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Germany signs austerity ‘deal’ – as Greek workers riot

THE GERMAN parliament voted yesterday to extend the ‘bailout package’ to Greece by another four months, while in Greece workers erupted on the streets...

Devolving Manchester is wrecking NHS

‘THESE plans for the devolution of the health budget to a Greater Manchester regional government truly lob a wrecking ball at the National Health...

Syriza trying to carry on from where the former government left...

SYRIZA policy going into the general election, through which it came to office, was to write off most of Greece’s 322bn euro debt. It demanded...

24-Hour Firefighters Strike Solid!

‘THIS dispute is not over,’ declared Fire Brigades Union General Secretary Matt Wrack at a packed 2,000-strong rally of striking firefighters in Westminster, central...

Low Paid UK By Permission Of The Tuc!

THE coalition government has named 70 companies that won’t pay workers the minimum wage. Even the government says that the 100 cases in the care...

Greek workers must build their revolutionary leadership

THE fact that the Greek working class brought Syriza from nothing to power, in the course of one general election, has been correctly taken...

Syriza Submits To Troika

THE Greek government decided on Saturday to accept all terms laid down in a statement agreed at last Friday’s Eurogroup Finance Ministers’ meeting that...

Carry Out Pledges – Demand Greek Workers

THE Greek Finance Minister has sent a letter of capitulation to the EU’s diktats, dated Wednesday 18 February 2015. It was sent to Eurogroup President...

Workers angry at Syriza retreat!

ON Wednesday morning, the Greek government announced that it will be making an application to the Eurogroup for an extension of the loan agreement,...

93 Gazans Vist Relatives Jailed In Israel

A GROUP of 93 Palestinians from Gaza visited relatives jailed in Israel on Monday, the International Committee of the Red Cross said. Spokesperson Suhair Zaqqut...

Labour Must Pledge To Recognise Palestine And To Stop Arming Israel

700 BRITISH artists have signed a pledge to boycott Israel as long as it ‘continues to deny basic Palestinian rights’. The group, Artists for Palestine...

Ohio nurse wins defamation victory!

AN Ohio Nurse who spoke out for rights has won a defamation verdict against the hospital which sacked her. Ann Wayt, a 38-year veteran registered...

BRITISH TROOPS FOR JORDAN! – Stop the War demands issue be...

2,000 UK troops and a RAF spy plane are bound for Jordan to ‘combat ISIS’ it emerged yesterday. The UK will send the ‘specialist troops’...

Behind The Crisis Talks In Minsk On Wednesday!

THE ‘peace talk’ that suggests Merkel and Hollande are seeking to organise a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, acceptable to all, the imperialist...

‘Teachers Are Exhausted By Ofsted And Hours Of Pointless Paperwork!’

TEACHERS are suffering from ‘ludicrous levels of workload pressure’ teachers unions have warned. They were responding to a ‘bitterly disapointing’ new Tory government ‘Workload Challenge...

Greenspan – ‘Greece will have to leave eurozone’

THE former head of the US central bank, Alan Greenspan, has predicted that Greece will have to leave the eurozone. Greenspan, chairman of the US...

Huge increase in homelessness in England – Joseph Rowntree Foundation

NEW independent research published by Crisis and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on Wednesday revealed the huge and increasing scale of homelessness in England. The Homelessness...

‘REOPEN ERT STATE TV!’ –Greek workers demand of Syriza

The sacked ERT state TV and radio workers’ union POSPERT has called a mass rally in Athens for Wednesday 11 February. They are demanding that...

Teachers condemn ‘forced academisation’

TEACHERS unions on Monday condemned plans for a huge acceleration of the forced academisation of state education, with another 3,320 schools handed over to...

Red Army liberation of Auschwitz–an enormous victory! –Kremlin chief slams attempts...

THE Kremlin chief of staff, Sergey Ivanov has been interviewed on World War II history, and Ukraine by the website of pro-government Russian tabloid...

Syriza Begins T0 Swing To The Right!

GREEK Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has said he is confident that agreement can be reached with creditors over the repayment of ‘Greece’s debts’,...

Confidential documents handed to Chilcot showed that Bush and Blair planned...

IN LAST Thursday’s House of Commons Iraq Inquiry debate, originally scheduled to follow the publication of the Chilcot inquiry, all the contentious issues surrounding...

Poorest Families With Children Are Hit The Hardest By Tory Cuts!

POORER groups have been worst affected by changes to direct taxes, benefits and tax credits despite the Coalition’s promise that the rich would carry...

Athens Cleaners Want Jobs Back

THE new Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA), announced his government on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the sacked...

Greek working class delivers blow to EU capitalism

THE victory of Syriza in the Greek election represents a huge blow by the Greek working class against European capitalism. Syriza, the coalition of the...

Syriza Victory!

SYRIZA swept to power yesterday in the Greek elections winning 149 seats, just two short of an absolute majority. After the final results came in...

The last-ditch attempt to save the euro and head off revolution

ON Thursday the European Central Bank (ECB), after months of prevarication and splits within its ranks, finally took the decision to launch the eurozone’s...

Palestinians condemn Israeli air attack on Hezbollah

DIFFERENT Palestinian factions have denounced the Israeli raid on a Hezbollah convoy which killed six of the Lebanese resistance movement’s fighters. The...

Strikebreaker Hunt demands ‘call off NHS strike!’

‘BRITAIN needs a pay rise!’ These were the cynical words of PM Cameron last Friday in Washington, after five years of remorseless wage-cutting in...

Greek Workers & Small Farmers Occupy!

WORKERS and small farmers are in occupation for over a week now of the large state owned EBZ sugar-beets factory in Thessaloniki, northern Greece,...

‘A&E SERVICES ARE AT BREAKING POINT!’ – due to government changes

HEALTH Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has agreed to the relaxing of ambulance response times for some ‘Red 2’ category patients, which include those with...

The currency crash and the socialist revolution

THE decision by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to abandon its three-year cap on the franc last Thursday has had an immediate and catastrophic...

Unison Police Staff To Go On 24-Hour Strike

UNISON police staff members working in forces in England and Wales are to stage a 24-hour strike starting at 07.00 hours on Friday 23...

24-hour London-wide bus strike solid!

BUS workers called for the entire bus service to be taken back into public hands and renationalised, during Tuesday’s 24-hour London wide strike over...

Basic Rights To Be Dumped In The Bin!

IN the wake of the French terror attacks PM Cameron has promised a ‘comprehensive piece of legislation’ to close the ‘safe spaces’ used by...

General Strike to answer Tory strike ban

ON Friday the Tories finally produced their plans to ban strikes throughout the public sector should they win the next general election. Draconian new legislation...

NHS STRIKE ACTION ON 29th JANUARY – ambulance service out on...

NHS workers are striking again in a row over pay. Unison members working in the NHS in England will walkout for 12 hours between 9am–9pm...

Answer NHS crisis with general strike and occupations

THIS week saw the crisis in the NHS reach breaking point with at least 17 hospitals in England declaring they faced a ‘major incident’...

Lambeth College strike strengthens!

LAMBETH College UCU (University and College Union), resumed their strike action yesterday against the imposition of inferior work contracts, by Lambeth College management. This week’s...

World crisis deepening to explosion point!

JAPANESE stocks led big falls across Asia on Tuesday, posting their biggest drop in nearly 10 months, as investors became hysterical about falling oil...

NHS A&E Crisis

HEALTH unions responded angrily to figures released yesterday showing the worst NHS waiting times in decades. This unprecedented crisis, the unions said, is a result of...

Labour announces plans to cut public services year on year

‘WE HAVE got to make our case, explaining our vision house by house, street by street, town by town’, Labour leader Ed Miliband...

Miliband’s ‘fight door-to-door’ bombast has no answers for workers and...

ED MILIBAND kicked-off Labour’s election campaign yesterday with a speech full of bombast and empty promises, but which has at its core the main...

Greek workers on the march to socialist revolution

THE Greek working class, Greek youth and the majority of the middle class and the small farmers have battled the EU imposed austerity programmes...

Labour Pledges Repeal Of Health & Social Care Act!

THE NHS ‘cannot survive a second term of Tory-led government,’ the Labour Party’s Chair of General Election Strategy, Douglas Alexander, said yesterday. He was echoing...