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Palestinians announce blood donation campaign for Syrian army

DAMASCUS, A blood donation campaign titled ‘A Drop of Blood from Damascus to Aleppo’ was organized in Damascus in appreciation of the sacrifices...

UK TROOPS GO INTO MALI! – FO tells Brits to quit...

BRITAIN is to send 350 troops to Mali to be deployed as ‘advisers’ and ‘trainers’, Defence Secretary Hammond told an anxious House of Commons...

Imperialism opens gates of hell in North Africa

TORY prime minister David Cameron has promised that British imperialism is prepared to wage a war lasting decades throughout Africa and the Middle East...

Puppet master Obama gives puppet Cameron’s strings a tweak

THE White House on Thursday issued a ‘Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom’. The record of the phone...

Bring Down The UK-French-US War Lords

BRITISH IMPERIALISM was run out of Basra and Iraq, and is about to be run out of Afghanistan. However, it is still organising new...

Assad Forces Go On The Offensive

SYRIAN government troops late on Sunday repulsed an attack by an armed gang on a police school in the northern city of Aleppo. This came...

‘WE ARE IN A STATE OF WAR – repelling a fierce...

SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday gave a defiant address to the nation, broadcast on national TV. Delivering a speech on the latest developments in...

‘LIFT THE BLOCKADE!’ – Abbas addresses Fatah rally in Gaza

HUNDREDS of thousands of supporters of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah party on Friday held their first mass rally in Gaza since Hamas took...

Obama tries to put a sticking plaster over the gaping wounds...

US President Barack Obama has hailed the deal reached with the Republican Party to avert a ‘fiscal cliff’ of huge tax rises and spending...

Gulf Feudalists Rally To Oppose Revolution And Syria

THE annual summit of Arab monarchs in the Gulf opened in Manama last Monday with a call for closer economic integration and unity in...

BRING DOWN COALITION IN 2013 – victory to World Socialist Revolution

2013 Manifesto – STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the year 2013 to the...


‘WHAT Are the Real Reasons of the Western Positions Vis-A-Vis President Al-Assad? Or Why Has President Al-Assad Become an Obsession for the United States?’...

Imperialist Vultures Gather Over Syria

HAVING failed to overthrow President Assad of Syria by force of arms, the imperialist powers are now turning to Russia, and are seeking the...

Bush, Cheney and Rice were personally told that Iraq had no...

THE US Think-Progress website has published the text of the ‘60 Minutes’ TV interview with former CIA official Tyler Drumheller who revealed that in...

Greek public workers national strike

ABOUT 5,000 public sector workers took part in two strike marches in Athens last Wednesday against mass sackings and wage cuts. The one-day national...

Another British Retreat From Kabul

PM Cameron has told MPs that 3,800 British troops – almost half of the current force serving in Helmand province – are to be...


PRESIDENT Barack Obama proclaimed Syria’s newly reorganised opposition as the ‘legitimate’ representative of the nation’s people on Tuesday, in the most significant...

Obama Ready To Step Up Intervention Into Syria

THE just re-elected US President, Barack Obama, yesterday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons against the NATO-supported opposition forces, saying...

NATO Patriot missiles–‘harbingers of a war on Syria’

THE Turkish privately-owned, mass-circulation daily Hurriyet, on 23 November, discussed the issue ‘Are the Patriots Harbingers of a War in Syria?’ It stated: ‘Turkey first...

Mursi follows on from Mubarak as the US’ man in Cairo

PRESIDENT MURSI of Egypt has followed up his successful negotiation of the end of the current round of Israel’s war with Gaza – which...

UK Opts For Syria Regime Change

WITH its recognition of the Syrian ‘opposition’ as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, the UK has joined France, Saudi Arabia and...

Quit Afghanistan now says Ashdown – as Cameron and Hague plan...

EX-Special Boat Service operative Ashdown can recognise a major defeat when it stares him in the face, and refuses to go away. He has called...

Victory to Hamas! Defeat Zionism and imperialism!

THE murderous, cowardly missile attack by Israel on Gaza, which killed Ahmed al-Jaabari along with 10 other Palestinians including two children, was a long-planned attack...

Hamas Prepares For Israeli Invasion

HAMAS yesterday vowed to avenge the deaths of its fighters and civilians in the Gaza Strip as Israel launched a full-scale attack on Gaza,...

Obama Heading For The Fiscal Cliff – US Workers Beware!

OBAMA’S re-election is a product of the refusal of US workers to allow an all-out robber baron of capitalism, Romney, to have control over...

Abbas surrenders to Israel and the US over the right to...

THE Palestine National Authority President, Mahmud Abbas has just been warmly greeted as a true friend and ‘partner for peace’ by the Israeli...

Western-Backed Syrian Opposition Committing War Crimes!

THE US, UK, French, Turkish, Saudi and Qatari-backed ‘Syrian rebels’, who have been armed, equipped, financed and recognised as the representatives of the Syrian...

US no longer recognises the Syrian National Council as leader of...

US SECRETARY of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Washington wanted to help the Syrian opposition unite against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime but...

‘Consign capitalism to the Natural History Museum!’ –Jonty Leff tells Anniversary...

More than 200 workers and youth got massive support from residents and shoppers as they marched through east London on Sunday, to a rally...

‘Revolution the only answer!’ Trotsky – News Line Anniversary rally told

UP TO 200 WRP and YS members and supporters marched through East London yesterday on the 43rd anniversary of the News Line daily newspaper...

US, UK, Turkey Make Sure Syrian Truce Collapses

A POWERFUL car bomb exploded in Damascus on Friday, on the first day of the Syrian cease-fire, killing five people and injuring 32. Thus was...

Defeat imperialist intervention into Syria – NO to war with Iran!...

THE Guardian newspaper reported yesterday that, ‘Britain has rebuffed US pleas to use military bases in the UK to support the build-up of forces...

Syria Supports Truce Plan

THE UN-Arab League Special Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi said yesterday that the Syrian government had agreed to call a truce on the...

Lebanese Camps Exact Toll On Over 400,000 Palestinians

NEW research published in The Lancet has uncovered the hidden health toll that refugee life in Lebanon has taken on more than 400,000 Palestinians. The...

Israel Poised For Gaza Attack!

ISRAEL is gearing up for another major attack on the Gaza Strip to try and drive back the revolutionary forces in the area. At the...

Peace Prize for the ‘Fourth Reich’

The European Union has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for ‘six decades of work in advancing peace in Europe’, according to Thorbjoern Jagland...

Syria condemns Turkish piracy!

SYRIAN transport minister Mahmoud Saeed yesterday accused Turkey of ‘air piracy’ over its forcing down of a Syria-bound passenger aircraft travelling from Russia. Turkish jet...

‘Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, US And France Induce And Support Terrorism...

SYRIA’S Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Mua’llim on Monday delivered a speech before the United Nations General Assembly. He warned: ‘Instead of seeking to contribute...

Putin Accuses West Over Syria ‘Chaos’

PRESIDENT Putin has accused the West of pursuing policies that had destabilised states in the Arab world and now risked creating chaos...

Obama Dumps Two-State Solution!

PROPONENTS of the two-state solution to Palestine, that is the creation of two separate states, Israel and Palestine through peaceful negotiations, with East Jerusalem...

Mursi supports imperialist drive to overthrow Assad!

PRESIDENT MURSI caused a Syrian walk-out at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Tehran yesterday when he attacked the Syrian government and supported the...

Libya disintegrates while the NATO vandals admire their work

A SHRINE in the Libyan capital Tripoli venerating a Sufi Muslim saint has been destroyed – the latest in a series of outrages by...

‘The situation… provides a historic opportunity to break free from the...

SYRIAN deputy Premier Qadri Jamil, and Syrian Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haydar have spoken on Damascus TV following their meeting...

New Axis Of Evil Threatens War With Syria!

THE new axis of evil, the leaders of the US, France and the UK, have come together to threaten Syria with war, with US...

Fatah Angers Hamas Over Gaza Tunnels

A SENOR Fatah official said Saturday that the Palestinian Authority supports Egypt’s efforts to shut down a tunnel network under the border with the...