THE EDITORIAL Board of the News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the working class of the world.
We salute in particular the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people who march right up to the barbed wire of the Israeli border with Gaza to demand the state of Palestine, undeterred by sniper attacks and poison gas. We are absolutely confident that with the support of the working people of the world there will definitely be a state of Palestine established with all refugees having the right to return. Unlike Israel it will not be a racist state, it will be a state where Muslims, Christians and Jews can live side by side under the flag of Palestine.
We also send our revolutionary greetings to the working class of Syria and to the Syrian government which have bravely fought off imperialist-backed Islamist movements who have sought to drive Syria back into the dark ages. We are convinced that this coming year will be the year of victory for both the Palestinian and Syrian people.
News Line sends its support to the working class through out Europe. In France, Greece, Italy and in Spain, especially in Catalonia, the masses are fighting against the dictatorship of the EU bosses and bankers and all their attempts to destroy their trade unions, their standard of living and to force youth into a state of permanent unemployment. We are confident that the only future for Europe is under the rule of the working class. This is why we reiterate: Down with the European Union, forward with Brexit and forward to the United Socialist States of Europe.
We are confident that the British workers’ contribution to this struggle will be to bring down the May government, leave the European Union, go forward to a workers government in Britain and raise the banner for the struggle for the Socialist United States of Europe.
We send our revolutionary greetings this May Day to the struggling workers of Zimbabwe and South Africa who have freed themselves from dictatorships under Mugabe and Zuma and are now battling for jobs, wages, land ownership, decent homes and a future for the working class of both countries. The working class of Zimbabwe and South Africa are only just beginning to flex their muscles. Their revolutions will revolutionise the whole of Africa and prepare the way for a Socialist United States of Africa.
We send our revolutionary greetings also to the working class of the United States which, under the heel of the Trump administration is still seeing its wages, jobs and medicare being slashed and burned, while the plutocrats make billions in tax and other cuts.
When Trump says America first, he means the American bosses. We salute millions of American workers and youth who oppose a wall on the Mexican border, who say that the United States must continue to welcome all immigrants and are demanding jobs at decent wages and a proper health service for all.
Meanwhile the ruling classes of the planet are seeking to resolve their own developing economic catastrophe, with savage attacks on the working class at home, with savage attacks on the Palestinian and Syrian people and with increased military expenditures for war preparations against Russia and China.
These war preparations and colossal military expenditures mean that directly ahead the working class will pay the arms bill through higher taxes, wage cuts and the privatisation of essential services such as the NHS.
News Line urges the workers of the world in the face of this drive for war to defend Russia, China and the other deformed workers states from the imperialist onslaught. We salute the people of North Korea and the way that they are setting out to unite the Korean Peninsula that was devastated during the Korean war by US and British imperialism. We urge the Korean people, that when the US ruling class urges them to give up their nuclear weapons to remember the cruel lessons from Libya and Iraq.
News Line remains convinced that this May Day will see millions of working people marching and in the period directly ahead will see workers establishing sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International in every country. The only solution to the savage attacks on the working class at home and conspiracies to wage war on the area outside of control of the imperialists is for the working class of the world to rise up and disarm the imperialist powers with socialist revolutions.
A world free from imperialist and capitalist control will rapidly advance, using the most advanced technologies and techniques to satisfy the needs and requirements of the working class everywhere, to establish first of all socialism and then communism.
This will be a situation where Marx’s motto ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs’ will be the essence of the new society. All of this is within reach, provided the out of date, reactionary system of capitalism is overthrown and replaced by the World Socialist Republic. May Day 2018 ushers in a situation where untold millions of workers are being forced into battle with capitalism and imperialism because of the crisis of the system.
Our message is, join the Workers Revolutionary Party and the Young Socialists, build sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International in every country and go forward to the victory of the world socialist revolution. May 5th is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx the founder of Scientific Socialism and Communism. This anniversary must drive us forward to complete the job that Marx and Engels began and Lenin and Trotsky continued. Victory to the World Socialist Revolution!