Tag: strike
One word ‘strike’ sends the TUC into a spin
EARLIER this week the News Line stated that it would not be enough to adopt a programme at the current TUC Congress, but that...
Trial Of Egyptian Trade Unionists Set To Begin
THE trial of 49 trade unionists before an emergency court, for alleged involvement in the violent protests of 6 April 2008 in the Egyptian...
Demoralised Simpson says Cameron rather than Miliband!
ON the eve of the TUC Congress, the TUC leader, Brendan Barber, has issued a call to the Brown government to tax the rich. There...
UNIONS ON THE MARCH! – but General Council to oppose POA...
CIVIL service union PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka yesterday announced that the union will be balloting 270,000 members across the civil and public services...
‘Let them eat cake!’ Brown turns his back on the...
ADDRESSING the bosses of the Scottish CBI, Prime Minister Gordon Brown assured them that his government will not be giving workers, the poor and...
Plans To Privatise ‘La Poste’ Are A ‘Declaration Of War’
The French post office union federations, CGT, SUD-PTT, CFDT, FO, CFTC and CGC, have called on postal workers nationally to strike and demonstrate on...
TAKE ACTION NOW! – POA calls for one-day general strikes
The Prison Officers Association is calling for a series of one-day general strikes to force the repeal of the anti-union laws. Its motion on Trade...
Defend jobs, pay & services: Lobby the TUC! Build councils of...
THE Bank of England (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee decided yesterday to make no change in its base interest rate and to leave it at...
Pound drops and inflation rises as recession grows
THE pound fell to an exchange rate of $1.77 yesterday, its lowest level for two-and-a-half years. In June sterling was trading at $2, but...
Call For A Third ‘Independence’ Intifada
An adviser to the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat has urged Palestinian youth to begin a third intifada and popular strike to force the...
London Bus Strike ‘Solid’
‘The strike was properly solid! Only four buses went out of 142 buses,’ Unite Rep Mickey Leachman said when he spoke to News line...
‘The TUC leaders must act to defend jobs or make way for those who will,’ Dave Wiltshire, national secretary of the All Trades Union...
Gate Gourmet Strikebreak At Stansted
The GMB trade union yesterday condemned the use of Gate Gourmet-employed catering workers as strike breakers at Stansted Airport. Security workers who scan luggage at...
‘US Wants An Iraq Base To Strike At Iran And Syria’
TribAL leaders in southern Iraq accused the US Administration last week of attempting to establish permanent bases in Iraq to strike against its opposing...
Bankers gripped by fear are relying on ‘hope’!
THE new Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), Charles Bean said yesterday that when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ began last August central...
‘Bailiffs and Bulldozers, is the only way Lewisham Council are going to remove us’, is the motto of the Worried Tenants Group who are...
UK Economy Gripped By Slump And Inflation
UK economic growth ground to a halt between April and June, according to the latest official data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS)...
GATE GOURMET TACTICS! – GMB accuses Airfield Services
The GMB trade union yesterday accused Stansted security contractor Airfield Services of Gate Gourmet tactics. It said that Airfield Services was showing gross irresponsibility in...
‘FURTHER ACTION IN THE NEAR FUTURE’ – pledges Matt Smith of...
‘If there is no movement then we will have to look to further action in the near future,’ UNISON Scottish Secretary Matt Smith told...
Nationalise BAA – forward to a national transport system
THE call has gone up in the Competition Commission report that three of BAA’s seven airports – two of its three in London, out...
Put Musharraf on trial! End the US alliance
THE former military dictator of Pakistan, Musharraf who came to power by a military coup in 1999, and was the main ally in the...
Ukrainian Right Wing Draws Closer To Nato
THE decision by the Ukrainian government to offer joint use of missile attack and space early warning systems to the Western powers...
STRIKE ACTION AGAINST LOW PAY! – at Gatwick and Stansted airports
strike action against low pay was announced by Unite and the GMB unions at Gatwick and Stansted Airports yesterday. Unite head of Civil...
Sterling disaster – it crashes against the $ and the €
BANK of England governor King’s report, on the immediate prospects for British capitalism has produced a run on the pound – so precarious is...
Time For Real Wage Rises
YESTERDAY’S soaring inflation figures led trade union leaders to warn the government that members are demanding action against the wage-cutting three-year pay settlements. The Consumer...
Sri Lankan Air Force Attacks ‘Red Barra’ Settlement
TAMILNET reports that on Saturday Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) bombers attacked a populated village, known as ‘Redd Barna’ settlement, in Visuvamadu after targeting...
US inspired attack on South Ossetia backfires
THE correct intervention of the Russian army to defend the people of South Ossetia against the onslaught of the Georgian army has initially been...
Ossetia Invasion Backfires!
THE United States has warned Russia that its ‘disproportionate and dangerous escalation’ of the conflict in South Ossetia could harm bilateral relations, the White...
The ‘Duplicitous Traitor’ Strikes Again
LABOUR MP Bob Marshall Andrews, recently called the Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband a ‘duplicitous traitor’, after Miliband published an article in the Guardian...
DEFEND MAIL CENTRES – with strike action across the country
Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) leaders yesterday condemned Royal Mail’s announcement of major automated sorting centre closures affecting Liverpool, Oldham, Bolton, Stockport and Crewe...
Take Strike Action To Halt Closure Of Automated Mail Centres
ROYAL MAIL, acting on its brief from the government has announced the closure of major automated sorting centres which will affect Liverpool. Oldham, Bolton,...
‘WE ARE TREATED LIKE PIECES OF COAL’ – Colombian miners tell...
On an AFL-CIO Solidarity Center-sponsored exchange visit, Florida AFL-CIO Vice-President Mike Williams learned about Colombian workers’ constant struggle for social and economic justice – and...
£3 billion more of state aid for the Northern Rock
THE Northern Rock bank, recently nationalised by the government has made a £585m loss for the first six months of the year, but the...
Draft Lebanon Statement Supports The Right To Resistance
Lebanese Information Minister Tariq Mitri has announced that the committee tasked with the job of preparing the draft policy statement that will guide the...
Banks are crashing while 140,000 repossessions loom at Northern Rock
THE HSBC bank has just declared a 28 per cent, $3.9bn fall in half year profits. It has written off another $3.7 billion...
Knives out in the Labour cabinet mask a crisis of bourgeois...
JUST three members of the Labour cabinet put out a statement on Saturday supporting their leader Gordon Brown. Chancellor Darling, deputy leader Harman and skills...
Defend living standards! Nationalise the oil and gas companies!
JUST a few months ago the UNISON leadership accepted the government’s below inflation wage cutting deal over three years. Now the union has had...
Zimbabwe – Talks Break Up
Talks in South Africa on Zimbabwe’s political crisis broke up yesterday with no power-sharing deal achieved between President Robert Mugabe and the ...
OCCUPY CHASE FARM TO STOP IT CLOSING! – urges 1,000-strong...
A THOUSAND people – hospital staff, local residents, trade unionists and other groups from as far away as Crawley and Cambridge – joined the...
UNIONS must purge Labour Party of Brown and the Blairites
AFTER the Labour party defeat at Glasgow East, one of the safest Labour seats in the country, the Prime Minister Gordon Brown has stated...
‘we’ll Keep Chase Farm Open’
‘I AM confident that we will see thousands on today’s march to keep Chase Farm Hospital open’, said Bill Rogers secretary of the...
Civil Servants Start 3 Day Strike
CIVIL servants picketing the London Identity and Passport Service Office (IPS) by Victoria Station, in London, had run out of leaflets yesterday, such was...
Labour victimises the unemployed!
INCAPACITY Benefit will be abolished under the Welfare Green Paper just published by Works and Pensions Minister, James Purnell. The 2.7 million people receiving Incapacity...
Labour squeezing poor and cutting services to prop up the banks
CHANCELLOR Darling has told his cabinet colleagues there will be no more money made available for schools, hospitals or transport. These vital services face cuts,...
Price Explosion threat to working class
ENERGY bills will rise by more than 60% within the next few years, a report for the UK’s biggest domestic energy supplier Centrica said...