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Tag: civil servants

Israeli Occupation Forces Carry Out Four Massacres

ISRAELI occupation forces committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over 24 hours yesterday, resulting in the tragic killing of 40 Palestinians...

Sunak Won’t Stop Selling Arms To Israel!

TORY PM Rishi Sunak said he won’t stop selling arms to Israel yesterday, declaring that exports to the genocidal Zionist entity will continue as...


THE International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague held preliminary hearings on Monday on the case filed on 1st March by Nicaragua against...

TUC must be forced to call a general strike to smash...

LAST Friday it was announced that Border Force staff at Heathrow Airport had voted overwhelmingly for strike action in a dispute over changes to...

South African miners strike for 12.5%

Workers from the General Industries Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA) started strike action at the Annesley Andalusite Mine located in Penge, outside Burgersfort...

Tory new definition of terrorism in a crackdown on all ...

MICHAEL Gove, the Tory Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, is due this week to unveil plans to ban individuals and...

Sacked and smeared for standing up for postmasters

FORMER chairman of the Post Office Henry Staunton dropped a bombshell on the Tories when he appeared before the Business and Trade Select Committee...

The Palestinian Struggle For Freedom From Occupation!

BY WESAM BAHRANI IT IS unrealistic to observe the genocidal Israeli war on Gaza without understanding its strategic dimension, in particular the current phase of...

Splits in the ruling classes are opening up the way for...

MORE than 800 serving officials in the US and Europe have signed a statement warning that their own governments’ policies on the Israel-Gaza war...

5,000 march in Cheltenham as TUC refuses to call a general...

FIVE thousand trade unionists  descended on Cheltenham on Saturday, 40 years after 14 workers were sacked at GCHQ for refusing to sign away their...

TUC Special Congress December 9th – call General Strike to...

THE TUC said yesterday it will hold a special Congress to discuss the next stage of the campaign against the Tories’ anti-strike laws. The event...

220 marches across France against government austerity

AT THE CALL of the trade unions, more than 220 demonstrations were organised across France on Friday, October 13, to say no to austerity...

TUC delegates speak out in favour of an anti-Tory general...

DELEGATES to the TUC conference in Liverpool spoke out in favour of a general strike to defeat the Tory Strikes Minimum Service Levels legislation...

Unsafe schools set to collapse! Pupils and teachers are in danger...

YESTERDAY’S Observer newspaper a champion of the rule of the British bosses and bankers, was forced to admit that it had been told by...

‘People are ready to take General Strike action now’ says ASLEF’s...

‘PEOPLE are ready to take general strike action now,’ train drivers union Aslef general secretary Mick Whelan told News Line yesterday. Speaking at the Euston...

‘We will continue to fight Macron by all means’ – Force...

FRENCH trade unions are continuing their fight against the Macron government’s increase in the retirement age from 62 to 64 which was forced through...

The ‘Mortgage Bomb’ is about to explode, pauperising the middle class,...

THE news from the mortgage front is grim. Millions of families are experiencing shocking hikes in mortgage rates of hundreds of pounds per month,...

French trade union federations are deciding on their next major mobilisation!

THE FRENCH trade union federations were meeting on Thursday to decide their next mobilisations after MPs in the National Assemby on June 8 failed...

Government refuses to hand over pandemic messages & notebooks – NOW...

THE government yesterday defied the 4pm deadline for handing over unredacted messages and notebooks to the Covid inquiry. It now faces legal action over...

Powerful May Day March Calls Kick The Tories Out! Forward To...

THERE was a powerful May Day March from Clarkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square yesterday with more than 10,000 trade unionists, workers, youth and students...

Hunt blames the working class for capitalist crisis as Tories prepare...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been in Washington this week attending the spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF, the main economic...

French pension strikes hit flights, refineries and schools

FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron is facing the biggest challenge of his second term over his flagship pension overhaul, which includes raising the retirement age...

‘We have huge support from the working class!’ – BMA pickets...

News Line spoke to two of the junior doctors on the picket line outside Cheltenham Royal Infirmary in Gloucestershire. Dr Chad Harker, BMA rep, said:...

General strike to support Junior Doctors and save NHS!

JUNIOR Doctors start their continuous four-day 96-hour strike at 06.59 today, Tuesday 11 April, and end it at 06.59 on Saturday 15 April. Backed by...

‘We will win this dispute!’ says John McDonnell at Heathrow

‘WE'VE won every dispute at Heathrow in recent years and we’ll win this one,’ local Hayes and Harlington Labour MP John McDonnell said when...

FRANCE: Biggest rallies in living memory

FRANCE’S small and mid-size towns have been at the forefront of the battle against President Emmanuel Macron’s contentious pension reform – in some places...

‘SAFE PASSAGE TO THE UK!’ – demand 30 top trade union...

REFUGEE support campaign group Care4Calais published an open letter yesterday, signed by 30 top trade union leaders, demanding Safe Passage to the UK. Tory plans...

Massive London marches call to kick out the Tories – Three...

NEARLY three-quarters of a million public sector workers from eight unions went on strike against the Tory government on Budget Day, Wednesday 15th March,...

Hunt Plans To Force The Disabled To Work – Time To...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Budget speech yesterday in the middle of a massive strike action across the country of up to a...

Over 500,000 Public Sector Workers Strike

OVER half a million public sector workers from eight unions were on strike yesterday, fighting against the Tory government’s attack on their pay, conditions...

Budget Day strikes – demand TUC calls a general strike to...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will be delivering his Budget speech today in the middle of a massive strike action across the country of up...

General Strike now to defend NHS! – call as 2,000 doctors...

SEVENTY-FIVE thousand junior doctors began their 72-hour strike yesterday, they are continuing it today and are being joined by hundreds of thousands of teachers,...

Greece Erupts As 200,000 Workers March In Athens!

THE VOLCANO of people’s rage which was building up its fury over the last few months, erupted in Greece on Wednesday in an unprecedented...

Junior Doctors 72-hr walk-out on March 13th

THE BMA yesterday announced the dates for a 72 hour walk out by Junior Doctors in England, saying that Health Secretary, Steve Barclay has...

Undercover police targeted ‘subversives and left-wing activists’

COINCIDING with a rare public hearing of the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) this week, ten women who were deceived into relationships with ‘spycops’ have...

Working class rising up in massive strike wave – time for...

THE OFFICE for National Statistics (ONS) revealed yesterday that the number of days lost due to strikes last year was the highest since 1989. In...

Aslef supports PCS strikers at British Museum

‘YOU are the finest workers in the UK. You deserve fair pay, job security and not threats,’ PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka told strikers...

Labour pledges limitless billions to arm Ukraine while refusing to support...

IN A speech yesterday at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Labour’s shadow defence secretary, John Healey, pledged that any future Labour government would...

Striking nurses support general strike call!

Nurses were in a determined mood on the picket lines outside King’s College Hospital (KCH), roundly condemning Prime Minister Sunak’s refusal to even speak...

‘Greetings to this fantastic show of strength’ says Mark Serwotka

THERE were more than 40,000 teachers and other striking workers on the NEU demonstration on Wednesday 1st February – with the front of the...

TUC National Day of Action on March 15!

There will be a National Day of Action on Budget Day, Wednesday 15th March, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak announced yesterday, as hundreds of...


HUNDREDS of thousands of teachers, university workers, civil servants and transport workers are striking in the biggest strike day in more than a decade...

Demand recall of the TUC to sack current leaders replacing them...

Today will be the biggest day of strike action across the country in over a decade, with hundreds of thousands of workers from nearly...

TUC organises a day of inaction against Tory union-busting laws!

IT was with much fanfare that the TUC announced on the 10th January that it would hold a national ‘protect the right to strike’...

Washington Hits Its Debt Limit – After A ‘Devastating Default’...

THE US RULING CLASS has hit its debt limit, with the Treasury Department now taking measures to try to prevent a devastating default. Reaching the...