Vote Wrp! Vote For Socialism!

Jobs for Youth – Young Socialists marching through Norwich
Jobs for Youth – Young Socialists marching through Norwich

The WRP is standing seven candidates in the May 6 parliamentary elections and below is the party’s election manifesto.






THIS is a decisive vote for your future!

Capitalism has crashed, and the parties that base themselves on it, satisfying just the needs of the bankers and the bosses, are crashing with it.

Brown and the Labour Party have betrayed workers – they have betrayed you!

They spent up to £1.2 trillion rescuing banks when instead they should have nationalised them all under workers’ control and put an end to capitalism.

Now the banking crisis has become a world slump. The bankers preen themselves that they are too big to be allowed to fail, and that Labour or the Tories will continue to bail them out.

The bankers have the colossal impertinence to say that they are cutting back like everybody else and that they are limiting their bonuses to just £1 million a banker!

While the bankers are playing Marie Antoinette, infamous for telling the starving French masses that if they had no bread ‘they can eat cake’, Brown and Cameron tell the workers that they will have to cover the entire costs of the crisis.

This means at home:

• mass unemployment

• permanent wage freezes,

• unlimited fees & end of university education for working class youth

• end of the NHS

• huge rises in prices, inflation, and taxation

• more privatisation and pension and benefit cuts

• thousands and thousands of home repossessions.

This means abroad:

l More oil wars and more attempts to steal other people’s resources, with oil and gas rich Iran next in line for the Iraq treatment.

These imperialist wars and attacks on workers at home are reckoned by both Brown and Cameron to be a price worth paying to save the bankers and the bosses from the crisis of their own capitalist system.

The only difference between the two parties is that since Labour is still based on the trade unions it cannot be so up-front with the devastating anti-working class measures to try to save capitalism.

These measures to save UK capitalism will be far more savage than those that are being adopted in Greece and Ireland.

We say that it is capitalism that must go!

The system has failed and has broken down. It must be buried before it can do the same kind of damage that it did in the 1930s and 40s when world slump led to world war.

We want a workers government, and socialist policies to resolve the crisis on behalf of the 99% of the population that are not bankers or bosses.

We call on workers to break the habit of a lifetime and vote WRP

The Labour Party has betrayed you. It considers that your sole function is to bail out the bosses and the bankers.

We call on youth to take up the political struggle. You have your whole lives in front of you, so fight now to get rid of bankrupt capitalism to bring in socialism.

We urge you to vote WRP where we are standing but to vote Labour in all other constituencies, as a class vote against the ruling class.

Vote WRP for jobs for workers and youth, and for wages and state pensions to have a minimum annual increase equal to the rise that has taken place in the cost of living over the same period.

Vote to nationalise the huge plants that are being allowed to go bust, such as GM Luton and Mittal-Corus on Teesside.

This is the only way to defend jobs and also to rebuild the UK economy that has been destroyed by Thatcher, Blair and Brown.

Vote for the abolition of student fees and the restoration of living maintenance grants for students.

Universities must not be allowed to become the preserve of the rich. End the mass sacking of lecturers.

Don’t allow hundreds of thousands of youth to be deprived of a university education, and be scrapped, without even a chance to show how talented they are.

Vote to house the homeless. Build millions of new council homes, and halt the sell off of council houses!

Organise a national programme of public works to build homes, and rebuild the collapsing infrastructure around us.

These projects will create jobs, and a future for large numbers of young people to learn skilled trades, while working for trade union rates of pay. We will end all cheap labour schemes for youth!

Vote to halt the privatisation of the NHS.

Stop the closure of the District General Hospitals. Occupy and keep open all DGHs that the government tries to close.

Don’t allow the Welfare State to be destroyed.

Vote to stop the privatisation of the Royal Mail and for the renationalisation of the Main Line rail network.

Vote against all immigration control. Britain is multi-cultural and those seeking a better life or are fleeing from repression and seeking asylum must be welcomed here, as in the past.

They must not be put in prisons like Yarl’s Wood.

Everyone must have the opportunity of a decent life and a decent future, not just the rich that come to this country, make millions and come and go as they please.

Repeal all immigration acts!

Vote for a socialist foreign policy.

All British troops must be recalled from Afghanistan and Iraq. The Cabinet cabal that lied its way to war with Iraq, with all of its horrible consequences, must be put on trial as war criminals. Britain must not be part of any oil war with Iran!

We must support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, with no settlements and with the 1967 boundaries.

Vote to nationalise the banks and the major industries to bring in a socialist Britain and a planned economy that produces for people’s needs, not to make billions of profits for a handful of plutocrats.