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The Spokesman For Yemen’s Armed Forces Warns Israel Against Any Further...

THE spokesman for Yemen’s Armed Forces has warned Israel against any further act of aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, saying the coastal...

‘We want no more weasel words – we want immediate recognition...

On the fifteenth National march for Palestine over one hundred thousand workers and youth took to the streets in central London in support of...

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange lands in Australia

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange landed in Australia Wednesday morning, after walking free from a US court in Saipan. He hugged his wife and father at...

Imperialism is on its last legs – Time for the world...

ON Monday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was freed from the high-security Belmarsh jail after a deal was agreed for him to plead guilty to...

US military is building up in Jordan as US imperialism fears...

THE US administration of Joe Biden has deployed a record number of American troops to Jordan, a country that sits at the heart of...

Biden deploys record troop numbers to Jordan

A NEW report to the US Congress reveals that the Biden administration has deployed a record number of US troops to Jordan as the...

Palestinians reaction to Israel’s onslaught has been to increase their...

A NEW opinion poll shows that public support for the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and armed confrontation, as the best means to end Israeli...

Diane Abbott ‘culled’ by Starmer and the Labour Party right wing!

LONG-standing Labour MP Diane Abbott accused the right wing Labour leadership, led by Keir Starmer, of carrying out a ‘cull of left wingers’ in...

10,000 workers and youth besiege Downing Street demanding banning of all...

OVER 10,000 workers, students and youth attended a protest rally outside Downing Street on Tuesday night with banners, placards and Palestinian flags. They demanded the...

Assange High Court decision today!

THE HIGH Court is going to announce its decision on whether Julian Assange is going to be allowed to appeal against his extradition to...

200,000 March For Victory To Palestine

A HUGE 200,000-strong march of workers, students and youth went from Parliament Square to Hyde Park on Saturday, the 13th National demonstration for Palestine...


THE Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on the 200th day of the Israeli genocide in Gaza on Tuesday the Israeli military is planning...

Iran to target Israeli nuclear centres if it is attacked!

An IRGC official has issued a stern warning that Israel will face immediate reciprocal attacks on its nuclear centres if it targets Iran’s nuclear...

TUC MUST demand recognition of the State of Palestine and call...

SPEAKING in Madrid yesterday, the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that the recognition of a Palestinian state is ‘in Europe’s geopolitical interests’. The Spanish...

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Storm’ was the turning point in the history of...

IRAN’S President Ebrahim Raeisi says Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a turning point in the history of the Palestinian cause. The region and the wider world,...

‘Every government, including the UK, must be made to boycott Israel’...

IN TRAFALGAR Square, the chairwoman introduced the 11th national demonstration for Freedom and Justice for Palestine on Saturday 30 March, as of special significance...

Any French military unit sent to Ukraine will be a top...

RUSSIA’S foreign intelligence (SVR) top brass said any French military unit sent to Ukraine to help it fight Russia would be a ‘priority’ target...


Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani has condemned Israel’s brutal attack on the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City and the regime’s crimes against medical...

CIA annual Threat Assessment Report reveals panic over failure to defeat...

ON MONDAY, the US intelligence agency, the CIA, published its annual Threat Assessment Report for 2024 which warned that America faces an ‘increasingly fragile world...

‘Any Israeli act of aggression will ignite new version of 2006...

THE HEZBOLLAH resistance movement has warned that any Israeli act of aggression against Lebanon will ignite an advanced version of the 33-day war fought...

IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE! – demands powerful east London march for Palestine

A POWERFUL march of 500 protesters for Palestine marched through east London on Saturday, setting off from Mile End and marching to Aktab Ali...

FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW! – demands High Court protest

THE ROYAL Courts of Justice in The Strand in central London were besieged by supporters of Julian Assange from early morning to late afternoon...

250,000-strong London march for Palestine

OVER 250,000 workers, students and youth marched for Palestine from Hyde Park towards the Israeli embassy in Kensington west London on Saturday afternoon. There were...

The Palestinian Struggle For Freedom From Occupation!

BY WESAM BAHRANI IT IS unrealistic to observe the genocidal Israeli war on Gaza without understanding its strategic dimension, in particular the current phase of...

Putin warns West against underestimating Russia–but that Russia has no intention...

PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin has warned the West against underestimating Russia, saying it is ‘impossible’ to defeat his country in Ukraine, but that Moscow does...

‘USA get out now!’ – demand Iraqi masses

THE Iraqis are demanding the expulsion of United States troops from Iraq after the latest bombing of the country’s western border region with Syria that...

Israel extends genocidal war to ‘safe’ city of Rafah

US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken arrived in Egypt yesterday at the start of yet another Middle East tour – his fifth since the...

Iran sends aid to Gaza while US sends munitions to Israel

IRAN has sent a third shipment of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) said as...

Gaza hospitals remain under siege – while ‘Intercept’ says the US...

NASSER Medical Complex and Al-Amal Hospital remains under Israeli military siege in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip said the Palestinian Red Crescent...

Iran warns of the risk of a ‘wider conflict in the...

THE Iranian foreign minister has warned that the risk of a ‘wider’ conflict in the region has sharply increased due to the United States’...

Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards march to demand immediate Gaza ceasefire

HUNDREDS of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters staged rallies across Spain demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, urging the government to break institutional ties and...

German government considering delivery of tank ammunition for use in Gaza!

GERMANY’S government is considering the delivery of tank ammunition to Israel amid its genocidal war against Gaza, the German magazine Der Spiegel has reported,...

‘Israel has suffered unprecedented losses’ – Nasrallah

The secretary-general of Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah says Israel has suffered ‘unprecedented’ losses at the hands of Palestinian resistance and has failed to achieve...

Iraqi leader of Popular Mobilisation Units killed by US air strike

THE LEADER of the 12th brigade of the Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU), also known as the Nujaba Movement, Mushtaq Talib al-Saidi, was killed during...

Qassam Brigades target Israeli tanks and soldiers

RESISTANCE groups in Palestine and across the region are continuing their operations against Israel and its Western backers amid the regime’s genocidal war on...

Palestine Action’s ‘Elbit Eight’ acquitted!

IN a significant development, a group of Palestine Action activists, known as the ‘Elbit Eight’, have been acquitted for their role in shutting down...

‘The more Israeli forces destroy, the more nails they drive into...

THE chief commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has said the more destruction the Israeli regime wreaks in Palestine, the more nails...

Global strike condemned Israel’s genocidal warfare on the Gaza Strip

A GLOBAL strike prevailed in several Arab and Muslim cities around the world on Monday in condemnation of the Israeli genocidal war on the...

US Embassy in Baghdad ‘a command centre conspiring against the Iraqi...

IRAQ’S anti-terror group Kata’ib Hezbollah says the United States has turned its embassy compound in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad into a...

‘We are sure we will emerge victorious out of this war!’...

A SENIOR Hamas official says the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement has worked out a major defensive plan in the face of the Israeli onslaught,...

Biden and Blinken ‘green-lighted’ Israeli escalation since truce!

US President Joe Biden’s deputy, Kamala Harris, speaking in Dubai on Saturday during her West Asia tour, said many innocent Palestinians have been killed...

Forward to the State of Palestine! The UK trade unions...

PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday issued a statement on the occasion of the ‘International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’, stressing that the...

‘Those seeking to prevent a regional war must act swiftly to...

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s words resonated last Friday, with a sense of urgency and determination, shedding light on various facets of the...

‘End this war and implement a ceasefire or you will be...

IRAN’S defence minister has warned that the United States will suffer a heavy blow if it fails to stop Israel’s savage war against the...

Israelis bomb Aleppo and Damascus Airports

THE ISRAELI enemy carried out an air aggression on Thursday on the two international airports of Damascus and Aleppo, taking them out of service,...