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US DISBANDS TIKRIT FORCES – for joining protesters

The puppet Iraqi Oil Ministry announced Saturday that fire had erupted in the oil tanks of Al-Dawrah Refinery, southern Baghdad, last night. A ministry spokesman...

Israel extends Wall to grab Jerusalem

THE Israeli Cabinet decided last Sunday to extend the route of the Zionists’ illegal ‘Security Wall’ to grab a large chunk of Palestinian East...


Prime Minister Blair made it clear yesterday he will use last Thursday’s bomb attacks in London to give the police and intelligence services sweeping...


The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, last Thursday condemned the London blasts, urging an end to the ‘injustice and bias against the Arab nation’. Commenting...

State Raising Terror Tensions

ON SATURDAY night, the city centre of Birmingham, the second largest city in the country, was emptied of more than 20,000 people by the...

Israeli Forces Bulldoze West Bank Villages

ISRAELI occupation forces demolished four houses, razed land and arrested Palestinians in the West Bank last Wednesday. They demolished one house that was still under...

Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan to end terrorism

NEWS LINE sends its condolences to the families of those who were killed in Thursday’s terrorist attacks on London, and its best wishes for...

Gleneagles Protesters Condemn Police Assaults

ANGRY protesters have condemned police tactics at the G8 Alternatives demonstration in Auchterarder, outside Gleneagles on Wednesday, when riot police, mounted police and police...

‘G8= the most violent criminals on earth’ says George Galloway MP

Over 15,000 people took part in the G8 Alternatives demonstration at Gleneagles yesterday afternoon. Welcoming the marchers to Auchterarder at a rally in the local...

JOIN US AT GLENEAGLES! –urges G 8 Alternatives

‘We are calling on thousands to pile on buses and trains and join us at Gleneagles today,’ G8 Alternatives movement spokesman Mike Arnott told...

‘Significant Concerns’ For Vulnerable Detainees

Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers’ ‘Report on an unannounced inspection of Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre’ is another damning indictment of the brutal system...

US fears its forces can’t fight war on two fronts

THE scale of the insurgency in both Iraq and Afghanistan has got the Pentagon rattled. It fears that the US strategic requirement, to be...


Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadaffi yesterday urged African nations to stop ‘begging’. In a half-hour speech as host of the 53-nation African Union two-day summit...

Bush Kicks Blair In The Crutch

IT has long been Prime Minister Blair’s contention that the strategic interests of the British ruling class demand 100 per cent support for the...

Revolution not bourgeois aid or charity, the future for Africa

ON Saturday, leaders of the capitalist world, from the Pope and his Cardinals to various Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and not a few Chancellors...

Medicine company workers fury over Iraq police attack

The Iraqi resistance is dealing daily blows against the US-UK led occupiers as it steps up its attacks. Last Tuesday fighters  attacked with three mortars a...

Make Capitalism History! The Way To End Poverty

TODAY’S Edinburgh march to ‘Make Poverty History’ will be led by Bishops, Cardinals and boss class politicians, in other words, by the religious and...

Government Of National Unity ‘Not Serious’ Says Hamas

PALESTINIAN Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei said Tuesday that the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has ‘no objection to the creation of a temporary government of...

UNISON condemns Blair for breaking NHS promise

UNISON Head of Health, Karen Jennings, has condemned Labour government plans to allow private treatment centres to poach NHS staff, breaking a Labour government...

‘We must learn the lessons of 1926’ – UNISON conference warned

Last week saw the annual conference of UNISON, the largest public sector union in the country. As befits a union that represents hundreds of...

Huge increase in ASBOs

Human rights group Liberty yesterday condemned the huge increase in the number of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (Asbos) issued as the government steps up its...

Blair Says Troops To Stay In Iraq

THE new puppet Prime Minister of Iraq, Jaffari, has just visited both Washington and London to make sure that a beleaguered President Bush and...

‘IT WAS MURDER!’ – says Sophie Hurndall after Israeli soldier guilty...

‘It should have been a murder case’, said Sophie Hurndall, the sister of Tom Hurndall yesterday. She was speaking to reporters just after her brother’s...

Private treatment centres grab NHS funds

PRIVATE Treatment Centres have become a key element in the Labour Government’s plans to privatise the National Health Service (NHS). They are being used in...

Labour plans to keep one million patients out of hospital

LABOUR’S policy of privatising the NHS by diverting huge chunks of the NHS budget to the private sector is preparing the bankruptcy of many...

Troops Out Of Iraq By Christmas Says Unison Conference

Delegates at UNISON’s National Delegate Conference in Glasgow voted overwhelmingly yesterday to demand British and US troops are withdrawn from Iraq by the end...

Blair advocates Thatcherism throughout Europe

BLAIR’S call for Thatcherism throughout Europe has won him the immediate support of all Tories and right wingers, even those who had been portraying...

‘Single Status Used To Cut Wages’

PUBLIC sector union UNISON finds itself in conflict with employers using equal opportunity legislation supposed to protect the most vulnerable workers, to oppress them...

‘WE ARE LOSING IN IRAQ’ says US Senator Chuck Hagel

Leading Republican Senator Chuck Hagel has warned the US is ‘losing in Iraq’. He slammed the George W Bush administration’s Iraq policy as ‘disconnected from...

Blair using EU to attack workers’ wages and conditions

THE Blair government has only one real use for the EU, and that is as a tool for cutting the wages and increasing the...

Blair demands end of EU farm subsidies

THE knives are out between the British ruling class and its Franco-German opposite numbers. The press conference at the end of Blair’s visit to Moscow,...

UK citizen must be freed – being held illegally in Iraq...

Today, the case of a British citizen detained without charge in Basra by UK Forces since 10 October 2004 will be heard in the...

US casualties in Iraq ‘unacceptable’ – say 75 per cent of...

A US Humvee was destroyed when an explosive charge went off on Wednesday near a US forces convoy in the Al-Rustamiyah area, southeast of...

‘Withdraw UK troops from Iraq immediately’ – PCS conference decides

‘Iraqi people do not want a foreign occupation of their country,’ Paula Kennedy, Equal Opportunities Commission, Manchester Branch, told the conference of the Public...

BMA leader lashes private treatment centres

YESTERDAY Paul Miller, chair of the British Medical Association (BMA) Consultants Committee launched an unprecedented attack on the government over the introduction of private...

Stop Child Deportations

‘A Rochdale head teacher, Jed Morgan, and the families of refugee children, travelled to London yesterday in a bid to stop the deportation of...

Charge Harry Stanley’s Killers!

THE uncovering of ‘new’ forensic evidence by the Surrey constabulary has led to the arrest of the two police officers who shot dead Harry...

The Eu Crisis Is Exploding!

THE 61 per cent ‘no’ vote in Holland, on a 62 per cent electoral turnout, against the EU constitution was no surprise after the...

Amnesty Condemns Bush

Human rights organisation Amnesty International has hit back at US president George W Bush’s criticism of its annual report which said the USA was...

RELEASE ALL 11,000 PRISONERS – demands Palestine National Authority

The Palestine National Authority (PNA) said yesterday Israel’s promised release of 400 Palestinian prisoners was ‘not enough’. Palestinian Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Hasan...

US-UK attack basic rights – says Amnesty Report

Amnesty International has accused the United States of effectively giving governments a licence to torture. In its annual report covering 2004, the human rights organisation...

Thousands join BBC unions to take strike action!

The BBC was gripped by the biggest strike in ten years yesterday, as over 11,000 journalists and technicians from all three BBC unions –...

Capitalism can’t afford common retirement age or decent pensions

CAPITALIST Britain is being driven backwards, not forwards by the deepening crisis of capitalism and the policies of the Blair-Brown Labour government, dedicated to...

BOYCOTT ISRAEL! – demands Free Palestine rally

Over 5,000 members and supporters of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign last Saturday marched and rallied in central London under the banner of Free Palestine. The...

The US is being humiliated in Iraq – not Saddam

IT IS the United States of America that is being humiliated in Iraq and not Saddam Hussein. The idea that putting pictures – provided by...