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Tag: tory party

Join WRP to build the revolutionary leadership!

THE leadership scuffling that is taking place in the Labour Party is underlining one major fact – its crisis is terminal. This is a party...

Trade unions need their own political representation

AMID the media frenzy surrounding the publication of former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s autobiography, A Journey, ballot papers were sent out for the Labour...

Fight for jobs, and against evictions and benefit cuts!

THOUSANDS more working-class families are going to their local Citizen Advice Bureau because of the effects of unemployment, debts, threatened loss of homes and...

Tory-Lib Dem Budget hitting the poor hardest – IFS report

WORKING class families and pensioners are being hit hardest by Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget. This is the key finding from a study by the...

STOP TUC TALKS WITH TORIES – Barber must be sacked!

‘The TUC-Tory talks must stop’, Dave Wiltshire the All Trades Union Alliance Secretary told News Line yesterday. Wiltshire said: ‘Brendan Barner is discussing with Cameron...

End TUC collaboration with Tories

The news this week that Unison, the largest public sector union, has launched a legal challenge to the coalition government’s white paper on the...

‘We must keep Chase Farm open!’

THERE was a lively picket of at least 40 workers and youth, including sacked Visteon workers, organised by the North-East London Council of Action...

Pakistani workers & farmers pay for the imperialists’ crisis

EVERY day the number of people affected by the torrential rain and flooding in Pakistan is mounting. More than 20 million have been hit....

The US Falters, Shares Crash And Revolution Stalks Europe!

THE US, EU and Asian stockmarkets have taken yet another hit as the decline and fall of the US capitalist economy continues. On Thursday, the...

BMA collaborating with Tory White Paper!

Leaders of the British Medical Association (BMA) are pressing ahead with assisting GP commissioning, as outlined in the government’s White Paper to privatise the...

Coalition poised to hand out a death sentence for pensioners!

The Coalition is to hit out at millions of pensioners. Currently anyone over 60 is eligible for the winter fuel allowance, with households getting...


OFQUAL, the exams regulator, has given an ‘unprecedented glimpse’ into this year’s A-level results. In a letter, Ofqual’s chief executive Isabel Nisbet took the unprecedented...

Demand TUC call a General Strike!

The leaders of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have refused to condemn Labour right-winger Alan Milburn for accepting a position with the Tory-led coalition...

Bank Alarm Over Inflation Rate – Prices Still Above Target

BANK of England Governor Mervyn King was rattled yesterday after the latest UK inflation figures showed that prices are still soaring. Although the figures for...

Blairites Joining Coalition!

Former Labour deputy prime minister John Prescott yesterday furiously lashed out at the queue of Blairite former ministers who are joining the Tory coalition. He...

£65bn PFI Nightmare for the NHS!

THE PFI Private Finance Initiative was brought in by the Major Tory government, and while it was opposed by Labour in opposition, it was...

Graduating With £25,000 Debt

The University and College Union (UCU) yesterday warned against further increases to the cost of a university degree after a new survey revealed that...

Class war sharpening – unions need new leaders

YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Cameron, was warning the BAA Unite workers that they must not strike. This was at least six hours before the result...

Long-Term Youth Unemployment Up 41.9% In A Year

THE number of young people in long-term unemployment has soared by 41.9 per cent in the last year, the latest unemployment figures from the...

Cameron-Clegg set the bounty hunters on the poor!

First it was people on various disability benefits who were the enemy. The Cameron line is that these people are dodgers who should...

Simpson refuses to fight the Coalition

DEREK Simpson, the Unite co-leader, was brought onto the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday to deliberately attempt to undermine the struggle in the trade...

TORY MILK SNATCHING CRISIS! – Cameron forced to change line!

The government was plunged into crisis yesterday after Downing Street was forced to correct a Health Minister who had sent out letters proposing the...

Chelsea Tories just could not wait to start evicting

JUST hours after Tory leader Cameron announced that council houses were no longer going to be ‘homes for life’ – but were to be...

Call a general strike – build Councils of Action – forward...

THE Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) said yesterday that the government should ban strikes by workers in essential services, adding that this...

DEATHS WILL RESULT – from attacks on ambulance service

‘TINKERING with ambulance response targets could lead to unnecessary deaths,’ the GMB union, which represents ambulance drivers, warned yesterday. The union added that the government’s...

BMA leaders collaborate with NHS privatisation plans

The Chairman of the doctors union, the BMA, wrote a letter to the medical profession on 30th July regarding the new health White Paper...

Fight 40% Bus Cuts!

LONDON Bus reps are meeting at the Unite union office at Woodberry, Manor Park, north London at 11am today, to plan coordinated action to...

Cameron wants to create an army of the homeless

TORY LEADER Cameron yesterday unveiled the spectre of workers sleeping on the streets with his new diktat that council housing should no longer be...

NO benefits – and NO jobs either – the Duncan Smith...

WORK and Pensions Secretary, ex-army officer Duncan Smith, yesterday addressed the world about ‘our broken benefits system’, when most people know what has broken,...

NHS IS AT STAKE! –says DoH picket

OVER 50 people joined a picket of the Department of Health yesterday, demanding that the government honour a pledge from Tory Health Secretary Lansley...

Cameron takes a begging bowl to India

PRIME Minister David Cameron and the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government have decamped from London to New Delhi this week to drum up business, such...

Cameron increases police powers for war on Welfare State

THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government launched its White Paper Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people, on Monday. Home Secretary Theresa...

Leaked documents reveal a failed mass-murder machine

THE leaked 90,000 US Afghan war documents once again show – as did the My Lai mass killings of the Vietnamese people – the...

NHS trusts proceeding with £20bn cuts

NHS bosses have started to implement the £20 billion savage cuts programme, officially described as ‘efficiency savings’, that the new Tory government insists must...

Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’ Final Part

THE White Paper produced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government says that all NHS Trusts must become Foundation Trusts (FTs) within three years. There are...

Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’: Part Two

THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government’s White Paper on the NHS contains plans for sweeping changes. NHS Commissioning Board The sole commissioners for the NHS will...

‘Big Society’ a cover for destroying jobs and life-saving services!

TORY leader Cameron yesterday delivered his speech on the ‘Big Society’ but had a problem defining what he meant. He said: ‘You can call it...

Volunteers To Replace The Welfare State!

Public sector unions yesterday slammed prime minister Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ plans as a threat to public services and the welfare state. Commenting on Cameron’s speech...

HALT EDUCATION CUTS! – Teachers, pupils, parents and unions demand

Parents, pupils, teachers, school leaders, governors, local authority representatives and trade unions are lobbying MPs today to ‘Save our Schools’. The lobbyists will be...

Maude and Cameron seek the support of parliament for law-breaking

THE Tory-led coalition is rushing through parliamentary legislation to impose on the Civil Service trade unions savage changes to their redundancy agreement (Civil Service...

‘We are going to create the largest social enterprise sector in...

PRIMARY CARE Trusts are to be abolished and replaced by Federations of GPs who will purchase healthcare for their patients from both the public...

Families going without food!

Families with disabled children are going without essentials such as food and heating. This is the norm, not a temporary crisis brought on by the...

Tories want GPs to do their cuts dirty work!

The coalition government is pressing ahead with plans to make GP practices responsible for purchasing health care in England, replacing Primary Care Trusts and...

Hands off Serwotka – Sack the Coalition!

AT a time when the whole of the working class and the middle class is under the most savage attacks from the Tory Lib-Dem...

To defend jobs and pensions bring down the coalition!

UNIVERSITY STAFF and students are under massive attacks from the Tory-led coalition. Coalition ministers are pressing ahead with 25% funding cuts, and the UCU trade...