Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer foresees a summer of discontent organised by the far right


ASKED yesterday whether the country faced a ‘Summer of Riots’, the Labour Party Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer responded: ‘It’s obvious to me, and I think anybody looking in, that as far as the far-right is concerned, this is co-ordinated. This is deliberate. This is not a protest that has got out of hand. It is a group of individuals who are absolutely bent on violence.’

He added: ‘I have just held a meeting with senior police and law enforcement leaders, where we are resolved to show we are a country that will not allow understandable fear to curdle into division and hate in our communities, and that will not permit under any circumstances, a breakdown in law and order on our streets.

‘Because, let’s be very clear about this, it’s not protest, it’s not legitimate. It’s crime, violent disorder, an assault on the rule of law and the execution of justice. And so on behalf of the British people who expect their values and their security to be upheld, we will put a stop to it.’

A ‘police source’ was also quoted as saying: ‘We have intelligence that they are planning to do more, for this weekend and for most of the summer. It is coordinated. It is not spontaneous at all. Some are EDL, some are more extreme far-right. Then you have a cohort of people who are just obsessed with violence.’

The truth of the matter is that British capitalism is in its greatest crisis ever. In fact it is in its death agony, and is seeking to survive by destroying all of the basic rights of the British working class, and reducing the working class to a ‘third world’ type of existence.

This is why, ‘out of the blue’, all kinds of fascist and racist gangs are emerging to try and split the UK working class, so that the ruling class can divide and rule in a situation of an extreme crisis of the capitalist system.

The working class is however moving forward. It has just delivered the biggest defeat ever for the Tory Party, and now there is a Labour government in office with a huge majority.

This Labour government could legislate to bring in a socialist planned economy tomorrow if it wished to, but it is already terrified by the collapse and fall of the British capitalist system.

It is this situation of the biggest ever crisis for the British capitalist system, that has brought the gangs of racists and fascists onto the streets, at the same time as today hundreds of thousands of workers will be demonstrating for the victory of the Palestinian revolution and demanding that the UK government immediately recognises the State of Palestine and begins the nationalisation under workers control of the entire UK capitalist economy.

The truth of the matter is that world capitalism is heading into its death agony, it is bankrupt and deserves to perish, and be replaced by the World Socialist Republic. In the current situation of collapsing capitalism, the most decisive revolutionary force in society is the working class.

This class must now move forward to take the power.

It must use its trade unions to call an immediate and urgent TUC Congress to discuss the desperate crisis of capitalism and how to bury it with a socialist revolution.

In fact the time has come for the building of a new and revolutionary leadership in the UK working class. This will use its strength to bring down British capitalism and go forward to socialism, in the UK and throughout the world.

Workers must see to it that the TUC is made to call an emergency Congress to discuss the crisis of British capitalism and the revolutionary mobilisation of the working class to bring in socialism.

Now is the time to build up a mass Young Socialist movement as the basis of the revolutionary party and international that will be able not just to organise the British socialist revolution, but to continue the revolution in permanence, to organise the working class to smash capitalism worldwide and to bring in the World Socialist Republic.

This is the only way forward. Join the WRP and the Young Socialists today to build the revolutionary party and international to complete the world socialist revolution!