Palestinian groups sign ‘national unity’ agreement for a united fight for victory and the independent state of Palestine


YESTERDAY officials from 14 Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Fatah, signed a ‘national unity’ agreement in the Chinese capital Beijing that ended any divisions that had previously existed and created the political platform for a unified Palestinian government for an independent state of Palestine.

This massive development in the Palestinian revolution to overthrow Zionist occupation was greeted by Hamas official Musa Abu Maarzouk who told reporters: ‘Today we signed an agreement for national unity, and we say the path to completing this journey is national unity.’

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said: ‘The most prominent highlight is the agreement to form an interim national reconciliation government around the governance of post-war Gaza.’

Yi added: ‘Reconciliation is an internal matter for the Palestinian factions, but at the same time, it cannot be achieved without the support of the international community.’ In fact, this agreement signals the complete unity of all Palestinians and factions in the revolutionary fight to defeat the Zionist illegal occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The Palestinian people are to be warmly congratulated for their refusal to be crushed despite all the genocidal bombings and shooting that have now killed over 39,000, mainly women and children, in Gaza and many hundreds killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 2023.

Far from being defeated by a war aimed at exterminating every Palestinian, it is the murderous Zionist regime that has failed to destroy Palestinian resistance.

In contrast to the unity of the Palestinian resistance and their preparations for the establishment of the independent state of Palestine, the Zionist regime is splitting apart at the seams. Israel faces constant and increasing attacks from Yemen and the Lebanese Hezbollah that have shattered the myth of Israeli invincibility under the protection of US imperialism and its allies.

In Israel, thousands demonstrate every week demanding the removal of Netanyahu and a ceasefire.

Amongst the western imperialist powers, the overwhelming support of workers and youth for an end to arming the Israeli murder machine and for the independent state of Palestine has caused a massive crisis amongst the ruling bourgeois parties.

Netanyahu is at present in Washington where he will address both houses of the US government demanding yet more bombs and weapons at a time of acute political crisis, with president Joe Biden forced to withdraw from November’s election while millions of workers and youth are on the streets and campuses demanding an end to arming genocide.

In Britain, the Starmer-led Labour government, despite its massive parliamentary majority and the near political annihilation of the Tories, is splitting apart with Starmer’s support for Israel a major factor.

In opposition, Starmer scored points off the Tory government’s refusal to publish the legal advice on whether the UK’s arming and support for Israel was illegal under international law.

Now in power, Starmer and his ministers are refusing point blank to agree to release advice that certainly confirms the ruling of the International Court of Justice last week that the Israeli occupation is illegal under international law.

Yesterday, Labour minister Liz Kendall, in a BBC interview, repeatedly refused to answer whether Labour would publish this legal advice that arming the Israeli regime makes the Labour government complicit in genocide.

The powerful working class in Britain, the US and Europe have proven their support for the Palestinian revolution and are demanding not words but action, and will not tolerate a Labour government that supports genocide.

In Britain, the working class must force the TUC leaders to get off the fence over Palestine and tell the Labour government that if it does not stop arming and supporting Israel then the TUC will immediately organise a general strike to bring it down and replace it with a workers’ government that will recognise the state of Palestine and provide all the material support and arms required to establish it.

This will win the support of workers across the US and Europe to take the same action and open the way for the victory of the world socialist revolution.

Forward to the independent state of Palestine.

Forward to the victory of the World Socialist Revolution.