Tag: russia
US-UK bullies threaten war with Iran!
THE Tory Defence Secretary, Philip Hammond, declared the UK’s readiness to go to war with Iran last Thursday when he threatened that UK and...
IRAN threatened on Tuesday to take action if the US Navy moves an aircraft carrier back into the Gulf. This is Tehran’s most aggressive...
COSATU organising general strike action against labour broking
‘We are concluding the year with greater levels of unity and cohesion in our ranks, which will help us confront the daunting challenges of...
2012–The year for organising the working class to take power
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2012 to all our readers and to the working class...
Russian workers smash counter-revolutionary coup attempt!
PRESENTLY, world imperialism is attempting to enforce its presence and its influence in the different parts of the globe. The bloody aggression against Libya...
US urges Russia to back UN Security Council over Syria
THE United States on Tuesday urged Russia to back UN Security Council action on Syria, after UN officials said the death toll in the...
Another US blow for Pakistan!
THE US Congress yesterday froze $700 million of aid to its ally Pakistan until it gets assurances that Pakistan will combat the spread of...
Clinton declares war on Putin and on Russia
THE Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US Secretary of State, Clinton, of giving the Russian right wing – many of them...
‘TODAY the greatest crisis ever of the capitalist system is driving forward revolution in every country, as the workers of the world decide that...
Imperialist mad dogs bomb Pakistan ‘ally’ and step up Syrian intervention!
THE desperate crisis of world capitalism is driving forward world revolution, as the continuing revolutionary eruptions in Greece and the eurozone states, and the...
Eu Bosses Strangle Greek Democracy!
MERKEL, Sarkozy and Cameron are all united on one central issue, the Greek workers must not have the slightest ‘democratic’ say over the draconian...
Imperialist Gangsters Prepare Iran War
IN A situation where their NTC proteges are not even sitting securely in the saddle in Libya, the UK and the US ruling classes...
Imperialism Playing With Syrian Fire
SYRIA’S Ba’athist leader Bashar al-Assad has warned that Western action against his country will cause an ‘earthquake’ that will ‘burn the whole region’, and...
Life Terms Like ‘confetti’
THE Howard League for Penal Reform and the Prison Reform Trust yesterday expressed concern over mandatory life sentences being extended to crimes other than...
Britain to be one big prison!
THE coalition government has published its plans to turn Britain into one big prison with its own version of the US’ two strikes and...
Capitalism offering only poverty and war to working class and middle...
FALLING incomes will mean the biggest drop in living standards for middle-income families since the 1970s, when the Yom Kippur war resulted in the...
Forward To Jerusalem!
THE Palestinian foreign minister said on Thursday that eight Security Council members are guaranteed to vote in favour of the Palestinian bid for full...
Palestinians battle for Security Council votes!
PALESTINIAN envoys are battling for UN Security Council votes to back their effort to win full UN membership, while the United States is...
TENS OF THOUSANDS CELEBRATE – after Palestinian membership bid is submitted...
PRESIDENT Mahmud Abbas waved to the crowd of tens of thousands during a celebration in Ramallah, upon his return from the UN General Assembly...
Cameron, Sarkozy poised to send ground troops into Libya!
SARKOZY and Cameron visited Tripoli yesterday, not to celebrate any illusory ‘victory’, but to shore up the NTC counter-revolutionaries, who are already fighting amongst...
Imperialist Vipers At Work
FROM the early 1980s, the CIA and MI6, directed by the US and UK governments of the day, supported and armed the Mujahideen in...
Putin Stabs Libya In The Back Again
RUSSIA has recognised the counter-revolutionary Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) as the only legitimate power in the country, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday. Ahead of...
No Surrender Says Sirte
THE Libyan government’s Information Minister Moussa Ibrahim has scornfully rejected a ‘rebel’ ultimatum to surrender or face an all-out military assault on the city...
LIBYAN Government forces are firing Russian-made rockets and howitzers on counter-revolutionary ‘rebels’ and their Western commanders and forcing them back. Meanwhile, NATO bombers are clearing...
Oil companies fight to carve up Libya
IT HAS not taken long for the hyenas of the giant oil companies to descend on Libya’s oil and gas resources intent on both...
A LABOUR MP said yesterday that British soldiers led the counter-revolutionary ‘rebel’ advance on Tripoli last week. In an interview with the Russia Today...
Stalinism betrays Libya – build Fourth International to smash imperialism
As forces loyal to the Libyan revolution and its leader Colonel Gadaffi continue to fight on against the NATO-led onslaught on Tripoli, the imperialist...
Gadaffi ‘Alive And Well’
Fierce fighting continued in the Libya capital yesterday as government forces remained in control of large areas of Tripoli, holding off SAS-led mercenaries and...
Israel refuses to apologise for Freedom Flotilla massacre
ISRAEL has rejected a US request to apologise to Turkey over its 2010 commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that killed nine Turkish...
Only one solution to the death agony of capitalism: bury...
EVEN sections of the bourgeois media, and the bourgeoisie that it represents, were yesterday able to describe the appearance of the current world...
US debt deal increases economic crisis and puts the US on...
THE National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare says the following about Obama’s debt deal that savages the poor and leaves the rich...
Barghouthi Calls For Mass Mobilisation
Jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouthi has called for large-scale peaceful protests in support of a Palestinian bid for United Nations membership in September. In a...
Gadaffi addresses one-million rally at Zlitan
AT 1636 gmt on 15 July, Libyan state TV Al-Jamahiriyah broadcast a ‘live’ audio address by Libyan leader Muammar al-Gadaffi directed at a ‘one-million’...
KIRSAN Ilyumzhinov, president of the World Chess Federation, has spoken about his recent meeting with Colonel Gadaffi in Tripoli. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, head of the...
Tamil Youth Picket Lord’s Test Match
TAMIL youth activists in Britain took their ‘Boycott Sri Lanka Cricket’ campaign to the Lords cricket grounds on Saturday, the third day of the...
Obama Sends In Medvedev As Stalinists Betray Libyan Masses Again
AT the Group of 8 meeting (G8) of the largest industrialised nations, the Russian Stalinist bureaucracy voted for regime change in Libya and then...
THE Libyan prime minister gave an hour and 55 minute-long news conference relayed by Al-Jamahiriyah TV at 11.35 gmt last Thursday. Al-Mahmudi said...
Over 146,000 Tamils Are Still Unaccounted For!
SUPPORT is growing for an international, independent inquiry into the 2009 genocide against the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Over 10,000 people rallied in Trafalgar Square...
TRIPOLI – Colonel Gadaffi on Wednesday made a major address to the Libyan people. He began: ‘Dear great Libyan, resisting, steadfast and brave people. I...
UK 23rd as far as child ‘well being’ is concerned
UK children’s wellbeing lags behind many other European countries, including France, Germany, Slovenia and Estonia, Save the Children has found. The charity’s World’s Mothers Index,...
Thousands mourn Saif al-Arab
ANGRY Libyans chanted Muammar Gadaffi’s name in Tripoli yesterday, as they gathered for the funeral of his son 29-year-old Saif al-Arab and three grandchildren,...
Dale Farm residents resist eviction & demolition plan
A Thousand travellers and gypsies face the biggest mass forced eviction in recent history. They are all being threatened with eviction from a town that...
The US kettle calls the Pakistani pot black
THE US military’s top officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, has accused Pakistan’s spy agency of having links with Taleban fighters who are targeting US forces....
Capitalist Debt Crisis Demands A Socialist Revolution!
THE deepening world capitalist crisis is poised to see entire nation states defaulting, plunging their banks into an even more desperate crisis, deepening the...
‘I AM READY FOR THE GALLOWS’ – Says Rajapaksa as...
SRI Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa, during a meeting held at Temple Trees with electoral officers, declared that he is willing to go even to ...