demands the release of 500 Palestinian prisoners!

HACKERS have managed to break into the Israeli regime’s ministry of military affairs, offering to sell stolen data unless the regime releases hundreds of...

Sunak Won’t Stop Selling Arms To Israel!

TORY PM Rishi Sunak said he won’t stop selling arms to Israel yesterday, declaring that exports to the genocidal Zionist entity will continue as...


THE International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague held preliminary hearings on Monday on the case filed on 1st March by Nicaragua against...

Germany in court over complicity in Zionist genocide – now is...

YESTERDAY, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) started a hearing on a case brought by Nicaragua against Germany, which puts the German government in...

COSATU & CWU march in support of striking SABC & SAPO...

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and its affiliate, the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU) marched to the Treasury’s Head Office in Tshwane...

200,000 on London March for Palestine!

A HUGE rally of over 200,000 people marched from Russell Square to Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday 30th March, Palestinian Land Day, to...

Hague judges order Israel to guarantee the food supplies for Palestinians...

In a landmark ruling at The Hague, judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have unanimously ordered Israel to take immediate and effective...

Senegal’s Diomaye Faye wins the Presidency 2 weeks after release from...

Senegal’s 44-year-old opposition leader Bassirou Diomaye Faye was named the country’s next president on Tuesday morning, after winning the country’s presidential election on Sunday...

South African miners strike for 12.5%

Workers from the General Industries Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA) started strike action at the Annesley Andalusite Mine located in Penge, outside Burgersfort...

Any French military unit sent to Ukraine will be a top...

RUSSIA’S foreign intelligence (SVR) top brass said any French military unit sent to Ukraine to help it fight Russia would be a ‘priority’ target...

‘Gaza still patient and steadfast against massacres, slaughters, starvation and displacement,...

The head of Hamas’s political bureau, Ismail Haneyya, made a televised speech on Sunday evening, to mark the beginning of Ramadan. ‘Ramadan is peace upon...

South African municipal workers demand 15% increase

South Africa’s largest local government trade union the South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu), is set to table numerous demands for its members –...

Ireland’s Shame – The Betrayal of Palestine

BY FRA HUGHES For 800 years the Irish have fought a genocidal British occupation. Eight centuries of ethnic cleansing, land clearances, massacres, starvation, colonisation and a...

NEHAWU union condemns Nelson Mandela University for refusing to meet strikers’...

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU)  has condemned the reluctance to meet strikers’ demands, displayed by the management of the Nelson...

IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE! – demands powerful east London march for Palestine

A POWERFUL march of 500 protesters for Palestine marched through east London on Saturday, setting off from Mile End and marching to Aktab Ali...

US senate approves $14 billion military aid for Israel as Gaza...

The most pertinent fact about the Biden administration’s stance on the ongoing conflict in Gaza is as follows: No act by Israel, regardless of...

ICJ Hearing on Israeli occupation of Palestine opens – working class...

Yesterday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) opened its historic hearings into the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967. The ICJ, the United Nation’s...

‘Israel intends the complete disappearance of Palestine’ – Riyad al-Maliki tells...

PALESTINE Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki called on judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) yesterday to order an end to Israel’s occupation of...

SA gold-mine strikers win union recognition agreement!

GOLD ONE, the Modder East Operations company’s mine in Gauteng in South Africa, has concluded a trade union recognition agreement with the Association of...

South Africa warns Israel over genocide

SOUTH AFRICA filed an ‘urgent request’ at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over Israel’s planned ground invasion of the city of Rafah yesterday. The...

SA trade unions are ‘deeply concerned’ by petrol and diesel price...

The South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) says the petrol increase would disproportionately impact families of poor workers who have been forced to...

250,000 workers and youth march for Palestine!

The first speaker at the huge rally in Whitehall at the end of Saturday’s march was the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot,...

Argentine trade unions lead a historic general strike!

THE GENERAL Strike called by the CGT and the CTA, in rejection of the DNU (Decree of Necessity and Urgency) and the Omnibus Law,...