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Cousins VIVIAN FIGUEIREDO, ALEX PEREIRA (speaking) and ALLESANDRO PEREIRA (right) with chair ASAD REHMAN at yesterday’s press conference

‘SHAMEFUL COVER-UP!’ say Jean Charles de Menezes’ cousins

‘We waited a year and now they tell us this. It’s a shame,’ said Alex Pereira, the cousin of the young Brazilian, Jean...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers and supporters marching through Hounslow last March

Great support for GG workers at Tolpuddle march

GATE Gourmet locked out workers got great support from trade unionists at the Tolpuddle Martyrs anniversary march and festival in Dorset yesterday. Over eight thousand...

Blair – The Vultures Are Gathering Gathering!

‘It’s true we have had people who got themselves into difficulty and ministers been dismissed. We’ve had huge problems on this front,’ Prime Minister...

Southport NHS Mass Sackings

Southport and Ormskirk UNISON health branch has launched a campaign with other health unions, Amicus, GMB, TGWU, the RCN and RCM against 33 compulsory...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers outside Hillingdon T&G office yesterday are insisting that their union leaders pay their hardship money

Locked-Out Gg Workers To March At Tolpuddle

‘THE Tolpuddle Martyrs were called troublemakers and were transported to Australia. ‘We were called troublemakers and sacked,’ Parmjeet Sidhu said at the Gate Gourmet locked-out...
Weary looking Blair came under fire at GMB conference

POLICE QUESTION LEVY AGAIN – Blair expected to be interviewed under caution

Lord Levy, Prime Minister Blair’s chief fundraiser and close political ally was questioned for a second time yesterday by police investigating the ‘cash...
Demonstrators outside Downing Street on Wednesday night condemned Blair’s silence over the Israeli bombardment of Gaza

Israel Threatens To Bomb Beirut

Israel yesterday threatened to target Lebanese airports, other than Beirut’s international airport, and attack areas of Beirut where Hezbollah leaders live and where it...

‘AN ACT OF WAR!’ – Olmert threatens the Lebanon

ISRAELI prime minister Ehud Olmert yesterday called the capture of two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border by Hezbollah an ‘act of war’. Olmert threatened...
Hospital workers marching through Haringey on June 24 to keep the hospital open

Unions unite to defend the NHS

‘I would support a Day of Action to defend the NHS. That’s what I’ll be recommending to my executive,’ GMB National Officer for Health,...

‘AN ACT OF WAR!’ – Olmert threatens the Lebanon

ISRAELI prime minister Ehud Olmert yesterday called the capture of two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border by Hezbollah an ‘act of war’. Olmert threatened...
Behind bars and handcuffed without charge or trial – the essence of American justice

Don’t Extradite Babar Ahmad

‘FREE Babar Ahmad,’ Babar’s father Ashfaq Ahmad told supporters outside the High Court in central London yesterday, ‘if Babar is extradited to America then...
Members of the MS Nurses campaign delivered their petition against cuts to Downing Street yesterday

‘This Government Wants To Take Ms Nurses Away’

‘This despicable government wants to take Multiple Sclerosis nurses away,’ wheelchair-bound retiree George Goodger told News Line yesterday after handing in a petition to...
Angry residents demonstrate against the Forest Gate police raid

Second Forest Gate Inquiry

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) announced yesterday it is to conduct a second inquiry into last month’s armed police raid in Forest Gate. The...
NUJ members picketing Bush House in May last year against cuts in the service

BBC STRIKE BALLOT – over job cuts, pensions and pay

THE BBC is set to face strike action over job cuts, pensions and pay as unions declared a series of actions in the wake...
Nurses rally in central London on May 11 against cuts

THIRTY NURSES FACE THE SACK –UNISON threatens industrial action at North Devon NHS Trust

Sixty health workers including thirty nurses are to lose their jobs at North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple as the NHS Trust seeks to...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picketing the TGWU office in Hillingdon yesterday demanding that they get their promised hardship pay. On the right mrs Mundy is forced to struggle into the office on crutches following a knee operation in order to register

Pay Up Hardship Money

MORE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers went to the Hillingdon Transport and General Workers Union Region One office yesterday to register their claim for February’s...
BEN GRIFFIN, an SAS trooper who refused to serve in Iraq addresses rally on the third anniversary of the attack on Iraq

Combat Troops For Afghanistan

Britain is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan ‘as a matter of urgency’ Defence Secretary Des Browne told MPs yesterday. In a statement to the...

PRESCOTT INQUIRY –visited US billionaire tycoon seven times

PARLIAMENTARY Commissioner Sir Philip Mawer yesterday announced a full investigation into Deputy Premier Prescott’s relations with US tycoon Phillip Anschutz, focusing on his...
GMB ex-Southwark council caretaker STEVE BARRETT (rear, left) with his family

HEARTLESS EVICTION! – GMB hires a lawyer for sacked school caretaker and family

The GMB trade union yesterday revealed its fears that many more ex-Southwark council school caretakers could face the same frightening threats of eviction as...

‘READY TO STRIKE’ –angry Wolverhampton NHS Trust workers reject over 300 job...

UNISON yesterday backed ‘extremely angry’ members at New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, who have voted in a consultative ballot for strike action in defence of...
Forest Gate youth have no difficulty seeing through Prime Minister Blair’s propaganda for continuing state attacks on their community

FOREST GATE SHOOTING – ‘It had to happen,’ Blair tells MPs Committee

Prime Minister Blair has once again refused to apologise for the police raid and shooting of an innocent man in Forest Gate, as he...
Manchester students show their solidarity with lecturers’ trade unions during their recent strike action

‘Low paid student graduates deep in debt’ says NUS President

The National Union of Students (NUS) commented on figures released by the Higher Education Statistics Agency yesterday which show the average graduate salary to...
Military families at the Cenotaph in London are opposed to Bush and Blair’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

AFGHAN PANIC – calls for back-up will be met says Downing Street

DEFENCE Minister Watson was forced to make a statement in answer to an urgent question in the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, after the...
RCN nurses campaigning in defence of the NHS and for jobs for all nurses

‘SCAPEGOATS FOR THE DEFICITS CRISIS’ – RCN condemns targeting of young foreign nurses

Yesterday Royal College of Nursing (RCN) General Secretary Beverly Malone condemned the government’s latest scheme to keep overseas junior nurses out of Britain. Responding to...

Massive Cuts In Ambulance Trusts

THE latest NHS ‘reorganisation’ came into force last Saturday. This is the slashing of the number of Strategic Health Authorities in England from 28 to...
Demonstrators condemn Israel outside the Houses of Parliament on Friday evening

HAMAS IS READY TO FREE SOLDIER – but Israel baulks at prisoner release

ISRAEL blitzed Gaza from the air Sunday early morning, setting the interior ministry ablaze and killing a Palestinian fighter in the latest offensive aimed...

CALL A DAY OF ACTION – to defend the NHS says PCS civil servants

‘A National Day of Action by all trade unions would be a good starting point’, a PCS spokesman told News Line yesterday. He was responding...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers at the TGWU office yesterday demanding that all locked-out workers get hardship pay

‘Pay us our hardship money’ – Gate Gourmet locked-out workers lobby TGWU

GATE Gourmet locked-out workers were very angry yesterday at having to reapply at the Hillingdon TGWU union office for their February hardship payment, which...
Student nurses at the RCN mass rally in Westminster. Thousands will not get nursing jobs when they graduate this summer

No Jobs For 80% Of Nurse Graduates!

‘Student nurses are frustrated, angry and disillusioned because of the difficulties they face finding jobs as deficits bite,’ said UNISON, the UK’s largest health...
The GMB’s Cowboys drove Wal-Mart back on this occasion

GMB ASDA DEAL – Wal-Mart backs away from 5-day strike

The GMB trade union yesterday confirmed it has accepted an agreement offered by Wal-Mart owned Asda supermarkets and called off a planned five-day national...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers with their ‘Sack Tony Woodley’ banner outside the TUC yesterday morning

General Council Members Support Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers

TRADE union general secretaries and other delegates to the TUC General Council expressed support, and donated money to the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers...

Call For Day Of Action At The Bma

A FIERY and chaotic debate took place at the BMA Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) on Labour’s health policy yesterday. At it the ARM representatives strongly...

Two British soldiers killed in Sangin Valley

Two British soldiers were killed in action in Afghanistan on Monday night, the Ministry of Defence confirmed yesterday. A third soldier is in a critical...
Labour MP JOHN McDONNELL told the rally the New Labour government is laundering money into the private sector

LABOUR ‘NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE’ – NUJ leader Jeremy Dear tells Defend Public Services...

OPENING the ‘Public Services Not Private Profit’ rally yesterday, John McDonnell MP said: ‘Today is the largest and broadest lobby of parliament for decades....
Delegates at the BMA Annual meeting – they voted against privatisation of the NHS and condemned their leadership for not fighting it

PRIVATEERS OUT! – say BMA delegates in Belfast

THE British Medical Association (BMA) Annual Representative Meeting in Belfast yesterday rejected selling-off the NHS to private corporations. It did this when it voted for...
The GMB ‘Coach and Horses’ demonstrating in Charlton yesterday morning

GMB ‘Coach and horses’ victory

THE GMB trade union yesterday won its first victory in the battle over trade union rights at Asda, on the eve of a five-day...

Bectu Outsourcing Strike!

BECTU members outsourced to Capita are to strike because of the company’s refusal to allow them to continue working on the BBC contract. Members...
Gate Gourmet locked out workers picketing TGWU Hillingdon office yesterday determined to force their union leaders to rip up the Compromise Deal

‘RIP UP THE DEAL’ demand locked out Gate Gourmet workers

Gate Gourmet locked out workers are calling on British Airways workers and all workers to join them on their anniversary march and rally in...
Thabitha Khumalo receiving huge support from UNISON Conference after bringing fraternal greetings from Zimbabwe

Medical notes outsourced – threatening patients’ lives says Prentis

Thousands of patients’ lives may be put at risk because a growing number of hospitals are sending medical notes abroad for typing, UNISON is...
UNISON delegates yesterday in a standing ovation to Thabitha Khumalo, Zimbabwe fraternal delegate


UNISON leaders came under fire from angry delegates at the union’s National Delegate Conference yesterday, over their decision to call off the local government...

NO NHS CUTS! – says UNISON Conference

THE UNISON National Delegate Conference voted unanimously yesterday to oppose cuts to the National Health Service and against privatisation by the Labour government. The main...
RCN yesterday condemned the privatisation of primary care. Nurses demonstrate to defend the NHS

Labour plans for private companies to take over primary care

‘CARE in the NHS should be driven by patient need, and not by profit or financial gain,’ a BMA spokeswoman told News Line yesterday. She...
The front of the 4,000-strong demonstration against the police raid in Forest Gate making its way through Newham yesterday

‘WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!’ – declare 4,000 Newham marchers

MORE than 4,000 people joined an angry demonstration through Newham yesterday against the huge police raid in Forest Gate on June 7. As they made...

GREEK STUDENTS VICTORY! – Bill to privatise universities withdrawn

ON the eve of last Thursday’s student demonstrations, the Greek right-wing government withdrew plans to table in the Vouli (Greek parliament) the reactionary Education...
Confident Gate Gourmet locked-out workers lobbying the Hillingdon TGWU office on Friday

Defiant Locked Out Gate Gourmet Workers Picket Tgwu Office

‘OUR anniversary march and rally in Southall on Sunday August 20 is very important. ‘We will show our unity and strength and we want everyone...