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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Gate Gourmet workers picket on the hill near the factory the day after the TUC Congress voted to give its full support for their struggle

Opportunist union leaders sell public sector workers’ future

OPPORTUNIST trade union leaders in the health, education and civil service sectors yesterday sold out the future of public sector workers by agreeing that...
TONY WOODLEY (centre) at the TUC Congress where he was forced to speak left by a massive lobby of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers

General Motors slashes workers’ healthcare

AMERICA’S largest manufacturing company, General Motors (GM), announced on Monday that its losses were $1.6bn in the three months to the end of September,...

US slaughters Iraqis during the referendum on a constitution

WHILE US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their quislings in Baghdad were pumping out propaganda about ‘freedom and democracy’,...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow yesterday morning – want their jobs back on their original terms and conditions

Unions must act NOW to reinstate Gate Gourmet workers!

TODAY scores of T&G members will be picketing the Gate Gourmet plant at Heathrow Airport, as they have every day since they were locked...

Big business to take over NHS funds

THE Labour government is speeding up the break-up, privatisation and destruction of the National Health Service, despite the vote at the Labour Party Conference...

Brown targets European workers’ rights and benefits

CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown published a pamphlet Global Europe-Full Employment and penned a special article in the Financial Times yesterday, lecturing the leaders of European...
Mass demonstration by locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow earlier in their struggle

TERRORISM BILL: Defeat Blair’s police-state measures!

THE Labour government’s new Terrorism Bill, published yesterday, will be debated by MPs in the House of Commons today. For the past few days, Prime...

Merkel’s ‘Grand Coalition’ – Germany’s crisis deepens!

ANGELA MERKEL, the leader of Germany’s right-wing Christian Democratic Union (CDU), announced on Monday: ‘We have the basis for coalition talks. The CDU will...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers determined to fight for reinstatement

Abbas – Sharon Summit Cancelled!

PRESIDENT Mahmud Abbas’ summit with the Israeli leader Ariel Sharon, which was due today, has been cancelled after Abbas said he was opposed to...

Terminal 5 – BA gets ready for its ‘Wapping’

THE buzz word in the financial media yesterday was ‘Wapping’. The media was referring to the union busting operation carried through by Rupert Murdoch in...

Judges attack ‘unlawful’ terror laws – police demand more repression

YESTERDAY the capitalist state was split over the Blair government’s police state attacks on democratic rights. Two Law Lords attacked Home Office plans,...

Blair’s Iraq adventure bites the dust

PRIME Minister Blair yesterday had a meeting with the long standing CIA agent and Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani, who is now posing as the...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow yesterday insist that theTGWU should refuse to accept compulsory redundancies

Iraqi puppets feel the noose tightening

IN the last few days the Iraqi puppet National Assembly, whose authority does not run outside of the Green Zone US fortress in central...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers picketing over the weekend are determined to be reinstated

Trade unions and the Labour government

AT the Labour Party conference, the trade unions and a large minority of Labour constituency parties defeated the Labour government on at least five...
Gate Gourmet workers still on the picket line after being locked out for over 8 weeks

Smash Privatisation – Renationalise!

THE privatisation of the railways has been a complete disaster and for the families of those killed in rail crashes it is a disaster...

Iraq and Afghanistan – imperialists coming under the hammer

US CASUALTIES are now mounting in both Afghanistan and Iraq, while at home the anti-war and anti-Bush movement is growing by leaps and bounds,...

BA getting ready for mass sackings

THE capitalist press yesterday was full of revelations that the new BA boss, Willie Walsh, recruited after making savage cuts at Aer Lingus, is...
Two gem miners working knee deep in water with a sieve – are paid no wages and get only meals

Kick out the yellow trade union leaders

THE GATE GOURMET bosses were cock-a-hoop yesterday, and no wonder – after the leader of the TUC, Barber, and the leaders of the...

Police chief Blair must resign says Maria Otone de Menezes

YESTERDAY, the parents of Jean Charles de Menezes retraced the final journey taken by their son, an entirely innocent man who was shot dead...

Reject Gate Gourmet mass sackings deal!

A MASS meeting of the 710 TGWU trade union members, sacked and locked-out at Gate Gourmet, will take place at the Monsoon Club in...

Brown promises to ‘renew new Labour’

CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown, the pretender to the Labour leadership and 10 Downing Street, told the Labour Party conference in Brighton yesterday: ‘Our mission is...

Sharon unleashes bombing raids and assassinations on the Palestinians

THE Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has launched a new war on Palestinians living in territories under Zionist occupation less than three...

Withdraw British troops now! Bring down the Blair government!

MORE than 100,000 people are expected to take part in the anti-war demonstration in London today, according to its organisers, the Stop the War...

Met chief’s agenda – police ‘justice’ and troops on the streets!

Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, presented his ‘wish list’ of latest demands to the Labour government, when speaking to the Police Superintendents’ Conference...

Strike action at Heathrow needed to win Gate Gourmet struggle!

TALKS at Congress House last Tuesday, between the Trades Union Congress, the T&G and Gate Gourmet management were busy discussing the company’s ‘compromise agreement’. Gate...
The head of the London march in Whitehall shortly after setting off from Parliament Square

A British ‘barbaric act of aggression’ in Basra

THE Labour Government’s Defence Secretary, John Reid, declared yesterday that sending six Warrior tanks to demolish the wall of a prison compound in Basra,...

GERMAN ELECTIONS: Workers deliver a blow to free market ‘reforms’

AFTER Sunday’s General Election, Germany did not have a Chancellor, or a government yesterday. This plunged the country into a huge economic and political...

Sharon’s deception at the United Nations

ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon tried to cut a figure as the liberator of the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip at the United...

Time to take the Gourmet struggle forward to victory

THE intervention at the TUC Congress last Monday by the Gate Gourmet locked out workers was an outstanding success. It let every delegate of...

Making the country fit for the gangmasters

AT the just concluded TUC Congress, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, openly condemned the description of ‘globalisation’ as ‘a race to the...

Blair and Brown threaten the trade unions

THE message from the Blair-Brown leadership to the trade unions and their leaders is ‘face up to globalisation or cease to exist’. Even the two’s...
Gate Gourmet workers say: WE WANT VICTORY! – while TGWU leaders discuss compulsory redundancies and loss of unfair dismissal rights!

US Threatens Syria With War

THE US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, who was recently transferred from Afghanistan, last Monday threatened the Syrian government with war. He accused Syria of...

Union leaders pledge total support – time for action has arrived!

YESTERDAY the trade union bureaucracy was skating on the thinnest of thin ice at the TUC Congress. With one hand, trade union leader after trade...

T&G & TUC must call strike action to reinstate Gate Gourmet workers!

THE 670 Gate Gourmet workers, members of the Transport and General Workers Union (T&G), sacked over a month ago for taking strike action, know...
Gate Gourmet locked out workers on their successful lobby of the TUC last Monday morning

Action not words required to win Gate Gourmet struggle

LAST Thursday afternoon, at a meeting attended by TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, TGWU leader Tony Woodley told the Gate Gourmet shop stewards that...
Amicus members from the DARA defence plant in south Wales lobbying to defend 1,000 jobs

Petrol price rises leading to new fuel blockade

UK petrol and diesel prices are still rising in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, with the average cost of petrol now at 95.1 pence...

General strike now to stop destruction of the NHS!

NHS HOSPITALS are facing an immediate cut of £1.6 billion, with the government ordering NHS Trusts to ‘balance their books’ by making cutbacks and...

Blair is speeding up the privatisation drive

ON all fronts the Blair government is speeding up its privatisation offensive, so that his governments can leave as their legacy for big...
Palestinian flats in Rafah full of shell and bullet holes because of Israeli army shelling

Emergency Action needed to win Gate Gourmet dispute

THE Gate Gourmet strikers are fighting in the most determined fashion to win back their jobs in the face of a hostile union busting...
A section of the over 600-strong audience at the CWU anti-privatisation rally in central London on Wednesday

Build Revolutionary Leadership In The Usa

THE New Orleans disaster stands as a testament – with its over 10,000 dead and over 200,000 refugees – to the bankruptcy of the...
Chairman NORMAN CANDY (CWU London Divisional Committee) opening the mass rally against privatisation in central London yesterday

Iraq war veterans sent into New Orleans

YESTERDAY 300 Arkansas national guards were sent into the hurricane hit city of New Orleans, after having just returned from Iraq. The Governor of Louisiana,...

New Orleans war zone – 20,000 National Guards, and US army helicopter fired on

THE United States ruling class, running the world’s number one super-power and presiding over the richest nation on Earth, was yesterday shown to be...
TGWU official OLIVER RICHARDSON being confronted by Gate Gourmet pickets yesterday morning who want their jobs back

TGWU leaders and TUC committed to 675 Gate Gourmet redundancies

YESTERDAY morning Gate Gourmet strikers were dismissing and rubbishing the letters that they have been receiving from the company. These offered them a minimum pittance...
TGWU full-time officer OLIVER RICHARDSON addressing the Gate Gourmet mass picket yesterday morning

Public sector pensions battle set to erupt

THE working class continues to pay a massive price for its reformist trade union leadership. This is completely committed to supporting the capitalist...

Bush fails to get Iraqi puppets to agree ‘constitution’

OVER the weekend, President Bush made personal phone calls to both the leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in...