Tag: unison
‘FANTASTIC,’ was how Vestas factory occupier Chris Ash responded to the decision at Newport Magistrates Court yesterday to adjourn the wind turbine company’s attempt...
‘WE’RE HERE TO STAY – say Vestas occupiers
‘We’re here to stay,’ was the message from the 25 Vestas workers occupying the wind turbine factory on the Isle of Wight on Friday. It...
RMT SUPPORTS VESTAS OCCUPATION! – Crow calls for nationalisation
RMT leader Bob Crow yesterday called for the nationalisation of the occupied Vestas wind turbine factory at Newport, Isle of Wight. In their occupation statement...
VESTAS OCCUPIED! – workers demand nationalisation
Workers occupying the Vestas wind turbine factory in Newport on the Isle of Wight demanded the nationalisation of the plant yesterday. In a defiant statement,...
Call national strike action! Form a public sector alliance!
OVER 12,000 postal workers are taking strike action today, with thousands more demonstrating against continuing cuts and the executive dictatorship by Royal Mail, while...
Forward to a national strike and a national demonstration on July...
DAY one of the London CWU’s three-day strike action was a massive success, after the move by the Royal Mail and the government...
NHS pharmacy services under threat – warn unions
Unite is seeking an urgent meeting with Health Secretary, Andy Burnham ‘as NHS pharmacy services are threatened by a government decision’. Burnham is being asked to...
‘NO EDUCATION CUTS’ – demand Tower Hamlets strikers
TOWER Hamlets College staff and students will demonstrate tomorrow, Tuesday July 7, outside the Board of Governors meeting, demanding: ‘No education cuts!’ The east London...
Trades unions must take action to end NHS privatisation
‘END this ludicrous, divisive and expensive experiment of the market in healthcare in England.’ This was the call from Dr Hamish Meldrum, the Chairman of...
Class struggle sharpens – Organise general strike!
900 construction workers were sacked at the Lindsey Oil Refinery, north Lincolnshire yesterday in what the GMB General Secretary Paul Kenny called ‘a case...
Don’t Cut Public Services
Public-sector union Unison yesterday cautioned against panic cuts in public services in the wake of record government borrowing. UK public sector net borrowing, which takes...
‘We Will Keep Chase Farm Open’
A SUCCESSFUL picket to stop the closure of Chase Farm Hospital took place outside the hospital in Enfield on Tuesday, attended by over 50...
Prentis Warns Labour
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis yesterday pledged ‘our union will bring together an alliance of all public service unions’ to defend jobs and public...
‘END BOTTOMLESS PFI PIT’ – demands the UNISON trade union
UNISON yesterday demanded ‘an end to this bottomless PFI pit’. The Treasury’s decision to pump an extra £2bn of taxpayers’ money into recession-hit PFI...
Over 600 lecturers, college staff and their supporters marched through north London on Saturday in defence of education.Over 600 lecturers, college staff and their...
Wildcat Strike Spreads!
Thousands of construction workers around the UK have walked out in support of 200 workers who began a wildcat strike on Tuesday at the...
5,000 March In London On Nakba Day
AROUND 5,000 people marched from the University of London Union (ULU) to Trafalgar Square in central London on Saturday, to mark the 61st anniversary...
NO SACKINGS! NO COURSE CUTS! – demand London Met lecturers and...
‘We will stand firm and if necessary we will escalate the fight because we will not let this university go under!’ This was the message...
‘WHAT happened to us could have happened to anyone!’ This is what Visteon shop steward Raymond Dixon told the crowd in Trafalgar Square at the...
National strike action to defend the Royal Mail and its workforce
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) yesterday warned that Royal Mail were planning sacking between eight and twenty per cent of the workforce, with London...
UCU STRIKE BALLOT – to defend lecturers jobs
The University and College Union (UCU) yesterday warned that higher education could be brought to a standstill as the union announced that it is...
‘Efficiency Savings’ Are Massive Spending Cuts
The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) branded the efficiency savings announced in Wednesday’s budget as spending cuts which would damage services and lead...
Prentis appeals to Brown in vain
‘OUR time and patience is running out. The country is in a mess and we look to the Government to come up with serious...
‘Time Is Running Out!’ – Unison Health Conference Warns Pm Brown
‘OUR time and patience is running out.’ This is the warning that Unison leader Dave Prentis is due to give to Prime Minister Gordon Brown...
Visteon Workers Occupying Till Victory
Defiant Visteon workers are still occupying three factories in Enfield, Basildon and Belfast. Over 250 trade unionists and youth rallied in support of the...
THOUSANDS LAY SIEGE TO THE CITY – and march against the...
SEVEN thousand mainly young people from London and across the country marched to demand the withdrawal of British and American troops from Iraq and...
Unison and EU public sector unions form ‘historic alliance’
UNISON and other EU public sector unions have formed an ‘historic alliance’. UNISON declared yesterday: ‘The fight back has begun. And UNISON is...
Bailing out banks and sacking public sector workers splits the unions
THE UNISON and Unite trade unions have split. The former has formed an alliance with the EU public sector trade unions ver.di and CGIL and...
50,000 March For Jobs And Justice
THE TUC-organised ‘Put People First’ march over jobs, justice and climate attracted up to 50,000 workers and young people in central London on Saturday. Trade...
Only A Socialist Revolution Can Defend Jobs, Homes, Basic Rights And...
THE TUC’s ‘Put People First’ march on Saturday brought 50,000 workers and youth onto the streets marching behind powerful contingents from the GMB and...
2.03m JOBLESS – Bring down Brown and nationalise
UK unemployment has risen above two million for the first time since Labour came to office, official figures revealed yesterday. During the three months to...
Labour’s drive for Foundation Trusts and privatisation kills!
The Royal College of Nursing has described the Healthcare Commission’s investigation into emergency care at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust as ‘shocking’ and said that...
ROYAL MAIL IS NOT FOR SALE! – say 1,000 marchers
‘If Royal Mail managers don’t back off we are going to have to ask our members again to take strike action,’ Communication Workers Union...
Get rid of bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism
EVERYWHERE capitalism is crashing! Yesterday the FTSE 100 index fell to 3472.68 points making a 50 per cent crash from the FTSE’s...
Defend the NHS!NHS – Foundation Trusts call to lift cap on...
Public sector union Unison yesterday sounded the alarm bells over a move from NHS foundation trust bosses to lift the cap on the...
‘WE MUST WIN THIS BATTLE’ – speakers tell CWU mass rally
The Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) held a 500-strong ‘Keep Royal Mail Public’ national rally before a bigger lobby of MPs on Tuesday against the...
CWU rally rejects pensions blackmail!
‘This is just the start of the battle,’ declared Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) deputy general secretary Dave Ward at a mass rally in...
Top-Up Fees Threat To The NHS
An admission by director of policy and strategy for the Department of Health, Una O’Brien, has stirred up concerns that ‘co-payments’ or top-up fees...
Top-up care will destroy the NHS
NHS PATIENTS suffering from the same illness, in the same NHS hospital ward, will now be able to purchase drugs and better care, under...
Trade union leaders trying to manage capitalism
Rising unemployment is a national emergency declared the TUC yesterday after the government revealed that 150,000 workers had lost their jobs in the last...
‘NATIONAL EMERGENCY!’ – TUC condemns 1.97 million unemployed
THE Trades Union Congress (TUC) warned of a ‘national emergency’ yesterday as the latest unemployment figures were published, showing that UK unemployment rose to...
£32 million cuts planned at NW London NHS – 400 jobs...
The North West London Hospitals NHS Trust yesterday confirmed that it is looking to cut £32 million (ten per cent) from its budget over...
‘SAVE OUR UNIVERSITY’ – 500 lobby London Met governors
OVER five hundred students and staff of the London Metropolitan University gathered outside the building in Holloway road in north London yesterday to protest...
SHAME ON YOU BBC – BROADCAST THE GAZA APPEAL! –demands 7,000-strong...
‘Free, Free Palestine!’ ‘Shame on you BBC!’ shouted 7,000 protesters at a rally for Gaza outside the BBC’s Broadcasting House at Portland Place in...
‘A SMOKESCREEN FOR MORE PRIVATISATION’ – ‘Unite warns over NHS constitution
TWO major health unions have reacted cooly to the Labour government’s new NHS Constitution, launched last Wednesday, which contains ‘rights’ and ‘responsibilities’ for both...