Tuc Must Call General Strike To Win The Rail Dispute And Go Forward To Socialism


WITH a Civil War raging inside the completely split Tory Party there could be no better time for taking on the Tory regime, defeating it and going forward to a workers government and socialism.

The law-breaking activities of the government’s leaders are now well documented, and fines have been paid for breaking their own laws, which they held did not apply to them!

There is now a civil war between ‘Levelling up’ Johnson, who has deluded himself into thinking that he can win millions of votes from workers, and the majority of Tory MPs who insist that there is a world crisis of capitalism and that the working class must pay for it, as it has always done, and the sooner the better.

This means that the working class must pay the full bill for the crisis of capitalism and that the middle class and the ruling class will be protected and defended.

In fact, the capitalist crisis is just getting underway – with massive price rises and people reduced to one meal a day, watching their families go hungry. If they are allowed, the Tories will return workers to the poverty of the 1930’s slump.

So far, the pound has fallen by over 6.6% against the dollar this year, making it one of the world’s most unstable currencies. Kamal Sharma, a strategist for the Bank of America, said: ‘Sterling’s fall from grace has been epic given last year’s euphoria, and in many ways has caught the investor community by surprise.’

In fact, faced with rampant inflation the BoE has pushed up interest rates to 1% and it is widely expected to increase rates five more times this year.

Sharma went on to warn that the international money markets and investors are increasingly talking about the pound becoming as volatile as the currencies of emerging countries.

British capitalism today is being dismissed as an economic basket case whose currency is so unstable it will end up as ‘untouchable’.

However, the working class is now on the move and will not accept what the Tories have in store for it. The RMT rail union has now said it will shut down the country’s railway network on 21, 23 and 25 June, after talks over a pay rise and mass redundancies collapsed.

Downing Street has warned that it will rush in legislation to make the strike action illegal! More than 40,000 staff from Network Rail and 13 train operators are expected to take part in what is being dubbed the ‘biggest rail strike in modern history’.

On the first day of the planned strike on 21 June, London Underground RMT workers also plan to walk out in a separate dispute over pensions and job losses.

With the price of oil driving through the roof on a daily basis, the UK is heading for a massive crash while its support for the Ukraine helps to drive oil and bread prices higher and higher on a daily basis.

However, the working class in Britain will not allow itself to be thrown into the gutter of destitution.

The crisis in the UK has now come to a head economically, with price rises pushing forward, and with workers being shocked by hospitals opening food banks so that nurses will not go hungry.

The crisis has also come to a head politically, with the Tories telling ‘Levelling up Johnson’ that his stunt is up and that he must change his tune and bring in austerity, or be dumped out of the party on the basis that he is now an election loser as far as the middle class is concerned.

However the strongest class in society, the working class, is now coming into the fight with the RMT deciding to strike on Tuesday June 21 in an action that will bring the country to a standstill, and will be continued when 40,000 workers walk out on Thursday June 23 and Saturday June 25th. The country’s rail network will be shut down.

The TUC has called a massive national demonstration in London on Saturday June 18th. It will be attended by hundreds of thousands of workers.

Before it, the trade union big chiefs are having a conference in Blackpool on Wednesday June 15th to discuss their proposals for the big march. History beckons and they must answer the call or be removed.

They must decide at this meeting of union leaders, that there will be an indefinite general strike called from Saturday 18th June to bring down the Tory government and bring in a workers government and socialism.

The working class is stronger than the Tories and the bosses! A general strike will bring down the Tories, bring in a workers government and begin the socialist revolution in the UK, a revolution that will spread throughout Europe and constitute a huge worldwide leap forward! Forward with the general strike! Forward to the victory of the world socialist revolution!