Tag: unions
Karzai calls for rethink, as Taleban attacks mount
THE Afghan ‘government’ has called for a rethink of the US-led fight against the Taleban, after heavy casualties to civilians caused by US air...
‘Significant Concerns’ For Vulnerable Detainees
Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers’ ‘Report on an unannounced inspection of Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre’ is another damning indictment of the brutal system...
Gaza ‘withdrawal plan’ aimed at entrenching settlements – warns Erekat
Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will hold a summit meeting in Damascus on Thursday, 7th July, adviser to the Palestinian...
Revolution not bourgeois aid or charity, the future for Africa
ON Saturday, leaders of the capitalist world, from the Pope and his Cardinals to various Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and not a few Chancellors...
Medicine company workers fury over Iraq police attack
The Iraqi resistance is dealing daily blows against the US-UK led occupiers as it steps up its attacks. Last Tuesday fighters attacked with three mortars a...
Make Capitalism History! The Way To End Poverty
TODAY’S Edinburgh march to ‘Make Poverty History’ will be led by Bishops, Cardinals and boss class politicians, in other words, by the religious and...
Huge increase in ASBOs
Human rights group Liberty yesterday condemned the huge increase in the number of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (Asbos) issued as the government steps up its...
THE Teamsters General President James Hoffa gave the fraternal address from the AFL-CIO US trade union federation to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions...
Private treatment centres grab NHS funds
PRIVATE Treatment Centres have become a key element in the Labour Government’s plans to privatise the National Health Service (NHS). They are being used in...
UNISON must act to secure British withdrawal from Iraq
DELEGATES at the UNISON national delegate conference last Thursday passed a motion demanding the withdrawal of all British troops from Iraq by the end...
Delegates at the UNISON National Delegate Conference in Glasgow yesterday said it was ‘government policy’ to drive NHS trusts into the red. Delegates slammed Labour...
Blair advocates Thatcherism throughout Europe
BLAIR’S call for Thatcherism throughout Europe has won him the immediate support of all Tories and right wingers, even those who had been portraying...
‘Single Status Used To Cut Wages’
PUBLIC sector union UNISON finds itself in conflict with employers using equal opportunity legislation supposed to protect the most vulnerable workers, to oppress them...
UNISON to call national demonstration on pensions
‘THE threat we made to the government still stands – revoke the order or there will be a strike on pensions,’ UNISON NEC member...
Rice supervises raising Middle East tensions
THE US through its secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who has been in the Middle East for a week, is working hard to raise...
Live8 won’t comment on ‘don’t attack Bush’ line
YESTERDAY the PR company representing Live8, LD Publicity, refused to deny media allegations that Bob Geldof, the Live8 movement’s leader, had a soft spot...
‘WE will take strike action, across all our sectors, to defend our pensions,’ UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis pledged at the union’s National Delegate...
Islamic Jihad slams hostile US statements
THE statements by American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on her visits to Tel Aviv and Ramallah are ‘aggressive and anti-Palestinian’, the Palestinian resistance...
‘TERRORIST AND CRIMINAL’ – Karabilah bombings condemned by Sunni authority
On Sunday RAF G4 Tornado warplanes attacked the Iraqi town of Karabilah, near the Syrian border. The British were called to assist US Air Force...
Labour policy is pauperising graduates
FIFTY EIGHT per cent of graduates find they are still relying on their parents for financial support three years after graduation, a survey commissioned...
‘THE HUMAN COST OF DETENTION’ –Refugee Council welcomes Amnesty report
The Refugee Council has welcomed today’s publication of a new Amnesty International UK report on detention of asylum seekers ‘The Human Cost of Detention’....
RAF planes bomb Iraq/Syria border areas
ROYAL Air Force Tornado fighter bombers have joined the US air force in bombing raids in Iraq’s western Al Anbar province, particularly in the...
British Warplanes Bomb Nw Iraq
British warplanes yesterday bombed vehicles and buildings in the northwestern Iraqi town of Karabila, close to the Syrian border. In what was considered a rare...
Doctors’ and nurses’ leaders have written letters to Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Brown urging Britain and other G8 nations to stop poaching doctors...
REBUILD WORKERS’ POWER – UFCW tells ‘Change to Win’ conference
THE following is a statement by Joe Hansen, International President of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, made at the ‘Change To...
Blair And Brown Crippling African Health Care!
THE current Blair drive to have Gordon Brown and himself depicted in the media as the saviours of the African continent has hit the...
5 US marines killed – near Ramadi
Five US marines have been killed near Ramadi, western Iraq, when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb, the US military said in a statement...
World Crisis Blowing US Trade Union Leaders Apart
THE American workers are facing major problems, caused by the deepening crisis of the world capitalist system. Among these problems are the export of millions...
House nuisance neighbours in containers says Field
LABOUR’S war against the working class and the poor continues, with Birkenhead MP Frank Field advocating that nuisance neighbours should be evicted and ‘housed’...
5 WARDS AND 300 STAFF FACE THE AXE – in Lincolnshire...
Staff at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have been shocked by the sudden announcement on Monday of plans to close five hospital wards and...
Russian Ambassador In Talks With Al-Sadr
The Russian ambassador to Iraq yesterday flew to Najaf and started talks with leading Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who led the uprising against US...
Blair demands end of EU farm subsidies
THE knives are out between the British ruling class and its Franco-German opposite numbers. The press conference at the end of Blair’s visit to Moscow,...
BBC unions to ‘trawl for volunteers’ for the sack
‘The BBC unions agreed ‘a trawl for voluntary redundancies’ during last Wednesday’s four-hour meeting with BBC Director General Mark Thompson. Thompson would give no guarantee...
GMB condemns Sedgefield council house privatisation
THE GMB Annual Congress has condemned the decision of the Labour government to privatise the council house stock in Prime Minister Blair’s own constituency,...
PCS delegates demand national action
THE Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) voted unanimously yesterday to pursue its ‘ongoing trade dispute’ with the government, including taking ‘industrial action’. Moving the...
UK ‘control orders’ are illegal says EU rights body
EVEN the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Alvaro Gil-Robles has condemned the issuing of control orders by the British Home Secretary as...
Greek bank workers strike over pensions
Yesterday tens of thousands of bank workers were on strike throughout Greece for the second day of a two-day strike called by their union...
Glasgow Unemployment Crisis
Targets set by ministers for agencies trying to get Scotland’s long-term unemployed off benefits are making the problem worse, not better. That is the finding...
‘If the job cuts are still on, the strikes will be reinstated,’ BECTU assistant general secretary Gerry Morrissey told News Line yesterday. Speaking after the...
Aerial Assassinations Mastermind Is New Israeli Chief Of Staff
The mastermind of Israel’s policy of aerial extra-judicial execution of Palestinian resistance fighters, Dan Halutz on Wednesday officially replaced Moshe Ya’alon as Chief of...
Greek Telecom Pensions Crisis
Greek Telecom’s OME-OTE trade union leadership succeeded last weekend in pushing through the union’s congress a most reactionary agreement which had been worked out...
Security Council extends Iraq occupation mandate
THE imperialists and their Chinese and Russian stooges on the UN Security Council have extended the mandate of the US-led occupation armies in Iraq,...
French revolution stuns EU bosses and political leaders
THE 55 per cent vote, by the working class and the rural population of France against the European Constitution, is a body blow to...
Dutch To Follow French Example
Dutch workers are ready to deal another blow to the bosses and bankers’ EU by following the example of the French and voting ‘NO’...
French revolution stuns EU bosses and political leaders
THE 55 per cent vote, by the working class and the rural population of France against the European Constitution, is a body blow to...