Desperate UK and French imperialism begins new ‘Grab for Africa’
EARLIER this week French aircraft bombed the positions of the anti-imperialist forces in the Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) led by Laurent Gbagbo, while French...
General Strike to defend the NHS!
On the eve of its annual conference the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has produced damning evidence that explodes the lies that the savage...
Egyptian revolution in permanence!
THE Egyptian army opened fire on thousands of workers and young people in Tahrir Square on Saturday morning, killing four and wounding 117. ...
Portuguese bailout accelerates EU disintegration
THURSDAY’S announcement that Portugal had finally been forced into asking for a massive 90 billion euro (£79 bn) bailout from the European Central Bank...
Britain’s Criminal War Against The Kenyan Land Freedom Army
BRITISH conscripts were sent out to Kenya in the 1950s, where they were turned into brutes and sadistic killers, in the war of British...
Bury The Health And Social Care Bill Now!
ON March 15 at the historic Special Representative Meeting (SRM) of the BMA, which its Council was forced to call to decide on the...
Miliband supports Tory NHS plans – forward to the general strike
ON Monday, the Tory Health Minister, Andrew Lansley, was forced to declare a ‘pause’ in the coalition government’s drive to privatise and smash up...
War on welfare – revolution the only way forward
Yesterday, more than two million people on Incapacity Benefit found themselves officially labelled by the Tory-LibDem coalition as scroungers and parasites living off the...
War on the unemployed – bring down the coalition
THE news this weekend that the private companies are bidding for 40 new welfare contracts represents another stage in the Tory-LibDem coalition’s relentless drive...
Irish banks ‘death spiral’ – forward to socialist revolution
THE latest stage in the complete disintegration of the Irish banking system was described by one analyst of the capitalist market as a ‘death...
Royal Mail steps up closure plan – CWU must act
Postal workers were hit last week with the announcement by Royal Mail that it is stepping up its closure plan for half of the...
Palestinian Prisoners Go 0N Hunger Strike For Unity
PALESTINIANS are commemorating Land Day, the 35th anniversary of the uprising against Israel’s land theft, in which six young protesters were killed by...
Anarchists Being Used To Increase Police-State Powers
LAST Saturday’s 500,000-strong TUC demonstration against the coalitions cuts policy has shaken the coalition, and given the capitalist state a lot to think about. Such...
Nato air strikes clear way for counter-revolutionaries
IT is now crystal clear that the Nato airforces are in Libya to blast a way through the Libyan people, both fighters and civilians,...
Forward To The General Strike – Bring Down The Coalition, Stop All The Cuts...
500,000 workers, youth and pensioners marched through London on Saturday. Unlike the Labour leaders they were in total opposition to all of the savage cuts...
Message to marchers – bring down coalition to give workers and youth a future!
TODAY’S march called by the TUC is a massive demonstration of the anger and hatred felt by the working class, whole sections of the...
Coalition plans to punish and freeze the elderly
IT was the German anti-Nazi activist, Pastor Martin Niemöller, who said: ‘In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up...
Tory Class War Budget!
CHANCELLOR Osborne yesterday moved his ‘emergency budget’. He outlined the gravity of the situation by saying that ‘Questions that were asked about...
Record inflation and record borrowing as British capitalism’s crisis worsens
THE UK CPI inflation rate rose to to 4.4% in February from the January figure of 4%, while the RPI inflation rate which includes...
No Plan B – kick the coalition out!
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has gone through its ritual presentation of an ‘alternative’ budget in advance of the coalition government’s budget to be...
Stop the war with a general strike to bring down coalition
ANGLO-US-FRENCH forces have killed over 100 Libyans and wounded hundreds more in their opening onslaught of cruise missiles, launched from the sea, and bombs...
Imperialists declare war on Libya – by permission of the Russian and Chinese...
THE vote by the United Nations security council to impose and police a no-fly zone over Libya is a declaration of war by imperialism...
Students and universities under savage coalition attack
IN ORDER that the universities can have their budgets slashed and be privatised or closed, students are to be charged up to £9,000 a...
Crazy UK capitalism won’t dump disaster prone nuclear power
GUNTHER Oettinger, the EU’s energy commissioner, has compared the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster – with its repeated explosions of nuclear material and...
Revolution and counter-revolution in Bahrain and Libya
THE US State Department urged US citizens on Tuesday not to travel to Bahrain and suggested Americans there should leave at once due ...
Economic tsunami to hit Japan
‘We have been humbled by nature’ the Japanese ambassador to Britain said of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that has devastated northern Japan with...
Arab League – accomplices of imperialism
The leaders of the 22 member Arab League meeting on Saturday came out decisively on the side of imperialism when they issued a call...
Defend the NHS! No privatisation! Smash the health bill!
NEXT Tuesday the doctors’ trade union, the BMA, meets in London for an extraordinary Special Representative Meeting (SRM). 350 representatives of its 140,000 members,...
Defend Libyan revolution! Stop and bring down the oil thieves! Victory to Gadaffi!
THE French ruling class yesterday officially recognised the Libyan counter-revolutionary rebels of the Transitional National Council as the country's legitimate government, and is due...
Hutton provocation will result in ‘summer pensions war’
TODAY’S publication of the Hutton Report on public sector pensions will be like a red rag to a bull as far as the membership...
New Irish coalition agrees to water and housing taxes
THE Irish coalition has been officially formed between two right-wing parties in the Republic, Fine Gael and the Labour Party, and will be unveiled...
Tories aim to drive NHS back to 1930s – bring the coalition down with...
Dr Mark Porter, chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA) Hospital Consultants Committee, in an interview with the Guardian newspaper, has spelt out clearly...
Governor King fears crash – time to go forward to socialism
Last Friday, Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, issued a dire warning that Britain risks another financial crisis unless the government introduces...
Coalition Crushed In Barnsley!
THURSDAY’S by-election in Barnsley Central constituency didn’t just humiliate the LibDems, it drove a stake through the heart of the Tories’ coalition partner and...
Bma Must Throw Out Tory Health Plans!
GPs have already expressed their opposition to the Coalition plan to privatise the NHS being pushed into law by Health Secretary Lansley. They have...
STOP the war say MPs and bring the Taleban into government
MPs on the House of Commons foreign affairs committee ran up the white flag yesterday when they declared in their report that peace talks...
Ireland – hurtling towards a socialist revolution
THE right-wing Fine Gael party is set to form a coalition with its traditional partner, the right-wing Labour party, after a ‘political revolution’ which...
US civil war on unions – forward with world revolution
The civil war by US capitalism against its own working class has erupted with a vengeance in the state of Wisconsin. In this state, the...
Humanitarian imperialists get ready for a bloodbath
DESPITE all of the hurrahs coming from the manic bourgeois media, the imperialist powers have a very big problem with Libya, and the Libyan...
Occupy To Stop Hospital Closures
THE Chief Executive of the NHS, Sir David Nicholson, had a stark message for hospitals when he told the BBC yesterday that they would...
RBS crashes as banks get set for rate rises
LOSSES AT the state owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) were twice as bad as expected, at £1.13bn and much bigger than the £950...
Tory war games preparing summer war with unions
FIRST of all Prime Minister Cameron wrote that the entire public sector, local government, the NHS and education were to be taken over by...
Gadaffi In Tripoli – Hague In Disarray!
WHILE Cameron is in Kuwait seeking to sell more rubber bullets, poison gas and a variety of war machines to the British-trained Gulf monarchies,...
Cameron declares war on public sector – unions must answer with general strike
Tory prime minister, David Cameron, has finally come clean about the coalition plans for destroying the welfare state and the entire public sector. Yesterday, he...
Build The Wrp And The Ys – Forward To The British Socialist Revolution
NOW is the time to build the WRP and the Young Socialists into the leadership of the working class and the student youth...