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Teachers marching in Athens last month

Irish Trade Unions Put The Tuc To Shame

LAST Friday, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions called a 100,000 strong national demonstration in Dublin, with demonstrations in many other Irish cities and...

Crown won’t prosecute police killers

AT a briefing on their investigation into the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell tube station on July 22, the Independent Police...
‘Down with the Compromise Agreement’ shouted locked-out Gate Gourmet workers on yesterday’s picket line in the freezing cold yesterday

NATO expands Afghan war – Britain to take the lead

NATO foreign ministers, meeting in Brussels, have endorsed a plan to expand the alliance’s role in Afghanistan with Britain taking the lead. It will...
Polish migrant workers KAISA and MARTA with their translator WAL (left) and TGWU Regional organisor MICK CASHMAN at Wednesday’s briefing

US Forming New Military Alliance

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice arrived in the Ukraine yesterday, and immediately interfered in Russia’s internal affairs, condemning Russian legislation that will restrict...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers lobbying the TGWU executive committee on Tuesday morning demanding the ‘Compromise Agreement’ with the company be scrapped

Brown wants to form a Blairite government

CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has confirmed to the BBC that he will run a Blairite administration if he becomes prime minister. He said that...

Britain Is Aiding US Torture Machine

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice refused to answer questions yesterday as to whether the United States government operates CIA secret prisons outside of...

Take Action To Win The Winter War

ON FRIDAY, the Health Secretary Hewitt announced that the NHS is heading for a £623 million deficit by the end of March. This deficit is...

Smash the Gate Gourmet ‘Gangster Capitalists’

THIS Sunday locked out Gate Gourmet workers will be marching through Southall determined to win their jobs back after a bosses’ coup last...

US Torture Flights – Questions Go Unanswered

LIBERTY has written letters to the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and to British police chiefs about the US’ ‘extraordinary rendition’ programme and the use...

Work till you drop for the working class

LORD Turner, the ex-CBI boss, is proposing that workers work a number of extra years before they take the state pension. Turner says that...

Full support for the Gate Gourmet sacked workers demonstration

THIS Sunday December 4th the Gate Gourmet sacked workers will be marching through Southall to demand that every one of the 700 locked out...

Brown pledges all to the CBI

‘Let me start by thanking you – directors, executives, managers representing companies from all over the UK – for the contribution you are making...

Chancellor Brown To Scrap Pensions Deal

EX-CBI bosses leader Lord Turner’s report into the future of pensions – commissioned by the Blair government – is due to be published on...

Fight slave labour bosses at Gate Gourmet and Irish Ferries

THE British and Irish trade unions are under serious and heavy attack at Gate Gourmet at Heathrow airport, and at Irish Ferries. At Gate Gourmet,...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers with ASLEF General Secretary KEITH NORMAN at Saturday’s King’s Cross rally

Brown Demands Pay And Pension Cuts

‘WE would fight any attempts to impose a wage freeze,’ UNISON warned in the wake of Gordon Brown’s call for public-sector pay rises to...

US Worldwide Torture Network

THE Council of Europe has announced it is investigating 31 reports of unmarked executive aircraft being used by the CIA to transport ‘suspected terrorists’...

US policy of attacking independent media outlets is proven

THERE have been quite a large number of journalists killed by US forces in Iraq, among them employees of Reuters and other European news...
A coachload of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers came to the TGWU’s London headquarters to speak with TGWU National Secretary Brendan Gold about his betrayal of the locked out workers

US workers need revolutionary leadership

A CRISIS, with the most revolutionary implications for the working class, is erupting in the US, with GM, the world’s biggest motorcar producer announcing...

Gourmet locked-out workers smash Woodley-Barber ‘compromise’ deal

THE Gate Gourmet catering company was forced to admit on Saturday that the ‘sweetheart’ deal, which the leaders of the TGWU and the ...
Locked-our Gate Gourmet pickets want official backing from the TGWU to win their jobs back

Blair convinces nobody with his education market

YESTERDAY saw the Prime Minister seeking to reinvent himself as the champion of the people and a supporter of ‘social justice’. Speaking in...

Disband The Police Death Squads!

THE fact that armed police used internationally banned dum dum bullets, seven of which splintered, expanded and exploded inside the head of Jean Charles...

Bush loses US Congress votes

THE Senate of the United States Congress, which has a Republican majority, fired a shot across the bows of President George Bush’s administration over...

Blair’s Guildhall speech proclaims ‘globalisation’ & war

LABOUR premier Tony Blair spoke about the fight against ‘global terrorism’ and called for free-trade ‘globalisation’ in his foreign policy speech at the City...

Trade Union Renegade Doing Blair’s Dirty Work

THE former CWU postal workers trade union leader, Alan Johnson, yesterday moved into action at the behest of the Prime Minister to urge that...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday on the picket line

Trade unions must strike to defend the NHS!

TOMORROW Central Surrey Health (CSH), a private company set up by nurses and therapists, will find out whether they have won the £22m contract...

Capitalist Crisis Is Driving Forward World Revolution

THIS Sunday’s 65th Anniversary rally of the assassination of Leon Trotsky by an agent of the Stalinist bureaucracy in 1940 is taking place at...

Blair the leader of the Party of Order

PRIME Minister Blair held a meeting of his Cabinet yesterday morning and, true to form, the Cabinet, filled with his lackeys, found that he...
Gate Gourmet workers lobbying the TUC Congress in Brighton on September 12 insisting on their reinstatement

Delphi Battle Looms For US Trade Unions

THE battle lines are being drawn up in the United States between the vanguard of the working class in the auto industry and the...

Government By Police Chiefs

AT his monthly press conference last Monday, the Prime Minister admitted that the source of his proposal, that the police should be allowed to...

French youth revolution will set Europe ablaze!

NEITHER the Gendarmerie, nor troops or even the fatwas of the ‘holy men’ can stop the French youth rebellion, which is the product of...

Blair stands by 90 days internment as Clarke negotiates its defeat

PRIME Minister Blair stands convinced that 90-days internment without charge is not just desirable but is absolutely indispensable for satisfying the Metropolitan Police’s minimum...

The army and police – a law unto themselves

The Surrey Police re-investigation into the deaths of four teenage recruits at the Deepcut army barracks has been called a ‘farce’ by Geoff Gray,...

Bring down Blair regime from the left

THE Blair government suffered two body-blows yesterday. Blair’s main cabinet ally, Blunkett, was forced to resign, and the government’s 66 majority was reduced to...

Blunkett quits against Blair’s wishes

YESTERDAY Prime Minister Blair made it clear to the House of Commons during Question Time, that he had urged his Cabinet colleague, Blunkett,...
The picket line yesterday morning at Gate Gourmet, Heathrow

General Council must support locked out Gate Gourmet workers

ON Monday September 12 the TUC Annual Congress was lobbied by 300 of the over 700 locked out Gate Gourmet workers. The Congress then passed...

Take Strike Action To Defend The NHS

THE Royal College of Nursing, the nurses trade union, yesterday announced that it is seeking a judicial review to force the Blair government to...

A Palestinian state – Not in our lifetime say Zionist leaders

MORE than 15 Israeli air strikes on Thursday, Friday and early Saturday destroyed Gaza Strip water, power and roads and killed seven Palestinians. Yesterday,...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers lobbying the TUC Congress on September 12

Hands off Iran – Forward to the state of Palestine

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has voiced his ‘dismay’ over remarks by Iran’s president calling for Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’. Annan...

Israel calls for Iran to be expelled from the United Nations

THE Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’. He also said that ‘a world without the...

Economic Crisis Set To Wreak Havoc To Jobs And Homes

THE bosses organisation, the CBI, yesterday warned that thousands of manufacturing jobs are about to be slashed by employers seeking to reduce their costs,...

At least three provinces reject the US’ Iraq constitution

IT IS remarkable that in a ‘constitutional referendum’ organised by a puppet government, in a country under occupation by the US and the UK,...

Blair Launches ‘Irreversible’ NHS-Education Market!

PRIME Minister Blair yesterday said that he was poised to make irreversible changes to primary and secondary education by bringing in an education market...

Army Leaks Anti-Iraq War Propaganda

THE leaking of a Ministry of Defence poll commissioned by senior British army officers has acted as an antidote to the fatuous pro-war propaganda...

Israel calls for the US to take action against Syria

SYRIA yesterday condemned the UN report into the assassination of the former Lebanese Premier, Hariri – a report which pointed the finger of blame...

Police killers escape prosecution – and are exonerated by the CPS

YESTERDAY the capitalist state looked after its own, and decided that the two armed police officers who shot dead an unarmed man, Harry Stanley,...