Tag: strike
Herts FBU Warns Of Savage Cuts
Confidential documents passed to Hertfordshire’s Fire Brigades Union (FBU) show that confidential proposals have earmarked SEVEN more fire stations for either closure or downgrading,...
33 INSURGENTS FREED – in daring raid near Baquba
Iraqi insurgents freed 33 of their comrades in a daring pre-dawn raid on a puppet authority jail north of Baghdad yesterday. At least 18 puppet...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned against any ‘quick fix’ plan to keep asthma and heart patients out of hospital ‘just to...
‘We will fight NHS sackings’
‘We are going to fight the compulsory redundancies,’ West Midlands UNISON regional officer Opinder Tiwana told News Line yesterday, in the wake of University...
1.5 Million To Strike On March 28
One and a half million of the country’s most essential public sector workers will go on strike on 28 March to protest at unfair...
Blair’s policies split Labour and aid the Tories
‘IT’S wrong that Downing Street thinks it can run the Labour Party: we are an elected party, a democratic party,’ said the Labour Party...
Blair Savaged!
THE Prime Minister was savaged at his monthly press conference yesterday after the emergence of the ‘donations for peerages’ scandal and the fact that...
Gate Gourmet Workers – Good Support For March 25 Demo
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Direct Works Council Depot yesterday to publicise their march through Hounslow on the 25th of...
IT is Thursday afternoon in Paris and TENS of thousands of school and student youth have converged on the Place d’Italie. They are marching towards...
‘Unite, Rise Up And Resist The Invaders’
President Saddam Hussein called on Iraqis to ‘unite, rise up and resist the invaders’, at his show trial yesterday. This prompted chief judge Rauf Abdel...
Gate Gourmet workers win support for march
GATE GOURMET locked-out workers are campaigning every day for their march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th March. Lakhinder Saran told News Line yesterday: ‘I went...
Hounslow Council Leader To Speak At Rally
Gate GOURMET locked out workers were yesterday campaigning for their march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th March. At Hounslow Civic Centre, where the rally is...
Milosevic is dead but the crisis in the Balkans remains
THE death of Slobodan Milosevic in his cell at The Hague, four years into his trial by the imperialist powers for genocide, has left...
Action Ballot At Asda Wal-Mart
THERE will be ballots for industrial action at ASDA Wal-Mart, after talks with senior managers in the shops on Wednesday 8th, and depots on...
BA’S 2 YEAR PLAN – for £450m savings and up to...
THE new two-year business plan for British Airways was unveiled yesterday and includes provision for reducing costs by £450 million and restoring 10 per...
Police Halt Beacon Hill Picket
HEATHROW Airport police dismantled the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers’ picket tent on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout yesterday, threatening the workers’ TGWU Branch...
Police try to stop the Beacon Hill locked-out workers picket
HEATHROW Airport police tried to remove the Gate Gourmet picket from the Beacon Roundabout outside the airport yesterday. Three locked-out workers were picketing in their...
Blair wants toothless trade unions; Barber agrees
PRIME Minister Blair on Saturday, at a Unions 21 conference, urged unions to modernise to ‘seize the opportunities of globalisation and the changing nature...
Israel Threatens Palestine With The ‘Iron Fist’
ISRAEL has greeted the exercise by the Palestinians of their democratic right to elect Hamas as their governing party, with the most concentrated attacks...
‘our March Must Be A Big Success’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all trade unionists to join them on their march through Hounslow on Saturday the 25th of March. Speaking...
‘DISGUSTING HYPOCRISY’ –Buncefield firefighters invited to Downing Street are facing the...
‘HYPOCRISY!’ That was the reaction of angry firefighters picketing Downing Street on Wednesday night – disgusted that crews who fought the giant Buncefield oil...
HOME OFFICE ACCUSED! – of alerting Berlusconi over Mills extradition
‘Will the present inquiry by the Cabinet Secretary examine whether or not the Home Office acted improperly in relation to an extradition request for...
Bma Oppose Health Rationing
‘We are not against improving patient referral standards, but we are opposed to referral management to cut costs and ration treatment,’ British Medical Association...
GATE GOURMET locked out workers were back on the hill yesterday after their successful mass picket on Sunday. Lakhinder Saran said: ‘Our mass picket was...
Jowell Under Attack!
The Tories are demanding the Cabinet Office state whether or not Culture Minister Tessa Jowell has breached the ministerial code of conduct over her...
Al Sadr And Muslim Scholars Call For Imediate US Withdrawal
ABD-AL HADI al-Darraji, a leader of the militant Al-Sadr trend in Iraq has revealed that Representatives of Al-Sadr trend and the Association...
Blair puts ‘the country’ before the Labour Party
BLAIR came clean on at least one issue at his monthly press conference and that was where his loyalties lie. They definitely do not lie...
Greenford Bus Workers To Join Mass Picket
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are holding their monthly mass picket at the Beacon Roundabout, Beacon Road, near Heathrow Airport, Terminal Four from 11am to...
‘Join Our Mass Picket This Sunday’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all their supporters to join them at their monthly mass picket on the hill at the Beacon...
Syria Condemns US ‘Dirty Interference’
THE Syrian newspaper Al Thawra has attacked US ‘interference’, and its announcement that it is going to fund the Syrian ‘opposition’ to President Assad...
‘WE CAN’T GET JUSTICE!’ – Jean de Menezes’ cousin
‘The whole thing is a mess,’ Alex Pereira, the cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes told News Line yesterday. He was responding to reports that...
From New Labour Spin To Union Busting
GMB trade union members demonstrated yesterday against the union-busting propaganda for Asda Wal-Mart being supplied by public relations company Portland PR, which was set...
Gate Gourmet taking fight into the unions
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are taking their fight for reinstatement into the trade union movement and visiting Transport and General Workers Union and other...
Haiti Rises Up!
PRESIDENTIAL candidate, Rene Preval, has condemned the ‘gigantic fraud’ during last week’s elections in Haiti, where an insurrection is taking place by his poverty-stricken...
‘We are going to win this fight’
‘The union is not paying us hardship money, we can’t get Jobseekers Allowance and we can’t get another job. What does the union think...
Close Down Torture Camp!
The United States government is torturing inmates at its Guantanamo Bay concentration camp on the tip of Cuba, and it should be shut down. That...
Unions fight EU’s privatisation & cheap-labour Directive
THOUSANDS of workers marched to the European Parliament in opposition to the infamous Bolkestein Directive, to lobby a four-day debate of MEPs, in Strasbourg...
‘THIS WILL BE LABOUR’S POLL TAX’ – says angry demonstration against...
‘WE will not be numbered, tagged and fingerprinted.’ That was the message from hundreds of demonstrators outside parliament on Monday against the government’s plans to...
‘We will win’ say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘It’s very good to see that the British Airways pilots are ready to strike – things are coming to a head,’ locked out Gate...
SADDAM DEFIANT – as witness refuses to testify
The ‘trial’ of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein collapsed into into chaos minutes after it was resumed again yesterday. After boycotting the ‘trial’, Saddam arrived saying...
Heathrow class struggle sharpens as Terminal 5 looms
THE closer we get to the new Terminal Five, the more intense the class struggle becomes between the bosses of the BAA (British Airports...
Bush attacks the sick, the elderly and the workers
‘PRESIDENT George W Bush wants to make sure his tax cuts for the wealthy become permanent, at a cost of about $3...
200-Strong Picket Supports Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers
TWO hundred people joined a mass picket by the locked-out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow, six months after the 700-strong workforce at the airline...
Join Our Mass Picket Today!
‘WE appeal to all Transport and General Workers Union branches and workers and the whole trade union movement to come to our support,’ Gate...
Delphi workers rally against cuts in jobs, pay and healthcare!
UAW members in Flint, Michigan, announced last Tuesday they will be marching through the town against Delphi autoparts maker’s attack on their pay, healthcare...