Tag: nhs
Now The Tuc Must Call A General Strike To Defend The...
NHS CONSULTANTS in England today begin two more days of industrial action, and have announced further strike dates in October, demonstrating their commitment to...
CONSULTANTS 2 DAYS OF STRIKE ACTION! – and further action to...
CONSULTANTS in England are holding two more days of strike action today and tomorrow, demonstrating their commitment to fix consultants’ pay in order to...
Kick out privatising hospital managers – place NHS under the management...
THE aftermath of the sentencing on Monday of Lucy Letby for the murder of seven babies and the attempted murder of six others at...
NHS hospital managers must be accountable! say BMA consultants
THE lead consultant on the neonatal unit where Lucy Letby worked said yesterday that hospital managers should be regulated in a similar way to...
UK recession ‘inevitable’ – only socialist revolution can end capitalist crisis
THE FICTION of a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ for British capitalism is now firmly rejected by even the most loyal of...
Irish actors and writers rally in Dublin to support Hollywood strike!
Hundreds of actors, writers and entertainment workers gathered by the statue of Wolfe Tone at St Stephen’s Green in Dublin on Saturday, to demonstrate...
Parents demand judge-led inquiry
TORY Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yesterday dodged the question as to whether the inquiry he announced into baby deaths at the Countess of Chester...
SUDAN CONFLICT ENTERS FIFTH MONTH ‘The most vulnerable and innocent are...
VIOLENCE is threatening Al Nao hospital, a vital lifeline for people in Omdurman, to the north west of Khartoum, as the conflict in Sudan...
Managers Ignored Doctors Warnings!
THE BMA issued a powerful statement yesterday calling for ‘non-clinical managers in the NHS and other health service providers to be regulated, in line...
Starmer cuddles up to the Financial Times as he gets ready...
WORLD capitalism and in particular British capitalism is in its greatest crisis ever with sections of the Tory party compeletely demoralised by the ‘Oceans...
Tories Escalate War On NHS!
AS THE junior doctors ended their latest four-day strike at 7.00am yesterday morning, Tory Health Minister Will Quince kicked out at them and NHS...
Tories scrap 2 weeks cancer waiting times target – new boost...
THE TORIES stepped up their onslaught on the NHS yesterday with the announcement of the scrapping of the requirement for patients with suspected cancer...
Defend the right to strike by forcing the TUC to call...
LAST week, the Tories’ strike-breaking agency worker regulations were thrown out after the High Court ruled they were unlawful. This judgement quashed an appeal by...
‘Sunak wants to break our resolve – instead he has united...
Thousands of junior doctors are manning picket lines outside hospitals around the country again today as they continue their four days of strike action...
‘This is very much a fight for the NHS’ – Homerton...
On the picket line at St Thomas’ Hospital by Westminster Bridge in Central London, Ada Zembrzycka, a junior doctor and anaesthetic trainee, told News...
The BMA has never been as strong as today for...
OVER 1,000 striking junior doctors rallied in Whitehall outside Downing Street on Friday afternoon, at the beginning of another four-day strike to defend the...
TUC must be forced to call a general strike to defend...
TODAY junior doctors launch four days of strike action throughout the NHS in England over the demand for a 35% pay increase to make...
‘The Tories leave us no choice but to strike!’ – junior...
A FIFTH round of strike action by junior doctors in England begins this morning, from 7am today until 7am on Tuesday 15 August. There will...
British capitalism about ‘to fall off a cliff’ – Lobby the...
The Daily Telegraph has in recent months published a number of articles that have questioned not just the continued existence of the Tory government...
Workers targeted by loan companies to pay for private medical...
‘Buy now, pay later’ (BNPL) deals, along with other personal loan arrangements, are being aggressively pushed out for NHS patients as part of the...
Strikes, fires and fuel hikes in South Africa
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the Western Cape notes recent developments affecting the Taxi Industry in Cape Town and the...
Tories rushing into NHS privatisation, while Labour attacks them for delaying...
THE TORIES are planning to knife the NHS through a massive expansion of the private health sector. The Labour turncoats are meanwhile critical of them...
Tories are now rushing to smash & privatise NHS!
THE TORY goverment is now rushing to privatise the NHS, by using all means that are available for the task including the use of...
Tories ‘blithely sailing NHS towards an iceberg!’
THE TORIES are ‘blithely sailing towards an iceberg’ with their plans for the NHS, the President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM),...
Tories Setting NHS Up For Worst ‘Winter Crisis’ Ever
THE BRITISH Medical Association (BMA) has warned that the Tory government is setting the NHS up for the its worst ‘winter crisis’ ever. Last Friday,...
Loud, lively and big radiographers picket!
THERE were loud and lively picket lines of striking radiographers outside hospitals around the country yesterday as the NHS workers continued their 48-hour strike...
‘THE TORIES MUST GO NOW!’ – insist striking radiographers
THERE was a lively and determined picket of members of the Society of Radiographers (SoR) King’s College Hospital in Camberwell, south east London on...
As Israel implodes – forward to the Palestinian State where Palestinian...
AFTER 27 weeks of mass Israeli and Palestinian protests, Israel’s legislature has approved the first reading of a racist and divisive plan drawn up...
With the Anti-Union Laws waiting on Royal Assent, the TUC must...
LAST THURSDAY the government made a ‘final offer’ to the NHS consultants, a petty offer that they rejected out of hand. BMA Consultants Committee...
‘We are united, stronger together – We cannot and will not...
‘NONE of us want to strike, but we’ve been forced to by the government,’ Dr Kevin O’Kane, Chair, BMA London Regional Council, told a...
BMA Consultants defending NHS
STRIKING BMA consultants, picketing outside UCLH hospital yesterday on day two of their action, were adamant that the strike was not just about pay. It...
Tories Can Still Win Says Sunak
TORY PM SUNAK has insisted the Conservatives can still win the next general election, despite suffering two damaging by-election defeats. Labour and the Lib Dems...
Consultants are fighting for the NHS – the working class must...
YESTERDAY, NHS consultants went out on a two-day strike, the first in nearly 50 years, over their demand for an increase in pay to...
‘WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!’ says Consultants Chair Vishal Sharma
THE government made the final offer and said “no more talks”. We are united, stronger together. We cannot and will not back down,’ Consultants...
NHS consultants take 48-hour strike ‘against savage wage cutting!’
NHS consultants in England are on 48-hour strike today and tomorrow, with the BMA hosting a rally at its London headquarters in Tavistock Square,...
Junior doctors condemn PM Sunak for ‘trying to intimidate & bully...
AS JUNIOR doctors ended their latest five-day strike action yesterday morning, BMA Junior Doctors Committee spokesman Dr Tal Ellenbogen accused Tory PM Rishi Sunak...
Sunak wants to abolish university degrees that don’t churn out ‘high...
YESTERDAY, Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak announced the latest attack on higher education with proposals to ‘limit the access’ to university degrees in England...
‘We’re in this for the long haul’ – insist NHS consultants...
CONSULTANTS in England, who go on strike on Thursday and Friday, will do the same next month, said the British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday...
Starmer’s Labour Would Not Spend Any More Money On ...
THE LABOUR Party leader Keir Starmer appeared on the Laura Keunssberg Show on the BBC yesterday where he refused to say whether a Labour...
Junior Doctors Still Demanding 35%
RESPONDING to yesterday’s recommendation from the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration (DDRB) and the government’s acceptance of that recommendation, the BMA says...
Junior doctors are determined to win their battle
OVER 30 striking junior doctors picketing UCH Hospital in London’s Euston Road yesterday were joined by local residents and patients, to the continual sound...
High Court rules Tory laws on use of agency workers to...
THE Tories suffered a setback yesterday in their drive to legalise strike breaking when the High Court ruled that its agency worker regulations are...
Junior Doctors Are On Strike Today!
JUNIOR doctors in England begin five days of strike action at 7am this morning, until 7am next Tuesday morning. Strike leaders Dr Robert Laurenson and...
1,000 Barts workers voting to strike – no 2-tier NHS!
Over 1,000 NHS workers at Barts Health NHS Trust in the City of London began voting for strike action yesterday in a fight against...
Unite leaders drop any criticism of Starmer – now is time...
THE RULES conference of Unite, the largest union donor to the Labour Party, yesterday voted to reject a motion calling to disaffiliate from the...