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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Gate Gourmet locked-out workers PARMJIT BAINS (right) and PARMJEET SIDHU with Hounslow UNISON member MARIE ROWLANDS

Restore the NHS! Bring down Blair

PRIME Minister Tony Blair made clear yesterday that the government is determined to force through the cuts and closures, privatisation and destruction of...

Stop the pensions betrayal!

THE membership, branch leaderships and regional leaderships of the local government trade unions must stop the betrayal of their final salary pensions by union...

End privatisation – dump the big business donors

THE selling of peerages is an old tradition in England that goes well back before the days of Lloyd George. He had an established...

Free Kendall-Smith! Stop the war against Iraq!

THE Labour movement must salute the courageous action of Flight-Lieutenant Kendall-Smith who yesterday declared, after a court martial had found him guilty on five...

Sack The Leaders Who Are Selling Out Pensions

YESTERDAY the TUC leader Brendan Barber, who organised the betrayal of the 760 locked-out Gate Gourmet workers, and before that organised the betrayal of...
Striking local government workers on March 28 determined to defend their pensions

Now is the time to build revolutionary party in France

Europe is lurching to the left after the revolutionary uprising in France, and the defeat of Berlusconi in Italy. Millions of French workers and youth...

French revolutionary tactics show British workers the way

THE two general strikes and the massive mobilisations of trade unionists, students, lycee students, and unemployed and working class youth which brought millions onto...

US plans to use nuclear bunker busters against Iran

THE New Yorker has published an article by award winning journalist Seymour Hersh, that claims that the US administration of President G W Bush...
Marchers in London on the 3rd anniversary of the war on Iraq demand no attack on Iran

EU moves to suspend all aid to Palestine

YESTERDAY the European Union followed the example of the US and suspended its aid to the Palestine National Authority. The EU has given $400...
Members of the CGT, France’s largest trade union federation, arrive at Place d’Italie at the end of Tuesday’s demonstration

Blair threatens to ‘close the book’ on the north

THE British and Irish premiers yesterday outlined their plan to restore direct rule from Westminster, via Dublin, if the Paisleyite DUP does not agree...

US-UK Imperialists demand to make massacre legal

DEFENCE SECRETARY Reid’s recent speech to the Royal United Service Institute entitled ‘20th-Century Rules, 21st-Century Conflict’ is a reflection of just how desperate the...
Marchers in London last May demand an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine

Labour Plans New Pensions Robbery

EX-CBI boss, Lord Turner’s plans for pensions are just the means chosen by the Blair government to make the working class pay for the...
2,000 students outside the Jussieu University vote to strike until the government withdraws the CPE – First Job Contract

The world crisis is driving forward world

THE world crisis of the capitalist system is deepening rapidly, and is creating a political and revolutionary crisis in the major capitalist states, where...

Thirty Day Countdown To Attack 0N Iran

DOWNING STREET denials that there is a meeting today of top military, state and government officials to discuss the implications of a US attack...
Iraqi fighters who have got the US and British forces on he run in Iraq

Labour brings 20% interest payments into its health market

NHS trust hospitals and Primary Care Trusts are to be charged 10 per cent interest on money they borrow from their strategic Health Authority...
The march of over 700,000 workers and youth filled the streets around Place d’Italie where it assembled with trade unionists in the foreground carrying CGT flags

Restore Student Grants – Smash All Fees

Students’ expenditure has gone up 44 per cent in real terms under the three Labour governments, an official Student Income and Expenditure survey has...
The front of the 50,000-strong London demonstration on March 18 demanding the withdrawal of all occupation troops from Iraq

US Falls Out With Iraqi Puppets

PRESIDENT Bush has fallen out with the major section of his puppet regime in Iraq, that is the Dawa Party and the United Iraq...
A million French workers, youth and students marched through Paris yesterday against the government’s plan for youth

French And British Workers Take Action Against The Bosses

IT was Karl Marx who said that the French would start the revolution, that the British would be inspired to take it further and...
One hundred per cent solid at Hammersmith and Fulham’ council’s Bagley’s Lane Depot

Blair an imperialist from head to foot

YESTERDAY in Australia, Blair, for all he was worth, was pushing the George Bush imperialist line that ‘we’ have a duty to liberate the...

Call General Strike Over Pensions

UNISON leader Dave Prentis yesterday confessed that local government union leaders were unwilling combatants with the Blair government, over its plan to smash their...
French youth with placards made by English language students marching through Paris on Thursday March 16

Victory To The Gate Gourmet Workers

THE News Line sends greetings to the striking German and the locked-out British Gate Gourmet workers, who are today marching through Hounslow. The German workers...
Trade union banners on last Saturday’s 500,000-strong march against the ‘CPE’ first job contract attack on young workers

Unions Must Take Action To Defend The NHS

THE TUC and all trade unions must be made to take action to defend the NHS before it is butchered by Blair and completely...
PCS  banners on last Saturday’s march to mark the third anniversary of the war on Iraq

The blind Chancellor who cannot see the crisis

CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown yesterday could not see and would not even hear of a crisis in the British capitalist economy that he has presided...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers were yesterday leafleting at Heathrow Airport

Labour NEC says it will take back control over funds

PRIME MINISTER Blair yesterday suffered a setback when the Labour Party’s NEC decided that it was going to take back control over the party’s...
Herts FBU members lobbying the Downing Street reception on March 1 hosted by Blair to honour firefighters involved in the Buncefield oil depot fire – nine fire stations among the first to repond to the Buncefied fire are now  threatened with closure

Belarus workers vote to keep out capitalism

RIGHT on cue the European election monitors have said that the re-election of President Lukhashenka was flawed and failed to meet international standards. An EU...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers getting support at the Hillingdon council depot

British Imperialism Wants To Redraw Map

IRAQ is in the middle of a civil war, the country’s former interim puppet prime minister, Iyad Allawi, said yesterday. Allawi was appointed by...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers winning great support from West London busworkers

Blair is deliberately smashing the NHS

THE just announced 1,000 strong mass sackings at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire which includes 750 compulsory redundancies, as well as 370 nurses...
‘Young Reapers’ – mowing down the ‘CPE’ first job contract

Blair’s policies split Labour and aid the Tories

‘IT’S wrong that Downing Street thinks it can run the Labour Party: we are an elected party, a democratic party,’ said the Labour Party...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picketing the factory

Organise a general strike over pensions!

ABOUT 1.5 million local council workers are to strike on March 28 to defend their local government pension scheme. It is being described as...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers PARMJEET SIDHU and KULDEEP HOTHI (right) win support for their demonstration at Southall Royal Mail sorting office

Workers & youth take on the French government

THOUSANDS of students took to the streets in major cities throughout France yesterday in the struggle against Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin’s First Employment...

Police Chief Tapes Talks With Ministers

THE Metropolitan Police chief Blair was yesterday forgiven by the Attorney General for secretly tapping at least one of their conversations ‘for future reference’. It...

Milosevic is dead but the crisis in the Balkans remains

THE death of Slobodan Milosevic in his cell at The Hague, four years into his trial by the imperialist powers for genocide, has left...
Police forcing the  Gate Gourmet locked-out workers to dismantle their tent and quit picketing Beacon Hill, Heathrow Airport after Gate Gourmet and the TGWU told the police that the dispute was over

Thirteen insurgents hung – Rumsfeld looks forward to a civil war

THE Iraqi puppet authorities have hung 13 people accused of taking part in the insurgency, the first execution of militant nationalists since the US-led...
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picketing the plant yesterday midday after police stopped them picketing on nearby Beacon Hill

Police death squads are ok says ACPO

THERE is no need to change the strategy police use to deal with suicide bombers – to put as many bullets into their brain...

Reject Labour’s racist points system!

A NEW points-based immigration system for workers who want to come to the UK from outside the EU was unveiled by Home Secretary Charles...

New Labour fawns over the bourgeoisie

YESTERDAY Prime Minister Blair stepped in to try and save his Minister for Culture, Media and Sports, Tessa Jowell and also his government. So we...

Blair wants toothless trade unions; Barber agrees

PRIME Minister Blair on Saturday, at a Unions 21 conference, urged unions to modernise to ‘seize the opportunities of globalisation and the changing nature...

Israel Threatens Palestine With The ‘Iron Fist’

ISRAEL has greeted the exercise by the Palestinians of their democratic right to elect Hamas as their governing party, with the most concentrated attacks...
Striking Hammersmith postal workers on the picket line during their London Weighting dispute

The lessons of Katrina and Buncefield

A VIDEO showing President George W Bush being warned on the eve of Hurricane Katrina that the storm could breach New Orleans’ flood defences...

Nuclear India A Key Bush Ally

PRESIDENT Bush yesterday spent five hours in Afghanistan, most of it at the very heavily defended Bagram airport. He could not venture any further...
Gate Gourmet locked out workers in good spirits despite the bitter cold on the picket line at Heathrow yesterday

Defeat the Education Bill – no to an education market

THE government has published its Education Bill, with up to 100 Labour MPs still opposed to it. The Education and Inspection Bill allows schools in...

Bma Oppose Health Rationing

‘We are not against improving patient referral standards, but we are opposed to referral management to cut costs and ration treatment,’ British Medical Association...

‘This is 1914 all over again’

THE architects of the Common Market, the forerunner of the European Union, freely admitted that they were seeking to carry out peacefully what Adolf...

Imperialists Drive To Break Up Iraq

THERE can be only one gainer from a civil war in Iraq, that will lead to the breaking up of the country into three...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers and their supporters held out placards and shouted slogans during their successful picket at Heathrow yesterday

Blair puts ‘the country’ before the Labour Party

BLAIR came clean on at least one issue at his monthly press conference and that was where his loyalties lie. They definitely do not lie...