Tory Deputy Pm Resigns And Labour’s Starmer Refuses To Call For The Government To Be Put Out Of Office!


BRITISH CAPITALISM is clearly the weakest link in the chain of major capitalist states.

Its fervent support for an imperialist war against Russia in the Ukraine has led to worldwide inflation of food and energy prices that has completely undermined it, and brought food shortages to the UK and many other countries.

Yesterday the Tory Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, was forced to resign for bullying, the practice through which the Tory Party has been run and built for decades.

In fact, the developing economic crisis has split the Tory Party asunder into different feuding factions. They are no longer the masters of their own destiny – they seek to live off scraps from the USA, or even China – Oh how the mighty have fallen!

The split and divided Tory party will not resign. It will seek to hang on for as long as it can and the Labour Party will not bring it down.

This was proven once more yesterday when Labour leader Starmer, refused to call for the Tory Party to resign as the government after its Deputy Prime Minister resigned, charged with bullying.

Starmer had a golden opportunity to play a part in bringing the Tories down by demanding a general election NOW, and calling on the trade unions to take action to bring this broken Tory regime down!

He wallowed in the spectacle of the Tory party breaking apart, while the demoralised Labourites did nothing to remove them from office.

But there is going to be action! The action is going to be directed against the nursing trade unions who are taking strike action over the May Day holiday.

Yesterday the Daily Telegraph informed the nurses that their next two day strike will be illegal, adding that Health Officials have written to the Royal College of Nursing saying that they have ‘clear legal advice’ that the mandate for industrial action in England expires before the strike’s end.

The nurses’ trade union, the RCN, has responded by saying that it will ‘forcefully resist’ any attempt by NHS bodies to seek an injunction banning the action.

The union insists that the action will go ahead alongside the ambulance workers and teachers.

What’s more the nurses and ambulance workers will not be alone. There will be hundreds of thousands of workers out on May 1, and this ‘legality’ crisis should be placed before these workers before they march on May Day.

In fact, the FBU has already called for an emergency TUC Congress to face up to the threat of the draconian anti-union laws that the Tories are pushing though Parliament.

The FBU and the nursing unions must insist that a Special Congress of the TUC is held in the next few days to establish that May 1 will be the day when the TUC calls a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a Workers Government and socialism. This is the only way forward for the working class in the UK.

In fact this is the only way forward for the workers in France, Germany, Greece and the USA, where the working class is also on the march and refusing to pay the vast debts that capitalism has built up.

The reality is that capitalism is a dying system and must be replaced by socialism, not just in a single country but worldwide.

The enormous productive forces developed under capitalism by the working class, are currently stalling after the huge crisis that the US and UK intervention into the Ukraine has caused.

Everywhere, bankrupt capitalism is threatening to drag the working class back to some new Dark Ages. Capitalism must be replaced by socialism on a world scale, through the victory of the worldwide socialist revolution.

What this revolution requires is the building of sections of the Young Socialists and the WRP in every country, to drive forward the victory of the world socialist revolution, to replace bankrupt capitalism with socialism and to consign backward capitalism to a museum.

Join the WRP and YS today – Forward to bringing down the Tories and to the victory of the World Socialist Revolution!