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All news items from around the world

1,250 Manchester Firefighters To Be Sacked!

FIREFIGHTERS are furious at plans to sack the entire workforce of Greater Manchester. All 1,250 firefighters in the area are to be sacked. Only those...
The enthusiastic Young Socialists lobby made a big impact with their demand for a general strike to bring down the coalition and their demand to end all zero-hour contracts

Call A General Strike Says Poa

THE TUC Congress opened in Bournemouth yesterday, to calls from the Young Socialists lobby and delegates for a General Strike, to bring...

‘SHAME ON YOU TOWER HAMLETS’ – workers fighting mass sackings and wage cutting

‘TOWER Hamlets, shame on you!’ shouted the 40-strong picket of striking council workers outside Albert Jacob House on Roman Road in east London yesterday...

Nurses Move To Strike Vote

THE RCN (Royal College of Nursing) is urging its hundreds of thousands of members to vote to strike for pay in a ballot which...

Police Spies – Met’s Unreserved Apology!

THE Metropolitan Police has made an ‘unreserved apology’ and paid an undisclosed amount in compensation to seven women who were tricked into long-term relationships...
Health workers marching in London in defence of the NHS last May

Action Needed To Defeat The Health Bill

‘the BILL remains fundamentally flawed and should be withdrawn,’ the BMA doctors’ union said yesterday. ‘Amendments amounting to little more than minor tweaking have not...
Demonstrators insist that those responsible for the Grenfell Tower inferno and its aftermath should face jail sentences

‘Those responsible must be jailed’ say Grenfell survivors

‘WE HAVE been strong and we are not prepared to be walked over and we do want answers,’ Grenfell survivor Jaquie Hayes said yesterday. She...

Ucl Rent Strike

OVER 150 UCL students went on rent strike yesterday against what is one of the most expensive student accommodations in the country. They are...

GPs’ anger at May’s ‘money for diverts’ scheme

UNDER PM May’s long-term NHS plan, a new scheme is set out in which GPs are offered ‘shared savings’ for the amount of...

B of E raises its Bank Rate to 4%

THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting ending on 1 February 2023, voted by a majority of 7-2 to increase...
ANNA ATHOW, WRP candidate, with supporters, had a great day campaigning on Thursday and won lots of support

Vote WRP & Athow in Hornsey & Wood Green

HORNSEY and Wood Green WRP candidate Anna Athow was campaigning with her team at Haringey Sixth Form College yesterday. Amongst the youth who signed up...

1,000 CLASH WITH POLICE IN SAMAWA – Iraqis angry over no water or electricity

At least one person was killed and sixty others were wounded yesterday when over 1,000 angry Iraqis clashed with police in Samawa, south of...

‘We’re NHS workers – bring us back in-house’! – demand striking St George’s staff

STRIKING cleaners, domestic workers and hostesses employed by the public services privateer Mitie, got great support from local people as they held a powerful...

BROWNE ACCEPTS BLAME – but admits Blair knew of decision to sell stories

Defence secretary Des Browne yesterday said he takes ‘full responsibility’ for decisions which allowed the fifteen UK sailors and marines held by the Iranians...

Greek Workers Want An Indefinite General Strike

WORKERS in Greece are building up a tremendous multi-form action front, with occupations of ministries and state buildings, strikes and demonstrations, against the barbaric...

Lancs biomedics refuse shift work – as part of month-long strike

BIOMEDICAL scientists, who have been on the frontline of Covid-19 testing at a Lancashire NHS trust, will stop doing night, weekend and late shifts...

Patient records now open to state

FOR the first time, the Department for Work and Pensions will have access to patients personal GP records, including their ‘fit notes’...

Parliament – special Brexit sitting October 19th!

MPs have been called to Parliament for a special Saturday sitting on 19th October, following a meeting of the EU’s EC on Friday which...
‘Rail Against Privatisation’ demonstration on April 30 last year condemns the Public-Private Partnership of the Underground network

WHITEWASH! – families denied access to press conference

Yesterday Geoff Gray refused to accept the conclusion of the ‘independent review’ into four deaths at Deepcut barracks, that his son committed suicide. Gray, whose...
Travel Safe workers are determined to win decent working conditions and defeat the lockout

Travel Safe Workers Locked Out!

LOCKED-OUT Travel Safe workers demonstrated yesterday morning outside the headquarters of London Overground Rail Operations Ltd (just outside Swiss Cottage tube station) against...

Wildcat Strike Spreads!

Thousands of construction workers around the UK have walked out in support of 200 workers who began a wildcat strike on Tuesday at the...
Doctors march in defence of surgeries in east London

194,941 sign ‘Sack Hunt’ petition

PATIENTS and doctors still need answers on seven-day hospital services, Dr Mark Porter, the chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA), said yesterday. This follows...

5,500 Children killed in Gaza! – World Children’s Day November 20th

ON WORLD Children’s Day yesterday it was recorded that at least 5,500 children have been killed by the Zionist Israeli regime since it began...

‘There’ll be an uprising in the working class’ – says CWU’s Peter Francis

‘THERE’LL BE AN UPRISING IN THE WORKING CLASS’, CWU telecom executive member Peter Francis told News Line yesterday, speaking at the picket line outside...

Cuts force refugee centre to close

A VITAL Refugee Centre in Sheffield is facing immediate closure, right at the time it is needed the most. Tory cuts have ravaged the ...
Hundreds of Palestinians and their supporters picketed the Egyptian embassy in London yesterday, condemning President Mubarak for his collaboration with the United States, the UK and Israel

‘HIT TEL AVIV’ CALL! – as British company cuts ties with Israel

THERE was no lull in the Israeli air strikes on Gaza yesterday. Three young brothers – Iyad, Mohammed and Abdelsattar al-Astal died in a raid...
The locked-out scientists and support staff refuse to be intimidated and are demanding that the ‘sign or be sacked’ ultimatum be withdrawn and that they return to work

‘Stop war on NHS workers’

UNITE leader Len McCluskey visited locked out NHS biomedical staff yesterday to highlight the appalling treatment they’ve received at the hands of their NHS...
TUC leader FRANCES O’GRADY at the TUC Congress with firefighters, nurses, midwives and Ritzy cinema workers who have all been on strike this year

Preemptive strike to defeat Trade Union Bill!

TRADE UNIONISTS have called for pre-emptive strike action to defeat the anti-union laws that the Tory government are attempting to push through parliament. The Trade...

Parents going hungry! – to help feed their children

THE parents of Britain’s poorest children are going hungry so that their children have some food on the table. Both parents and children are...
A section of July’s 5,000-strong march to parliament to oppose the coalition’s Health Bill, organised by the health union Unite

Defend Our Hospitals!

PUBLIC sector union Unison yesterday condemned former NHS Chief Executive from 2000-2006, Nigel Crisp’s call to close or merge hospitals. Now Lord Crisp, he told...
Remploy workers lobby last year’s TUC Congress demanding their support to stop factory closures

KEEP REMPLOY OPEN! – unions slam charities

Trade unions are furious that six leading charities have backed plans to close dozens of factories which provide jobs for disabled people, on the...

Firefighters pensions victory

FIREFIGHTERS have won back their pensions, dealing a mighty blow to the government with far reaching implication for all public sector workers, in particular,...

SOCIAL CARE ‘COLLAPSE’! – warning to Chancellor Osborne and Hunt

NURSING homes will close and support for elderly and disabled people will be withdrawn due to the massive social care funding crisis, leaders in...

Iran at Bay – ‘Russia not fire brigade’ – Putin

THE chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said Iran does not seek war but is not afraid of one either. Making a...

NO OPTION BUT TO STRIKE! – say the teaching trade unions

THE two largest teacher unions, the NASUWT and the NUT, representing nine out of ten teachers, yesterday confirmed the next phase of their jointly...

UKRAINE WAR BOOSTS INFLATION! – says World Bank President

THE war in Ukraine is ‘a catastrophe’ for the world which will cut global economic growth and boost inflation, the president of the World...
Libyan students and workers picketing Downing Street demanding the coalition stop the bombing of the Libyan people

HAGUE EXPELS THE LIBYAN DIPLOMATS –recognises Benghazi gang as government

FOREIGN Secretary Hague announced the expulsion of all Libyan diplomats from the UK yesterday. He also announced that the counter-revolutionary NTC (National Transitional Council)...

May Peddles Tory Charade

YESTERDAY PM Theresa May set out her ‘vision for Britain after Brexit’ in a key note speech to their party conference in Birmingham in...

Lift lockdown now and our members will refuse to work

‘THE GOVERNMENT is trying to say: “You take the risk to the staff, and you take the risk to the passengers, it is on...

Grenfell fury over new ‘fire risk’ skyscraper! – 40% of cladded buildings still unsafe

THE GRENFELL community spoke out in furious anger yesterday that a building almost two and a half times taller then the Grenfell Tower is...

£4bn claim against RBS – taxpayers will have to pay bill

THOUSANDS of investors have launched a joint compensation claim for more than £4.0bn against Royal Bank of Scotland, claiming the 82% state-owned bank deliberately...

Doctors welcome Tory pensions concessions!

DOCTORS have welcomed a series of concessions by the Treasury, altering the effect on them of punitive pension rules which are in fact forcing...

Syria Condemns Turkish Intervention!

SYRIA has ‘strongly condemned’ the ‘flagrant Turkish aggression’ on the city of Afrin, calling on the international community to take steps to stop it...

Lib Dems Dump Hs2 Policy To Win Tory Seat!

THE Lib Dems have pulled off another opportunist by-election victory, overturning a 16,000 Tory majority in a seat that has always voted Conservative. They did...

RCN Announces A New Strike Ballot

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has announced a new strike ballot which will ask members employed by the NHS in England if they’re...