We Must Welcome All Asylum Seekers And Expropriate The UK’s Boss Class!


IN RECENT days, the Tory Home Secretary Suella Braverman had come under fire for comparing immigrants and asylum seekers to ‘invaders’.

Liberal Tories tut-tutted that a Home Secretary should make such an attack on asylum seekers, calling them ‘invaders’ whose only crime is that they were seeking a better life, and then organising groups of them to be taken from Manston concentration camp, to be dumped at Victoria Station, as if they were rubbish, with nowhere to go, and no cash for even a sandwich to eat.

However, the ruling class realities have beaten back any liberal sentiments, and the same people who were condemning Braverman just a few days ago, are rallying around her banner to keep ‘invading asylum seekers’ out of the UK at any cost.

With the ruling class desperately fighting to bring in new anti-union laws so as to smash the trade unions and return the working class to the dark ages of super-exploitation and ‘buddy can you spare a dime’, the ruling class line has been stiffened.

If they are to defeat the UK working class who are rising up and striking against super-inflation, gigantic rises in the cost of living, and being unable to pay heating and food bills, the ruling class badly needs to be able to divide and rule, and break the unity of the working class. For this task racism is one of their main weapons of choice! Their solution to the crisis is to ‘get the blacks’ out of Britain.

So now Braverman is being turned into something of a Tory heroine who was amongst the first to react against the foreign ‘invader’.

The Daily Telegraph was pleased to announce yesterday that: ‘Hotel Britain where asylum seekers are housed at a cost of billions of pounds to the taxpayer, will be ended, the immigration minister has pledged, as the government prepares a 10-point plan to tackle the migrant crisis.’ I.E. MASS DEPORTATIONS!

In an exclusive article for The Sunday Telegraph, Robert Jenrick, said the use of ‘unsuitable’ hotels at an ‘unacceptable’ cost of £5.6m a day must end as it was fuelling ‘asylum shopping’ economic migrants who saw Britain as a ‘destination of choice.’

The Telegraph writes that: ‘At least eight councils have taken legal action to block the use of hotels, of which there are thought to be about 200 funded by the Home Office to house as many as 37,000 migrants.’

The Telegraph continues that: ‘Meanwhile, Downing Street accused the civil service union of weaponising the migrant crisis by orchestrating strikes with the aim of overthrowing the government.’

The Telegraph is furious that: ‘It has now emerged that earlier last week Fran Heathcote, the PCS President, said the union’s ‘key demand’ was to get this government out’ and usher in the Labour Party.’

Voting Labour is now apparently a criminal scheme!

The Telegraph continued: ‘The revelation will enrage the calls for Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, to go further on anti-union legislation.

‘At present, the new law will force transport companies to provide minimum level of service to critical public services such as the NHS’. The government is now seriously considering banning what it terms to be politically motivated strikes.

In fact, the Tory regime is set to introduce the most savage multi-billion cuts ever seen to shatter the standard of living of millions of workers.

It is seeking to divert the anger of the working class onto helpless asylum seekers seeking a better life.

The working class will not be diverted from its historic role by anti-immigrant propaganda.

It will fight back and must set out to unite the entire working class to force the TUC to call a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers republic, a nationalised economy and socialism.

Only the WRP and its youth section the Young Socialists are fighting for this perspective, to put an end to capitalist exploitation and brutality with the establishment of a planned socialist economy whose maxim will be ‘from each according to their ability to each according to their need’.

This Saturday, workers and youth will be gathering at the 53rd News Line Anniversary Rally. See ad page 1.

Make sure that you are there. Now is the time to build the revolutionary leadership of the Fourth International to mobilise millions of workers worldwide to smash capitalism and establish the World Socialist Republic!