Gate Gourmet Workers – Good Support For March 25 Demo


A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Direct Works Council Depot yesterday to publicise their march through Hounslow on the 25th of this month.

Raksha, said: ‘We went to Uxbridge shopping centre today, where we mass leafleted shoppers and got support for our march.

‘We also went to Brunel University where the staff were helpful towards us. We visited the Uxbridge Bus Garage and spoke to the TGWU members, who said they would ask their union branch to support us.’

Locked- out Gate Gourmet worker Rajani Sharmar said: ‘We had good support today with many people saying they are coming on our march.

‘A lady in the street who came up to support us and an airport worker were not happy with what has happened to us.

‘We are very upset because we have had no hardship money, we can’t survive without money and we are very angry with the union leaders who have put so much pressure on us to sign the compromise deal which we can’t accept.’

At the shopping centre the locked-out workers met Mr Johnson, a baggage handler from American Airlines.

He said: ‘I will put up a poster for the march in the staff room and give out leaflets to publicise your dispute.’