Tag: police
SADDAM DEFIANT – as witness refuses to testify
The ‘trial’ of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein collapsed into into chaos minutes after it was resumed again yesterday. After boycotting the ‘trial’, Saddam arrived saying...
Overthrow British capitalism to end imperialist atrocities
THE brutalising, maiming, beating and even killing of the ‘subject peoples’ by imperialist troops is part and parcel of the imperialist system and tradition,...
Gate Gourmet Workers’ 6-Months Picket Success
THE locked-out Gate Gourmet workers have vowed to fight until they win reinstatement on their old terms and conditions, six months after the 700-strong...
HUGE ANGER! – in Belfast over ‘Roayal Mail bullying’
BELFAST postal workers, in the second week of their unofficial strike, said there is ‘huge anger’ over what they described as Royal Mail ‘bullying’. Rank...
Belfast Cwu – Still Out!
Striking Belfast postal workers yesterday told union representatives that they are not going back to work. Communications Workers Union spokesman, Owen Davey, said after...
Greek Phone-Tapping Storm
A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...
WAR AN OPTION – Rumsfeld declares on Iran
United States defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that the military option against Iran was ‘on the table’. He said this would be...
To deal with MRSA – end NHS privatisation!
MRSA is now linked to nearly 1,000 deaths each year in NHS hospitals. There is no doubt that it is a product of the...
Workers Of The World Unite Against Imperialism
THE sight of Danish embassies burning in Beirut and Damascus leaves no doubt as to the depth of anger of Muslim people at the...
Afghan nightmare for British troops
COLONEL Gordon Messenger, in charge of the future deployment of British troops in the Helmand region of Afghanistan, was putting a brave face on...
BLACKMAIL – Hamas condemns imperialist pressure to recognise Israel
THE Arab League; the Quartet of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia; Israel and the Palestinian Fatah movement are...
‘RESTORE OUR HARDSHIP PAY!’ – Gate Gourmet locked-out workers urge TGWU...
‘WE are lobbying the TGWU national executive today to demand that it immediately restore our hardship pay, which has been stopped by Tony Woodley,...
£3,500 CUT IN BASIC PAY – West Midlands & Shropshire Ambulance...
Ambulance crews in the West Midlands and Shropshire are set to start industrial action, beginning with an overtime ban next Wednesday, followed by a...
STOP TEARING NHS APART! – UNISON tells Blair and Hewitt
UNISON has called on Health Secretary Hewitt to ‘stop tearing the NHS apart’. Speaking ahead of yesterday’s publication of the government’s health White Paper, the...
Support floods in for Gate Gourmet conference
THE locked-out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow have stepped up their campaigning ahead of the News Line-Gate Gourmet conference in London this Sunday. On Wednesday...
Hamas election win – a victory for resistance
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) won a resounding victory in Wednesday’s general election securing 76 seats in the 132-seat Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), on the...
Gate Gourmet pickets angry at TGWU leaders
GATE Gourmet locked out workers were angry yesterday when they were told by the local union office that that they had received the last...
Gate Gourmet Pickets Join Terminal 5 Strikers
WHILST out campaigning yesterday, Gate Gourmet workers, now locked out for almost six months, spoke out very angrily about the unsigned letter just received...
Gate Gourmet Workers Determined To Win
Locked out Gate Gourmet workers, trade unionists and youth, held a successful over 150-strong mass picket on the mound near the Beacon roundabout at...
NHS ‘choice’ and ‘reforms’ are no choice – Part one
THE Department of Health’s (DoH) electronic ‘Choose and Book’ programme, is being introduced supposedly to facilitate a ‘patient choice’ of hospital. The procedures to be...
CHARGE POLICE – demand the Menezes family
‘It could not have been more wrong what has been done to Jean,’ said a cousin of the young Brazilian man Jean Charles de...
All out for the News Line–Gate Gourmet sacked workers conference
THE sacked Gate Gourmet workers were locked out almost six months ago on August 10th-11th 2005 by a management and an owner that was...
‘My message to you is about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the way to end it. I had not intended to speak...
Hounslow Campaign Goes Well For Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers
THE campaign team of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers was in Hounslow yesterday working for their mass picket this Sunday and their conference in London...
Stop US Gp Take-Over
The European arm of private US healthcare giant United Health is poised to take over two GP practices in Derbyshire covering 7,500 patients, one...
No Military Action Against Iran – At This Point Says...
BRITAIN’S Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, has just revealed the policy of the British government on Iraq – or has he? He said that Iran...
£5.96bn TRADE GAP
The Bank of England kept interest rates on hold at 4.5 per cent yesterday, as latest official figures showed Britain suffered a new record...
Health unions yesterday welcomed MPs’ condemnation of the government’s plans to break up and privatise primary care services. A report published by the House of...
‘We are committed to holding the elections in Jerusalem’ says imprisoned...
IMPRISONED deputy Marwan al-Barghouthi, the secretary of the Fatah movement in the West Bank and the head of its list in the forthcoming legislative...
SAFETY RULES BROKEN says RMT leader Bob Crow
‘There was chaos on the Underground this morning,’ rail union RMT general secretary Bob Crow said yesterday. Commenting on the 24-hour strike by 4,000 RMT...
RMT OUT SOLID! – after LUL board scuppers peace formula
‘We anticipate the London Underground strike will be solid as it was last time’, rail union RMT said yesterday. A RMT spokesman told News Line:...
Khaddam Calls For Syrian Uprising
THE former Syrian Vice-President, Abdul Halim Khaddam, set himself up as a would-be Quisling for President Bush yesterday, after he called for a...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picket regional TGWU
LOCKED OUT Gate Gourmet workers picketed the regional Office of the TGWU in Hillingdon near Heathrow Airport yesterday. The airline catering company, which sacked more...
Blair And Cameron – Tweedleedum And Tweedledee!
YESTERDAY the new leader of the Tory Party, David Cameron publicly disowned the Tory Party manifesto, written for the last general election, just seven...
‘WE WANT ANSWERS!’ say furious West Virginia mining families
US miners’ families’ relief turned to fury yesterday when they heard that only one of 12 trapped miners was alive when their bodies were...
BLAIR’S POLICE STATE POWERS – come in on Sunday January 1
‘These powers constitute a serious erosion of civil liberties in this country. They will change the relationship between the police and the individual fundamentally,’...
January conference for locked-out Gate Gourmet workers
DEFIANT Gate Gourmet locked out workers were standing on the picket line in the freezing cold yesterday determined to win their jobs back and...
‘If America Should Go Communist’ by Leon Trotsky (Part one)
LEON TROTSKY wrote ‘If America Should Go Communist’ on August 17, 1934, over a year after President Roosevelt brought in his ‘New Deal’, ...
GAZA BUFFER ZONE – Israelis threaten to shoot-on-sight
Israeli planes yesterday dropped leaflets in northern Gaza to warn Palestinians that they will be shot dead on sight if they enter a newly...
Pensions are now a revolutionary question
TUC leader, Brendan Barber, said yesterday in his gloom and doom-ridden New Year’s message that the Lord Adair Turner pensions report created ‘tough decisions’,...
Labour Failing Homeless
Homelessness charity Crisis yesterday called on the government to make public services more accessible to homeless people. Crisis said: ‘Public services are failing homeless people. ‘Public...
Get British troops out of Iraq now!
PRIME Minister Tony Blair told troops in Basra on Thursday: ‘We want to draw down our forces. We don’t want to keep people here...
At his continuing show trial in Baghdad yesterday, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein accused Bush of lying about Iraq’s non-existent stockpiles of chemical weapons as...
US Class Struggle Sharpens
THE TWU Local 100, the New York transit union, is on strike and has picked up the gauntlet flung down by Mayor Bloomberg, the...
‘Great democracies’ rule out free Palestinian elections
EVERY time Bush and Blair speak, they trumpet their championing of democracy against the corrupt dictatorships that they say exist everywhere outside their...