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Palestinian groups sign ‘national unity’ agreement for a united fight for victory...

YESTERDAY officials from 14 Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Fatah, signed a ‘national unity’ agreement in the Chinese capital Beijing that ended any divisions...

The Spokesman For Yemen’s Armed Forces Warns Israel Against Any Further...

THE spokesman for Yemen’s Armed Forces has warned Israel against any further act of aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, saying the coastal...

Israel now on blacklist of countries harming children!

UNITED Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has informed Israel’s Defence Attaché in the United States, Major General Hidai Zilberman, of his decision to finally include...

US State Department falsifies report to cover up sabotage of ‘humanitarian...

The US State Department falsified a report earlier this month to exonerate Israel from blame for obstructing humanitarian aid to Gaza, contradicting its own...

Hezbollah Urges Unity Among Resistance Groups Until Final Victory Is Achieved!

The secretary General Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has underscored the significance of unity among resistance groups until achieving final victory in Operation al-Aqsa Storm,...

May Day Greetings 2024 – Victory To Palestine! Bring Down...

STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD The News Line Editorial Board sends its warmest May Day greetings to the working class,  youth and the...


THE Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on the 200th day of the Israeli genocide in Gaza on Tuesday the Israeli military is planning...

‘Every government, including the UK, must be made to boycott Israel’...

IN TRAFALGAR Square, the chairwoman introduced the 11th national demonstration for Freedom and Justice for Palestine on Saturday 30 March, as of special significance...

Hague judges order Israel to guarantee the food supplies for Palestinians...

In a landmark ruling at The Hague, judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have unanimously ordered Israel to take immediate and effective...

Any French military unit sent to Ukraine will be a top...

RUSSIA’S foreign intelligence (SVR) top brass said any French military unit sent to Ukraine to help it fight Russia would be a ‘priority’ target...

‘Any Israeli act of aggression will ignite new version of 2006...

THE HEZBOLLAH resistance movement has warned that any Israeli act of aggression against Lebanon will ignite an advanced version of the 33-day war fought...

Israel has suffered an ‘irreparable’ defeat says Iran

THE chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces says the Israeli regime has undoubtedly suffered an ‘unprecedented and irreparable’ defeat...

We salute the struggle of the Palestinian people – General Strike...

The News Line Rally of 200 people took place at the Hargrave Hall, in north London on Saturday. Chairman, Tony McEvoy, said the struggle for...

The Palestinian Struggle For Freedom From Occupation!

BY WESAM BAHRANI IT IS unrealistic to observe the genocidal Israeli war on Gaza without understanding its strategic dimension, in particular the current phase of...

Israel extends genocidal war to ‘safe’ city of Rafah

US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken arrived in Egypt yesterday at the start of yet another Middle East tour – his fifth since the...

Iran sends aid to Gaza while US sends munitions to Israel

IRAN has sent a third shipment of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) said as...

250,000 workers & youth march for Palestine!

MORE than 250,000 workers, students and youth marched for Palestine through central London on Saturday. The march assembled outside BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place...

USA tells Sunak that the UK must increase its military spending...

THE UK has just been given its marching orders by the USA that it must boost the size of its armed forces in response...

Iran warns of the risk of a ‘wider conflict in the...

THE Iranian foreign minister has warned that the risk of a ‘wider’ conflict in the region has sharply increased due to the United States’...

Shell Suspends All Red Sea Oil Shipments As US-UK Heads For...

BRITISH oil giant Shell has halted its Red Sea shipments after US-UK strikes in the Yemen against the Houthis. The UK-based energy giant Shell has...

‘Israel has suffered unprecedented losses’ – Nasrallah

The secretary-general of Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah says Israel has suffered ‘unprecedented’ losses at the hands of Palestinian resistance and has failed to achieve...

World Economic Forum declares capitalist ‘global order’ destabilised by imperialist war...

THE WORLD Economic Forum (WEF) opened its meeting at the Swiss resort of Davos this week under the storm clouds of an economic and...

UK troops to Russia’s borders while Tories threaten more bombings of...

On the day that Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak addressed parliament – to justify bombing Yemen last Friday without bothering to consult MPs –...

Sunak Escalates Military Action

TORY prime minister Rishi Sunak escalated military action against the Houthi movement in Yemen yesterday, while also announcing that 20,000 British armed forces will...

UK troops to Russia’s borders while Tories threaten more bombings of...

ON the day that Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak addressed parliament – to justify bombing Yemen last Friday without bothering to consult MPs –...

‘A world where Palestine is not free is a world in...

Continue from lead story First speaker at the rally in Parliament Square was Husam Zomlot, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, who said: ‘They thought...

One million workers march through London for Palestine

ONE MILLION workers, students and youth marched through central London in support of Palestine on Saturday, condemning 100 days of Israeli genocide during which...

Qassam Brigades target Israeli tanks and soldiers

RESISTANCE groups in Palestine and across the region are continuing their operations against Israel and its Western backers amid the regime’s genocidal war on...

Zionists tout Blair as agent to ‘relocate’ Palestinians

FORMER UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is being touted by sections of the Israeli genocide cabinet as an agent to lead the ‘relocation’ of...

2024 – Victory to Palestine! Forward to British Socialist Revolution!

News Year’s statement from the News Line Editorial Board THE News Line Editorial Board sends revolutionary greetings for 2024 to all our readers and to...

Huge Palestine demonstration in the Yemen

Thousands of Yemenis took to the streets across the country to express their solidarity with Palestinians in the face of the relentless Israeli air...

US assembles imperialist navy in Red Sea to attack Yemen

ON MONDAY, the US Secretary of Defence, Lloyd Austin, announced the creation of a ‘multinational security initiative’ – including the UK and major imperialist...

Hamas welcomes call for an immediate ceasefire!

THE OVERWHELMING United Nations vote for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Tuesday night was welcomed by the Hamas Movement and the Palestine Liberation...

US Embassy in Baghdad ‘a command centre conspiring against the Iraqi...

IRAQ’S anti-terror group Kata’ib Hezbollah says the United States has turned its embassy compound in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad into a...

TUC must call general strike to smash the anti-union laws and...

HUNDREDS of Palestinians are being brutally murdered and others injured as a result of the ongoing Israeli airstrikes and artillery bombardments across the Gaza...

‘We are sure we will emerge victorious out of this war!’...

A SENIOR Hamas official says the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement has worked out a major defensive plan in the face of the Israeli onslaught,...

‘The Martyrdom of Palestinian Women and Children Will End the Zionist...

IRANIAN President Ebrahim Raeisi says the Israeli regime’s killing of innocent Palestinian women and children will spell its end. Raeisi made the remarks at the...

Forward to the State of Palestine! The UK trade unions...

PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday issued a statement on the occasion of the ‘International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’, stressing that the...

Hezbollah Is In A State Of War With Israel

A high-ranking official with Lebanon’s Hezbollah says the popular resistance movement is in a state of war with Israel, calling on the Muslim world...

Scores of people killed in Israeli air strikes!

SCORES of people, including many women and children, were killed in Israeli air attacks on two UN-run schools in northern Gaza on Saturday –...

BIDEN’S DEAFENING SILENCE – US president ignores Gaza’s 900 fatalities and...

LATE ON Tuesday night, Gaza’s Health Ministry reported harrowing numbers: 900 fatalities and 4,600 injuries since Israel initiated its retaliatory strikes last Saturday. The statistics...

Over 5,000 on London Palestine demonstration – mass march called for...

A MASS demonstration of more than 5,000 workers, students and youth continued throughout the evening from 6.00pm and into the night outside the Israeli...

Braverman Calls To Use Full Force Of The Law Against Hamas...

TORY Home Secretary Suella Braverman called for the police to ‘use the full force of the law’ against displays of support for Hamas yesterday. Braverman...

Tens of thousands of Yemeni troops attend military parade

THE spectacular military parade by the Yemeni Army and the Ansarullah resistance movement on September 21 at Al-Sabeen Square in the capital city of...

BRITAIN’S DIRTY SECRET: UK aided CIA in extended programme of torture!

IN THE wake of recent revelations, it appears that agents from Britain’s intelligence community might finally be held accountable for their previously lesser-known involvement...