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CWU CALLS NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION! – All out on Tuesday August 21

The Communica-tion Workers Union (CWU) has announ-ced a national demonstration in London in support of postal workers on Tuesday, 21 August 2007. A CWU spokeswoman...

Free the five and give them full British citizenship

THE UK government has requested the release of five British residents from US custody at Guantanamo Bay, something which the Blair government, in which...

Private Schools After Academy Cash

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) yesterday condemned moves by private schools to rescue their finances through obtaining academy status. A NUT spokeswoman told News...

A Plague Of Locusts

ONCE again the spotlight has been put on the private equity locusts. This time a Financial Times investigation has shown how TPG, CVS and...

Close down Campsfield and repeal all racist immigration laws

POLICE are looking for 14 asylum seekers who escaped from the Campsfield Detention Centre, run by the US Company GEO and secured by Group...

Chuck Out The New NHS Pay Offer – It’s Divisive, Still...

UNISON yesterday told its members that the barely improved health employers offer which has been approved by the Brown government is ‘the best that...

NHS PAY OFFER – Looks to divide and rule

‘I will be recommending members reject the new pay offer,’ UNISON Oxfordshire health branch chairman Mark Ladbrooke told News Line yesterday. He was commenting on...

We Need A Public Sector Alliance

‘The strikes are strongly supported, our members are determined to continue the strike action until Royal Mail seriously negotiates,’ a Communication Workers’ Union (CWU)...

Tuc Appeals To The Government For Jobs, Wages And Basic Rights

The TUC preliminary agenda covers the mounting concerns of workers over jobs, wages and conditions, public services and basic rights. The agenda opens...

Rolling Strikes To Continue Say Cwu Leaders

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) Postal Executive announced yesterday afternoon it has agreed a further round of rolling strike action. A CWU statement ...

GLASGOW WALKS OUT! – unofficial CWU strike action spreads to Edinburgh...

Around 5,400 postal workers walked out in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Liverpool yesterday in the face of management provocations. Glasgow Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) officials yesterday...

Royal Mail Organises The Strikebreakers

THE postal workers dispute intensified yesterday when, with Glasgow, Edinburgh and Liverpool already out on unofficial strike, the action was spreading all over the...

US arms Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia for war with Iran

THAT the US is preparing a new great war in the Middle East and the Gulf to destroy Iran and Syria is crystal clear...

THIS A WAR WE HAVE TO WIN! – postal workers tell...

THE programme of rolling strike action by the Communication Workers Union – in opposition to Royal Mail’s plans to cut wages, add five years...

Royal Mail Centres Out 3.00 Am Today

Postal workers at Mail Centres across the UK are taking 24-hour strike action from 3am this morning in the second week of rolling...


THE trade unions must take joint action with the postal workers to defend their members’ jobs and basic rights. They must go forward to bring...

UNIONS MUST TAKE BROWN ON – says News Line-All Trades Unions...

All the public sector trade unions must unite for action to bring down the Brown government and replace it with a workers government and...

Haniya Meets Euro-Med Human Rights Commission

PALESTINIAN Prime Minister, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya met a delegation from the Euro-Med Human Rights Committee at his office in Gaza last Saturday....

Cwu Leaders Must Call Indefinite Strike Action

HALF WAY through the CWU’s two weeks of rolling strike action it is perfectly clear that well over 90 per cent of the CWU’s...

Shares Crash As Debt Crisis Explodes

IN London yesterday, the FTSE 100 rebounded momentarily, but then fell back into the red, down by 48.5 points by 1pm after a...

‘ALL OUT ACTION!’ – demand Langley strikers

Yesterday workers at Royal Mail’s Heathrow Airport Worldwide Distribution Centre at Langley came out on 24-hour strike at noon, as part of the Communication...


ONE hundred angry RMT rail workers on London Underground lobbied Downing Street yesterday, demanding that tube maintenance work done by the collapsed Metronet private...

Brown’s Britain = super-exploitation and death for workers

GORDON Brown is now infamous as the friend of the equity capitalists who, thanks to him, pay no taxes, while he insists that the...

‘PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!’ – postal workers demand action to win...

TWO weeks of postal strikes began with night shift Mail Centre workers across the UK walking out for 24 hours last Wednesday night at...

Brown Backs Royal Mail Bosses!

Postal workers yesterday responded angrily to Gordon Brown’s insistence at prime minister’s questions, on the eve of their 24-hour rolling strikes, that ‘pay settlements...

All out action needed to defend pensions and jobs

THE CWU is warning that 40,000 jobs will go as a result of increased mechanisation of the Royal Mail system. It is also objecting...

Workers of the world unite in the struggle for socialism!

THE UK authorities issued National Insurance numbers to 713,000 overseas workers in the year to April 2007. The WRP and the News Line are pleased...

Oxford CWU – out again on Wednesday

POSTAL workers in Oxford who have been on unofficial strike for a week, yesterday returned to work. People are still very angry and a sizeable...

Flood Disaster = Britain’s New Orleans

WE all saw the Katrina disaster, and what it did to New Orleans, destroying whole areas of the city and making them uninhabitable to...

‘THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ’S OIL’ Part two – ‘We are fighting...

HANDS Off Iraqi Oil – the campaign launched to stop the theft of Iraq’s oil reserves – says that mainstream media coverage ‘has uncritically...

Labour Struggles – T0Ries Collapse!

ALL talk of a Brown ‘electoral bounce’ is sheer drivel or plain self deception after Labour got the votes of just 45 per cent...

PATIENT CARE AT RISK – from private treatment centres

Senior doctors yesterday renewed a warning that private treatment centres are putting patient care at risk and destabilising the NHS. The British Medical Association (BMA)...

Oxford Cwu Out To Defend Rep

Communication Workers Union (CWU) members in Oxford, who walked out on strike in defence of a senior rep, have voted to continue their unofficial...

Take Decisive Action To Win Postal Struggle

AFTER almost two days of discussions, the CWU leadership has rejected the call of the membership of the union for indefinite strike action, and...

‘THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ’S OIL’ – ‘our aim is for the...

A PACKED public meeting of more than 300 British trade unionists and anti-war campaigners has heard an Iraqi trade union leader speak out against...

Universities are for students, not big business!

ALMOST a third of young people (31 per cent) starting at university this autumn are being forced to live with their parents, because they...

Rolling Post Strikes Called

After days of indecision, the Communication Workers Union leadership yesterday announced a series of rolling strikes over two weeks, instead of the indefinite national...

‘TAKE RESPONIBILITY FOR RECOVERY PHASE’ – 6th Buncefield report urges government

The Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board (MIIB) on Tuesday published its 6th report, covering emergency preparedness for, response to and recovery from a major...

ESCALATE ACTION – as Oxford walk out

‘WE ARE going to escalate the strike action,’ a Communication Workers Union spokeswoman told News Line yesterday evening. However, she added that after a long...

More ‘breadline poor’ after 10 years of Labour governments

The gap between the rich and poor has widened in recent years and is greater than at any time in the past 40 years,...


The TUC on Monday called on the government to ‘step back’ and initiate an ‘independent review’ of privately-sponsored academy schools. Before leaving office, Blair...

Scrap the Public Private Partnership on the tube

METRONET, the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) within London Underground, has collapsed financially after years of failure to provide services required by the capital’s transport system. It...

END TUBE PPP ‘SCAM’ – urges RMT secretary Bob Crow

FAILING Tube privateer Metronet should get no more public money, and be ‘brought back in-house’ London Underground’s biggest union said yesterday. As the Public Private...

British police demand internment camps

AT the same time as leading members of the Bush administration are seeking to shut down the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp after experiencing...

Woodley Refuses To Call For Nati0Nalisation

TONY WOODLEY the TGWU leader and co-leader of the new UNITE trade union has already presided over the closure of a large chunk of...