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All news items from around the world

AYSAR SHAMALLAKH (left) launching his hunger strike at 6.00pm on Tuesday 2nd May in Parliament Square under the statue of Nelson Mandela in solidarity with 1,600 Palestinian prisoners of Israel

Palestine solidarity hunger strike

A BRITISH national of Palestinian origin, Aysar Shamallakh, who is an active and co-founder member of the ‘17 April Group’, has started an awareness...

Nurses Cost Of Living Crisis

EIGHT nurses every day seek urgent help from a support line to cope with the cost of living, new figures released by the RCN...

‘Life or death’ ambulance crisis

AN ACUTE lack of ambulances and paramedics has created a situation where 999 patients classed as ‘life threatening’ are waiting for up to...
Palestinians marched with the WRP and the Young Socialists supporting the hunger strikers and demanding that the UK apologise for the Balfour Declaration and recognise Palestine

Get the Tories out! Victory to Palestinian hunger strikers! say London May Day marchers

UP to 10,000 workers, trade unionists, students and youth marched on May Day in London from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square, carrying banners and...
Palestinians supporting their hunger strikers picketed the Israeli embassy on Saturday

MAY DAY MANIFESTO – Russian Revolution Centenary – Forward to world-wide October!

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working class and the youth of the world. This year’s May Day is...

University fees & loan hikes rushed through!

LEGISLATION has been raced through Parliament before it breaks up for the general election which allows universities to raise tuition fees every year until...

Palestine ‘Day Of Rage’

FIERCE clashes erupted across the West Bank in Palestine during Friday’s ‘Day of Rage’ protests which were attacked by Israeli forces. Protesters marched in solidarity...


A GENERAL strike across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem was solid yesterday, with all Palestinian workers on strike and shops and businesses...

Labour NHS Pay Pledge!

SHADOW Health Secretary Jon Ashworth pledged yesterday that a future Labour government would ditch the Tory 1% pay cap for NHS staff and restore...
Over 150 RMT members demonstrated for train safety and the ending of Driver Only Operation outside Parliament yesterday

Keep Guards On Trains

‘DOO Has to Go!’ chanted over 150 RMT members and their supporters from around the country outside parliament yesterday. On the national demonstration to mark...

UK Refuses To Apologise For Balfour Declaration!

PALESTINIAN ambassador to the UK, Manuel Hassassian, said yesterday that Britain has officially refused to apologise for the infamous Balfour Declaration, and instead has...
Nurses on the NHS march through central London last month – nurses are caring for eight or more patients which is unsafe

Chronic NHS understaffing

‘CHRONIC understaffing across the NHS is putting patient lives at risk,’ a UK-wide annual survey of nurses published yesterday at the start of Unison’s...

Labour Will Scrap Grammars And End NHS Privateers!

‘I AM ANGRY and fed up, and want a different sort of country,’ Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn declared yesterday morning. Interviewed by the...
Workers taking strike action over pensions in Oxford – are being supported by the Young Socialists

Oxford Mini Plant Out Over Pensions!

A 24-HOUR strike by BMW workers making car engines and the Mini took place on Sunday in Oxford and Swindon. The other strike dates...
Labour leader CORBYN marching with steel workers in defence of jobs

Labour To Abolish Zero-Hours Contracts

JEREMY Corbyn speaking in Swindon yesterday confirmed that Labour will abolish zero-hours contracts. He said that, ‘Some one million people are on zero-hours contracts’ and...
Friends and families of those who have died in police custody marching last October –  co-chair of the campaign, Stephanie Lightfoot-Bennett said the new police tactics will lead to more innocent citizens’ deaths

Police will shoot to kill drivers – ‘carte blanche to kill innocents’ says United...

ARMED police have adopted a new shoot-to-kill tactic: fire sub-automatic assault rifles at moving vehicles to ‘neutralise’ the driver, sparking fears that many more...
RMT Southern rail guards and supporters lobbying parliament last November demanding that guards must be kept on the trains

RMT Calls National Protest

THE RMT will hold a national protest outside Parliament at noon next Wednesday, 26th April, to mark the one year anniversary of RMT industrial...

Pm May Refuses To Debate!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn said in the House of Commons yesterday that workers ‘cannot trust’ PM May. He spoke before the vote...
Crowds of supporters celebrate the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party leader at the Refugees Welcome march in September 2015


‘I HAVE just chaired a meeting of the cabinet, where we agreed that the government should call a general election, to be held on...

Poorest children hit the hardest by education cuts

NUT/CPAG research confirms that schools with the poorest children will be hit hardest by the May government’s school funding proposals The research using DfE data,...

MASS HUNGER STRIKE! – began on Palestinian Prisoners Day

MORE than 1,600 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody launched an open-ended mass hunger strike yesterday morning on Palestinian Prisoners Day, led by imprisoned Fatah...
Picturehouse cinema workers rally in Hackney during their strike action last October

Picturehouse Cinemas Strike Action Today!

IN A REPEAT of one of the largest strikes in UK cinema history, that took place in February, five Picturehouse cinemas will be on...
RMT and supporters demonstrate outside the House of Commons for passenger safety, insisting guards must be kept on the trains

RMT New Strike Actions

THE RMT has announced strike action against two of the country’s rail privateers – a 48-hour strike on Virgin Trains East Coast and a...

‘Chemical attack 100% fabrication’ – says Assad

‘NO one has investigated what happened that day in Khan Sheikoun,’ said President Assad yesterday. ‘As you know Khan Sheikoun is under the control...
Nurses on the Save the NHS march last month are now preparing all-out strike action over wages

270,000 Nurses consider taking strike action!

MORE than a quarter of a million nurses could be balloted in May for immediate strike action to smash the Tory pay freeze. The...
Children whose lives have been saved by the Royal Brompton Hospital marching against the closure of its heart unit

Artificial heart saves 13-year-old – Royal Brompton must not close!

THIRTEEN-year-old Chloe Narbonne would have died if it wasn’t for a revolutionary pioneering operation that gave her a new artificial heart, all thanks to...

Scottish lecturers 96.4% for strike

AN OVERWHELMING 96.4% of college lecturers in Scotland in the EIS union voted for strike action yesterday after promises of ‘fair play’ were broken...
Norfolk teachers demonstrating against the savage cuts in education funding – the situation has got so bad that subjects are being axed from schools’ curriculums

Music, drama & art axed from schools

MUSIC, languages, drama, PE, design technology and art, as well as vocational subjects including engineering, construction, and childcare, have all being axed from secondary...

UK leaders back US war drive!

BRITISH Tory and Labour leaders fell in with their US masters’ drive to war yesterday. US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in...
Syrian girls demonstrating in London demanding that the imperialist powers keep their hands off Syria

MISSILE ATTACK IS ‘ACT OF AGGRESSION’ – ‘Reminiscent of 2003 attack on Iraq’

THE US missile attack on a Syrian airbase is an act of aggression under a far-fetched pretext and is reminiscent of the situation in...

Syrian government absolutely rejects allegations

THE SYRIAN government absolutely rejects the allegations ‘that the army used in the past or uses now or will use in the future any...

Patient confidentiality breached!

PATIENT confidentiality has been breached! Immigration centres, police stations and prisons have been given full access to hundreds of thousands of patients’ medical records,...

Livingstone Is To Appeal Against Suspension!

FORMER Labour Mayor of London Ken Livingstone has announced that he is to appeal against his two-year suspension from standing for office or representing...

Young People Being Left To Suffer

YOUNG people are being left to suffer, with 34 per cent of the country’s children’s centres slashed since 2010, says the GMB. ‘Unwarranted’ closure of...
Junior doctor REBECCA OVENDEN who worked in the A&E department of Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital and for Devon Air Ambulance

Imposed Contract Stresses Junior Doctors!

ANXIETY, stress and depression were to blame for nearly half the sick days taken by doctors in central Bristol last year, according to new...
Disabled claimants protesting in Norwich in February – new claimants now face a £30 a week cut to their benefit

Tories step up war on poor

THE TORY government has launched an all-out assault on the poorest and most vulnerable sections of society, slashing disabled people’s money, cutting child tax...
PCS contingent marching with health workers and their supporters in Leeds on Saturday

6,000 March In Leeds To Defend The NHS!

MORE than 6,000 trade unionists and NHS supporters marched through Leeds last Saturday afternoon against Tory government cuts and the privatisation of the NHS...

Tories plan NHS destruction

OPERATIONS and drugs will be rationed in a ‘trade-off with improving care in other areas’, Head of NHS England Simon Stevens said yesterday,...
CRS riot police clash with protesters for a third night against the police killing of a Chinese man on Sunday

‘MURDERERS!’ Paris – 3rd night of rage after police killing

FIERCE clashes broke out between the French CRS riot police and protesters for the third night in a row on Wednesday night. Demonstrators are furious...

‘UK intends to withdraw from EU!’ – PM May writes to EU President Tusk

PM May has written to EU President Tusk that ‘the referendum was a vote to restore, as we see it, our national self-determination.’ She added:...

Vital NHS Drugs Ban

DRUGS are to be rationed under new proposals to strip back the care available to patients, including vital medicines for terminally ill patients,...

Mosul civilian deaths and refugee crisis – Battle for Mosul intensifies

HUNDREDS of men, women and children are being killed in US-led air strikes on the city of Mosul in Iraq, and as the battle...
Marching to stop the closure of the A&E at Lewisham Hospital

Special measures for more NHS A&Es says NHS England

NHS Trusts performing poorly against the four-hour target could be placed in new ‘A&E special measures’ if their performance does not improve by June,...