Working Class Is On The March – It Is Refusing To Pay The Bill For The Capitalist Crisis!


THE UK working class is on the march, spurred forward by the worldwide crisis of the capitalist system, with Britain very much the weakest link in the chain of the major capitalist powers.

Its last PM, Truss lasted just days after she abolished the higher rate of income tax for the billionaires and sought to make good the huge loss in revenue by negotiating yet another loan from the big banks.

They refused point blank to bale her out, and brought her down, leaving the UK bosses and their government with the task of lowering tax rates by slashing public spending, including the spending on the NHS.

The UK bosses crisis has been worsened by their determination to play a major part in attempting to defeat Russia in the Ukraine, an intervention that has led to food poverty and starvation all over the world, with food banks running out of food in the UK, and workers being told to take their families to ‘warm centres’ if they are freezing at home.

This crisis has now produced a massive never ending rise in the cost of living worldwide, all in order for the imperialist powers to make an attempt at recovering their worldwide domination at the expense of Russia, China and Iran.

In fact, the good ship Britannia is drowning in debt, with the conditions of the hungry 1930s being returned almost overnight.

Last Friday, Sunak and Hunt hosted a summit of more than 200 prominent business figures to drum up fresh investments for the UK.

They heard that the AstraZeneca boss had confirmed that the pharma giant had chosen to build a state of the art plant in Dublin rather than in the north west of England because of the treasury’s ‘punishing tax regime’.

Corporation tax is due to jump to 25% from 19% in April, at the same time as a generous tax relief scheme for businesses is expected to end. Even the offer of a £50m state hand-out wasn’t enough to compensate AstraZeneca for the 15% corporation tax available in Ireland!

The truth is that British capitalism is going down and there is no disguising it when it is out manoeuvred by its former colony Ireland.

It is left with a policy of imposing super-austerity on the working class at home, using new anti-union laws to make the right to strike illegal.

The working class knows what is on hand, and is and will continue fighting the plans for a virtual NHS, for the closing down of hundreds of rail ticket offices and for the privatisation of all of the public services from the Royal Mail to the NHS, while allowing rampant price inflation to drive wages down to starvation levels for British workers.

With its Empire a distant memory there is nobody left to super-exploit to pay for the crisis except the working class at home. This is why there is no end to the extraordinary strike waves that are hitting the UK as workers battle ferociously to keep their families from starving or becoming seriously ill.

No amount of anti-union laws to make the right to strike illegal will douse the struggle, they will simply inflame it.

In attempting to negotiate a deal with the Tories, the RMT union leader Mick Lynch has been treated like a pariah by the bosses, who have made it clear that they are not seeking a deal, they are seeking the end of trade unionism on the rail.

Even the Daily Telegraph has reported that branch officials of the RMT have insisted with their leader that not only must there be no surrender but that the working class must advance to socialism.

The Daily Telegraph has displayed an RMT internal memo from 450 branch leaders with activists calling for the ‘suppression of the capitalist system by a socialistic order of society’.

The working class is making its class decision that draconian anti-unions laws will not break its back, and that they agree with the ‘branch leaders’ quoted by the Telegraph who want ‘the suppression of the capitalist system by a socialistic order of society’.

The memo adds: ‘We believe that these offers do nothing to offer our members job security and are simply an attack on terms and conditions attacking everything from our members roles and all attached to a pay cut.’ The working class is gearing up for a socialist revolution. Make sure you join the WRP at once to play your part in the British socialist revolution!