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Defeat The Health And Social Care Bill!

BY ANNA ATHOW, BMA COUNCIL, IN A PERSONAL CAPACITY THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government is determined to push through the Health and Social Care Bill...

Well Done – Unison Conference Rejects Histadrut

THE Unison National Delegate Conference has rejected ‘critical engagement’ with the Histadrut, the Zionist trade union, which plays a central role in the Zionist...

Strike Breaker Gove Is Condemned!

Schools unions have reacted angrily to a letter to heads from education secretary Gove, advocating strike breaking during their June 30 pensions action. His letter...


IN the international debate on Wednesday afternoon, delegates at the Unison National Delegate conference in Manchester said the best way to show solidarity with...

NATIONAL DEMO! – called by Unison to defend NHS

The Unison national delegate conference in Manchester yesterday voted to step up the fight to save the NHS and to call a national demonstration. Delegates...

‘WE WILL HAVE TO STRIKE’ – UNISON Conference is told

UNISON members at their national delegate conference in Manchester yesterday voted unanimously to oppose the attack on their pensions with coordinated industrial action. Before debating...

Prentis ‘Call To Arms!’

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis yesterday made a ‘call to arms’ at the union’s national delegate conference urging delegates to stand ready...

Occupy To Keep Chase Farm Open

MATERNITY staff at Chase Farm Hospital joined the North East London Council of Action picket yesterday to demand paediatrics, A&E and maternity services are...

Unison delegates want action

UNISON members are gathering at the union’s national delegate conference in Manchester today, determined to defend their jobs, pay, pensions and public services. They will...

Nato Murders Civilians In Tripoli Air Strikes

IN another night of terror, murder and horror NATO, allegedly making war on Libya to protect civilians from air attack, has been murdering...

Coalition Pensions War!

Trade unions yesterday reacted furiously to pension change threats by Treasury Secretary Douglas Alexander. He said that all public sector workers, bar the army, police...

Whither the NHS is still to be decided!

THE fury of the Blairite Milburn over the changes to the Health Bill that have been forced on the Tory-led coalition by the massive...

Civil Servants To Strike

THREE-QUARTERS of a million public sector workers will take strike action against government attacks on their pensions on Thursday 30th June, it was confirmed...

June 30th must be a one-day general strike!

PUBLIC and Commercial Services Union leader Mark Serwotka said yesterday, just before the massive vote for strike action on June 30th by his PCS...

NHS privatisation programme ‘still on track’

UNISON said on Monday that the NHS Future Forum’s report into the NHS Health and Social Care Bill, ‘shows a Bill beyond repair’. Even if...

Pensions Battle Ahead!

THE NUT and ATL teachers unions announced overwhelming votes for strike action yesterday, against the coalition government’s massive attacks on their pensions. In the...

Scrap The Bill!

Public sector union Unison said yesterday that the NHS Future Forum’s report shows a Health Bill beyond repair and that it should be scrapped. The...

Privatisation and health care are opposites!

YESTERDAY Southern Cross announced 3,000 redundancies. Its crash is underway with the lives of thousands of elderly residents at stake as well as the...

Smash The Health Bill!

‘CAMERON’S speech today, with the five fake pledges on the NHS, signify that the coalition government is going full steam ahead with the...

ZERO WAGE RISES! – Millions in Public Sector plunged into poverty

UNISON yesterday called on the government to end the public sector pay freeze, set to stretch for another two years for local government workers...

‘PATIENTS TORTURED’ – at a charge of £3,500 a week

A STORM of anger has erupted following the broadcast of Tuesday night’s BBC Panorama programme, which revealed terrible abuse of vulnerable adults at a...

British Capitalist Economy Down The Pan!

THE latest Office of National Statistics (ONS) GDP figures show two quarters – six months – of zero growth in the British capitalist...


‘The likely date for the first coordinated action is 30th June, when 750,000 members of the PCS, NUT, ATL and UCU unions could all...

‘SERIOUS DANGER TO PATIENT SAFETY’ –from Ambulance Service privatisation

Public service union, Unison has warned of the serious dangers to patient safety if the Ambulance Services are privatised. This comes after the East of...

MILLIONS WASTED ON PRIVATEERS –it will be worse if Health Bill...

‘This is the danger of using the private sector to deliver our health services,’ a Unison spokeswoman told News Line. ‘We’ve always warned that the...

Unite and PCS join forces to fight ‘coalition savagery’

TWO million workers in the UK are joining together to fend off savage attacks on working people and their families. That was the message from...

‘WE WANT ACTION FOR JOBS’ says YS leader ’

OFFICIAL unemployment figures released by the Office for National Statistics yesterday, revealed that nearly two-and-a-half million people remain unemployed, one million of them youth. The...

Claimant count rises as UK economy carries on sinking!

UK unemployment fell by 36,000 in the three months to the end of March, to 2.46 million. However, the number of people receiving...

Inflation Leap!

CONSUMER Prices Index inflation rose from 4.0 per cent to 4.5 per cent in April, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), reported yesterday. ‘It’s a...

‘Pause’ A Cover For Destruction Of Hospital Care

BY ANNA ATHOW BMA COUNCIL MEMBER ON April 4th, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley announced ‘a pause’, a two month ‘listening exercise’, in implementing the...

‘a Smokescreen For Wholesale Privatisation’

Health unions yesterday condemned Cameron’s attempt to defend the coalition’s Health and Social Care Bill to privatise and destroy the NHS, as ‘the only...

‘SHOW NHS NO MERCY’ – says Cameron advisor

Prime minister Cameron’s adviser Mark Britnell has urged that the NHS be ‘shown no mercy’, adding that the government’s planned health ‘reform’ is a...

Tories Want Mass Sackings!

Liberal Democrat employment minister, Ed Davey, announced plans to change labour laws yesterday, to enable employers to sack large numbers of workers easily. The Tory-LibDem...

No New Anti-Union Laws!

Trade unions yesterday condemned Tory threats to ban strikes after Downing Street dropped a bombshell, confirming that Tory leader Cameron is ‘considering’ just that. London...

RATES KEPT ON HOLD – as production plunges

THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) yesterday held interest rates at a record low 0.5 per cent after ignoring calls to head...

Stop NHS Cuts And Closures

Public sector union Unison yesterday slammed a demand from foundation trust (FT) regulator, Monitor, that NHS hospitals make at least 50 per cent bigger...

INTERNATIONAL WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY – Commemorates those who have died at...

TODAY is International Workers’ Memorial Day, when Public Services International (PSI) members, their families and communities are joining together to remember and mourn sisters...


CLAIMS by Chancellor Osborne and Prime Minister Cameron that Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures showing 0.5 per cent growth is ‘good news’ were...

SCRAP ‘RISKY’ NHS BILL – says Unison

In a report published today, the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts has warned that the reorganisation of the NHS in England could...

DEATHS IN POLICE CUSTODY MUST STOP! – says Smiley Culture march

‘Today is a momentous day. It is time to let the people know we are not going to accept this,’ Merlin Emmanuel told a...

‘We will resist Met Uni cuts!’

‘UCU and Unison staff will resist all cuts to courses, jobs and provision at London Met by whatever means, including industrial action.’ University and College...

Now Smash The Bill And Bring Down The Coalition!

THE RCN (Royal College of Nursing) yesterday carried a 97% vote of no confidence in Health Secretary Lansley, with 478 for six against and...

98.7% NO CONFIDENCE IN LANSLEY – frightened Miliband urges ‘junk the...

NURSES passed a motion of no confidence in Health Secretary Lansley and his Health and Social Care Bill, with a vote of 98.75% in...

890 Ambulance Jobs To Go

THE London Ambulance Service (LAS) announced yesterday that it plans to cut 890 jobs over the next five years. The LAS, which is making £53...

Tories Cynical ‘Pause’ Slammed

HEALTH unions Unison, Unite and the GMB have scornfully condemned the attempts of the Tory-LibDem coalition to involve the trade unions in new talks...